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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Really hope it isn't as bad as it looks... Not talking the dirty surface; talking the armco and concrete wall. 3:35-39 and the run onto the front straight are hairy.
  2. Hopefully biker jesus understands I'll be riding this old POS for the remainder of this year at a minimum, might upgrade if I decide to get real serious about racing....but in that case, biker jesus needs to help me like drop 40lbs as well as find a new bike on the cheap. Pretty sure the Annitori has a lifetime warranty against defects, so hopefully I won't have any issues there.
  3. Foot is clear of the shifter, plan to check and make sure everything is free moving and not binding up.
  4. First time trying to cut front/rear cameras together
  5. bump, straight subframe for $50, hard to beat also have forks sitting around as well
  6. Let me know what to bring to get in on this, need to make a grocery run later in the week in any case.
  7. As I will the Jack! We going to grill again? I'll bring some chicken or something.
  8. Coming up quick....who is in? I'm undecided on the trackday; I'll be there, but may just pit bitch. In for the 750 and 600 sprints on Sunday for sure.
  9. sorry, double post. yeah, I'm using an annotori quick shifter. Plan to do some basic stuff first, then disconnect if the issue persists at the next track day. The gauge flicker may be the angle changing when the gas cuts off/on...not sure on that one. The place I spotted it most was in the kink @13 seconds; however, the tach seems to "dim" too which makes me think it the angle changing. With the GSXR when the tip over sensor cuts out, you have to kill the bike and restart it, so I'm thinking it isn't the issue.
  10. Kev, the only thing I don't get is why it would come and go the way it has if it was the battery? Going away as the day progresses makes sense if it is starting low and charging up, but both times it appeared immediately following a track day that had no issues...so you would think it would be topped up and ready to roll. Jason...yep that's the feeling, it was happening accelerating out of corners as well, and was pretty unnerving. Picked out that section of video because it had the most "cuts" the quickest and it was the first one I found. It was pretty constant each lap, then just faded away. I'll do what I can while not at the track....check over the wiring, clean all the contacts, check battery condition, check the charging system and top up my spare battery. When I get to the track I'll start simple, run the bike first session to see if the problem is still there. If it cuts, come in and change the battery, then start removing accessories to see if it persists. Thanks guys, the input is really appreciated, need to get this sorted before the races in August. If anyone else has input, I'm all ears!
  11. I moved the PC monday when remounting my go-pro, so I think it is good, but I'll add the connections for it to the list of things to go over. The ground for it goes straight to the battery, so I'll clean that up too. The battery seems strong, no issues cranking or anything....I'll pull it out and put it on the charger just to be sure. I have a spare and a LiFePo4 that I'll take to the next track day to throw in if this persists. I have a QS; did your issue feel like a normal shift cutout or something more? To me this feels longer than the normal cutout from the QS, but that might just be in my head & not expecting it. I'll add that to the list of things to try at the track. The thing I find odd is it seems to be temperature dependent almost; both times it has happened have been first time out for the day. Monday was two sessions, though it happening less and less the second session. I could be completely wrong with that observation though.
  12. Problem appeared first at PIRC in the early warm up before races. Went away entirely for the second warm up, races and the track day friday at Mid-O. Monday rolls around and it is back for the first and second sessions then goes away entirely. It seemed to only occur on the gas hard and not necessarily at any RPM. If you watch closely the gauges flicker as well. When it cuts out, it cuts out hard. The only time I've felt something similar is on my street bike when the negative terminal on the battery came loose. I'm checked it at Mid-O, but everything was tight. Plan to check the ground and clean all the connections just to be sure. Any other opinions?
  13. Problem appeared first at PIRC in the early warm up before races. Went away entirely for the second warm up, races and the track day friday at Mid-O. Monday rolls around and it is back for the first and second sessions then goes away entirely. It seemed to only occur on the gas hard and not necessarily at any RPM. If you watch closely the gauges flicker as well. When it cuts out, it cuts out hard. The only time I've felt something similar is on my street bike when the negative terminal on the battery came loose. I'm checked it at Mid-O, but everything was tight. Plan to check the ground and clean all the connections just to be sure. Any other opinions?
  14. 92, you were rolling around there pretty damn good for being your first time at Mid-O. Glad you and everyone else had a good time. Hard to ask for a better day! Sorry to hear that, hope it wasn't anything serious! IMO, it helps a lot being able to review body position at first, then lines and consistancy after the adrenaline has worn off. A camera is one of those things that isn't necessary, but allows you to get more value/learning experience out of the trackday after it has come to an end. Sunday is a twilight and Monday is a normal full day.....but check the weather.
  15. Wish it was easier to see, but if you pay close attention when I come to a stop, you can see the canopy flip over the wall and get some good elevation.....glad the gate lady didnt get whacked with it, could have been a bad day. I was cracking up watching it go down, but had to lend a hand....I couldn't see the gate lady controlling that thing if another gust of wind came through and really didn't want to see the results if the canopy flipped onto the front straight as bikes were coming through.
  16. First shot is to show foot position/clearance, second one because I cant resist.
  17. ^ haha do that same thing
  18. ^ you guys make me want more cameras......and to go faster!
  19. Thanks! It is hard to imagine dropping 4 seconds let alone 14. It was light in advanced and pretty heavy in intermediate Monday, seemed like they were bumping riders in the mid/upper 40's. I had some pretty crazy closing speeds in spots, but it wasn't a big deal. (like 10 seconds into the last video; would love to see that from his perspective). On a full day, I would think they would be a lot more reserved with bumps. If you are not sure, start in intermediate and ask a coach to ride around with you....they might bump you up, or give you some pointers that will help get you up to pace for A. Solid, consistant lines are what is necssary, but if you can click off a 45/6 every clean lap(when there is traction of course) then I'd think you would be OK. Intermediate can be a bit frustrating with the traffic; I know it was for me at first, but if you concentrate on your riding the passes will start to come in droves.
  20. Think this is my personal best, but who knows when the lap timer was being so spotty. 3:18.66 on two combined laps, so averaged a 1:39.33. The last lap was a 1:39.9 while blowing & bogging the 13/14 transition. Still a lot of time left to cut, I can spot 2 or 3 glaring mistakes on all 3 unimpeded laps; add in a little more entrance/corner speed in 1, brake deeper to move markers up, stronger drives everywhere with a fresh tire....think 37's will be hard but possible. Left a little oops in there at the end; tried to ride through the chicane in 4th and had no chance.
  21. Brian, its all good, won't be doing it again. Nice video! I've wanted to put together a real edit, but never have the patience to make all the cuts and edit it up. Damn that patch looked slick! Friday 6th session...sorry the audio is all messed up....thought it was funny that there was pretty much always one instructor or another following/filtering through behind me the entire session. Glad I could give them an excuse to have some fun for a few laps
  22. Check out the bottom of your boot....I keep my peg right on the "a". You can see where it is chewed up from the aggressive vortex tread in the pic below. Stand up, then lift your heels off the ground...that is where you should feel the inside peg in a turn. IMHO I have to say though, I have hit the toe slider on my streetbike with stock rearsets.
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