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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Dbl post.....see you bishes this weekend
  2. Was trying to entice Jinu into coming out to the damn track. You stay away from my takeoffs!! bring them to PIRC and I'll get them out of your way...really didn't mean for it to take so long lol
  3. I'll be there, can't miss out on the clam bake! Don't know if I'll be able to resist the urge to do the trackday.
  4. Is that similar to being the king of kings of intermediate?
  5. Agreed, I don't think it is an inside pass at all, just a pass on the small straight that was setup by exiting the turn on the inside behind the rider. Literally happens multiple times EVERY session in I. I'll stand by the my initial judgement of the rider hesitating with the pass of the slower rider on the edge of the track....compare the video takers exit of 4 to previous laps, way lighter roll on the throttle. The hesitation made the CR think he was checking up behind the other rider, which reasured his pass (that was already setup on the inside). Then, at the end of the candy striping, the rider goes WOT and continues to turn into the center of the track for passing margin on the slower bike ahead; without realizing there is a bike closing to his inside. Two converging lines with timing that would have made it very difficult for the CR or ANYONE to recognize. You can't blame the CR for an unsafe pass IMHO...you can question the logic and purpose of the pass though. 1 rider alone in I is predictable, 2 or more be cautions and ready to react. You better be 100% sure of the situation and have "outs" if you are going for a multi-bike pass.
  6. So is N2 having control riders act as rolling caution signs with wave-by's? (from that other forum post by i-Zapp)
  7. I agree the CR's should be the most aware and courteous riders on track. Also agree that passing rules should apply to everyone out of uniformity and safety. I still can't blame on the CR for this accident just by the video....can't even say that the previous statement doesn't apply to this CR. Wouldn't mind asking the CR why he was passing and where he is going tho...
  8. Matt, I've had some bad luck with rain-x and fogging on the inside of the visor.
  9. You guys suck....thought this was actually about Nelson PIRC always turns into a clusterfuck for some reason. Checked out the video and I disagree with blaming the CR; it was a track day incident IMHO. 2 different lines going for the same pass. The CR stayed tight on exit and got on the gas early, while the guy who went down waited till he finished the turn on the regular line to roll on a second time and veer back into the track for passing clearance. The CR was already nose to tail side by side with momentum before he could have known the rider was going for the pass. I question if the CR even knew the downed rider was going for the pass. The CR was going right to left because he was setting up the next turn after the passes were complete.....just like ANYONE would do, not to "cut him off" or make a "dirty pass" as this guy put in his youtube description.
  10. Back to normal life at this point...I just watch the videos because you are in them; why do you think I was following you so much with the camera
  11. Seriously going through withdrawal from track time! Mid-O trackday following the AMA races, 5th and 6th sessions....won't lie been watching these and other track videos daily anticipating getting back on track.
  12. I need to find out what is going on with my mothers house that is selling. If I have a few weeks to get my stuff out of there, I could help you out..if the house is going quick, I'll be making a couple trips to PA this weekend.
  13. All I have is an open trailer, but would you want a ride?
  14. Since I can't ride and technically I'm not even allowed to drive myself to the track, I'm going to have to guess at the new bike: Tempted to just say fuck it and ride, but these pills just steal all motivation and the bike still needs fixed.
  15. Well there goes my plan to offer my bike if he puts it back together....
  16. Just heard back from NYST, they are extending my groupon track days to next year.....I can't thank them enough. You able-bodied people need to go to that track for me, now!
  17. I don't want to talk about it..... Just went through my gift certs and made sure the only ones I have remaining are good for next year. Stupid collarbone...wtf is this thing good for anyway.
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