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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Tell me about it, there were a few weekends that I put on back to back 10+ hr days of riding. It was all new at that point and I was just getting back into spirited riding. The gap trip kind of scared me straight though....not the crash...what unsettles me is the very last run down the dragon. There wasn't a close call, slide, car or anything specific, but it could have turned very bad very quick.
  2. On second thought, I do miss hitting unknown routes and also being led at a spirited pace on the street.
  3. Is it wrong that I don't miss riding the street?
  4. Winter is too looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggg
  5. how many rear tires was that?
  6. Nahh, track time is never a wrong decision!
  7. Sunday, Monday and a private day tuesday sound killer, but I've set my mind on Road Atlanta this year.
  8. no shit....have to keep that in mind
  9. Yeah, saw that as well....think it was offset and was a sunday monday? Not sure if I could swing two trips, but would be interested.
  10. Doubt anyone wants to wait this long, but just thowin it out there.....N2 looks to be at Road Atlanta on April 4th and 5th.
  11. Any idea of the snell dates on the Bell RS-1's?
  12. RHill


    Its frustrating enough not being able to hit a track....even with the justification of shit weather.
  13. Last year was a blast at Jennings and I would love to go down there again, but at the same time there are some other tracks down that way which are really enticing.
  14. damnit, the 2015 schedules need to start going up, want to know the dates for Road Atlanta
  15. RHill


    Have to shovel any snow out of the way to get it in the garage?
  16. RHill


    So he isn't concerned about the heat/freeze thaw cycles? Spider web is a good way to put it; left a old tire in the garage last year; when it was smacked off the ground and flexed it looked like it shattered. Not sure about the fluorescent lights and generators, but materials that generate ozone are a concern.
  17. RHill


    Brought them in as soon as I realized how much life was left in them. So depressing seeing a bedroom full of tires with snow beginning to fall.....didn't ride nearly enough this year.
  18. RHill


    Hope everyone has switched their water over to antifreeze! Switched mine awhile ago, but just ran them a little tonight to get it circulated. Realized I still had a set of good tires on the bike so I pulled em off and brought them inside....should I be concerned abt the hot/cold overnights they have been through this fall, or mainly an issue below freezing?
  19. OK boys and girls.... http://www.kawasaki.com/Products/2015-Ninja-H2R#scrolltoh2r Speaking of maintenance
  20. need to get some real number plates and hit some races next year haha I said real number plates and mine are electrical tape
  21. mmmm hope we get to see some build porn of this one
  22. I'd be interested in a winter trip, couldn't commit till around the holidays. Location doesn't matter much to me....had fun at Jennings and couldn't have asked for better weather. I've been debating about hitting Road Atlanta this weekend, but the weather isn't looking all that warm. Hey, I lost the front at Jennings....(ignore that I was running a shitty take-off). 6 sessions for a 209 gpa to go from new to no siping at all....I think it was a medium or soft compound though. Either way, I normally pull minimum 4 days out of a good med+ 211 take off till there is no more siping. Hell, I got 4 sprints, a 20 minute and 3 track days out of the medium slick I had...even after having disgusting wear patterns at Putnam. The tire wear is not a deal breaker by any means, just something that you have to plan for with Jennings.
  23. After you become addicted....any way you can.
  24. Numbered jerseys is a neat idea....I know I suck at remembering details coming off the track, but could probably remember an easy to read jersey number. Gain any confidence in the slipper? Noticed you were gingerly downshifting in a couple spots.
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