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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Track or race day, anytime 9-5, but I'd say arrive at least an hour before lunch at noon; watch some sessions, grab some grub and relax with some friendly ppl; then watch some more sessions after lunch.....then go home, get on your computer, and schedule your first track day. Just for reference, here is a normal track day schedule followed by a race day schedule. 6:00 Gates Open Most Tracks, 7:00 Putnam Park 7:00 Optional Track Walk, assemble at Registration 7:30 Registration Opens 8:00 Tech Inspection Opens 8:30 Mandatory Riders Meeting 9:00 Track Day/Schools Begin, Each group rotating every 20 minutes First -Advance Group Second -Intermediate Group and Race School Third -Novice Group 12:00 Sessions End, Lunch Break Begins 1:00 Lunch Break Ends, Track Day/Schools Begin, Each group rotating every 20 minutes First -Advance Second -Intermediate and Race School Third -Novice 4:00 Mock Race - Rehearsals for Racing Starting Grids 4:10 Combined Intermediate and Advance Groups 4:40 Novice Group 5:00 Track Day/Schools end 5:15 Graduation Ceremonies 9:00 Gates Locked (access times vary for each track) Typical Race Day Schedule for Nelson Ledges: 6:00 Gates Open at Nelson Ledges 7:30 Registration and Tech Opens 8:45 Riders Meeting, assemble at Tech area 9:00 Registration and Tech Closes, Practice - Open to all groups first hour 10:10 Heavy Expert and Novice 10:25 Expert Only 10:35 Light Expert and Novice 10:50 Practice Ends, First Call for racing 10:55 Third Call Racing, 5 Minute Board Displayed 11:00 Race 1 750 GT, Vintage MW Super Bike 1 11:20 Race 2 Twin Super Bike 1, Vintage Sport 11:40 Race 3 1000 and 600 Super Bike 1, Vintage HW Super Bike 1 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Race 4 1000 and 600 Super Bike 2, Vintage HW Super Bike 2 1:20 Race 5 250 Super Bike 1, Vintage Classic 1:40 Race 6 Twin Super Bike 2 2:00 Race 7 1000 GT, Vintage MW Super Bike 2 2:20 Race 8 250 Super Bike 2, Vintage Light, Vintage Ultra Light 2:40 Endurance Practice if time permits 3:00 3 Hour Endurance at Nelson Ledges, Mini 20, Mini Iron Butt 6:00 Racing Ends 6:10 Trophy Presentations 9:00 Gates Closed (access times may vary)
  2. Oh man , that sounds way too organized for the all out chaos we will reign down on any poor souls who happen to be at that track. Although picking up lap times/qualifying sounds pretty cool.
  3. Got excited and called already. The only discount they offer is blocking out for groups at $70/person per hour. I wonder if Todd could negotiate us anything better. Requirements are full helmet, neck brace, jacket, gloves, long pants and no open toe shoes. They have it all there for free, but require a head sock for rental helmets. $3 for the sock.
  4. I think they run till 8. Wonder how much it will run if we get a decent size group. Might give them a call this afternoon if I get a chance.
  5. PIRC rental karts???? anyone tried these things out? a few friends may be visiting and at $20/10 minutes or $50/30 min I don't want to get their hopes up If they are worthwhile....anyone want to get an OR/Motoseries kart race going saturday after the trackday? Testing out the gear for the weekend....damn thing is bigger than I expected
  6. ouch.... Luckily I think Snot is talking about something like PSR 2 up tank bar that Twizted posted earlier. If not, I think the Lacey(girl in question) would have a differing opinion. I hate to say it, but maybe a more comfortable bike is in the distant future. edit: Not just because of the girl....3hr highway on back to back days with a little fun mixed in the middle really killed me. Of course my wrist is still screwed up from my accident at PIRC and my shoulder has been bothering me since the Deals Gap incident.
  7. I've had similar things happen on my 600 and while it does frustrate you and sometimes even piss you off...it is satisfying when you hit the turn and have better drive to get past the guy who has been parking in the turns on the 750/1000. But you are completely right, it can get very frustrating when you are down on HP....in the last 3 minutes of the video below I was probably pissing this SV(I think?) off. I had no idea he was there or I would have gladly let him by and probably learned a thing or two following him.
  8. On my trip to the beach, the girl fell asleep on the back. She was also sitting on a homemade passenger seat...brackets pulled from the pillion cover, piece of plywood cut to shape, some cushion foam, towel and a few staples. She was shorter as well and a much more seasoned passenger and it was highway the whole way. That was on my 01 gsxr; which I think was a more comfortable bike for both riders. The one thing that crossed my mind was making a rear seat extension to bridge the gap between my ass and the rear seat. Or maybe handle bar risers to scoot my whole body back a little. I'm 5'7" and when I scoot the whole way back to the rear seat I'm leaned over real far and I don't think she would be able to rest on my back comfortably. I figured resting against me would give her some relief, but our helmets clanked together a couple times(shes is the same height as me) and she pulled her had back...causing her to again be uncomfortable. I have no problem supporting her weight while riding or even under braking, it will just strengthen my core and help me stay lighter on the bars riding by myself. She did excellent for her first time on a sportbike, we were on back roads in PA, so lots of bends, bumps and elevation changes....which added to the stress on her. The first turn we took, she counter-leaned and it surprised me how much she affected the bike, but I knew exactly what and why it was happening....immediately stopped and told her to lean with me. After that it felt just like straight up riding and she really wants to do it again. I'm going to have to pick up some gear for her before we go out on the bike again.
  9. I had planned on painting "free candy racing" on the side and picking up ice cream truck music.
  10. I'm really considering dumping my trailer and picking up a cargo van....the decision hinges on how the tent camping goes this weekend. The trailer works great for single day trips, but it is more work to load/unload since every little thing has to be removed and it doesn't give you anywhere comfortable to sleep without bringing other crap that needs loaded/unloaded.
  11. Jeff, you know what would be even better....if you did the school and were racing.
  12. Anyone have any tips for 2 up riding besides getting the woman a bike or getting a different bike? I'm not sure how to tell her to sit, only rode 2up one time in the past w a girl that had been on sport bikes in the past. The previous time was a 7 hr trip to the beach; and we rested abt every 2 hours and she was fine. This weekend we went for two 20-30 minute stints and she was beat. I told her to use he hands on the tank to support herself, or to lean up against my back; she she said her wrists hurt when pressing on the tank. I tried to sit more upright, but idk if that helped or hurt our cause. I think one of the main problems is I was sitting forward and she was almost in the front seat with me. Really want to help her be more comfortable, it was actually fun after I told her to keep her head on the inside of mine through the turns.
  13. At the rate I'm putting bikes down I'll probably need another by the end of the season
  14. Don't make me hold you to that. That price come with the extra wheels?
  15. Having two bikes, I'd just dedicate one for the street and one for the track. First off, you don't have the yearly fees if it is not street legal. Next, are you really going to go through the trouble of removing the track stuff and putting street trim back on when you have another street bike parked right beside it? Also consider that a non-streetable bike will save you a lot in your initial purchase cost...money you can put toward goodies or track time. Finally, you are really limiting your potential purchases if it has to be streetable(lots of relatively cheap decked out track bikes will not come with titles) I wanted a 650 for my track bike, but I couldn't pass up the deal on my 600. I wouldn't sell it for anything less than you paid....unless you sell it to me, then $500 should do.
  16. Wonder if trackmaster will work without data if you download the map on WiFi.
  17. RHill

    Slick ?'s

    Guess I'll keep them mounted and take it down flush then change the rear out during lunch. That will give me time to get acquainted with another takeoff before the racing Sunday. I haven't felt these tires slip much other than mid-o in the morning; they have been really confidence inspiring. once these training wheels are mounted up i should be able to get a lot more life out of these tirss since I'll only be wearing the centers.
  18. RHill

    Slick ?'s

    Are the wear indicators/dimples a good indication of remaining life? Wait till they go flush? Feel is going to be the determining factor, but I'm trying to figure out if I should leave the rear mounted for another half day which will probably have the indicators nearly flush. How fast do these things "go away" as they get to the end of their tread life? Heat cycle life? Are certain mfgrs different from each other?
  19. ahhh; hidden below the "like" and "comment" buttons there is text and more links to "like" "comment" and finally "share". Thanks MJ! facebook....where you can "like" and "comment" about each and every individual word in a sentence
  20. not sure why that doesn't seem to work properly; I have the destination set in wooster and it is ending at my second route point....probably not something correctable on the fourm end of things test 2 https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-11+N&daddr=40.9785974,-81.162489+to:40.7872606,-81.3796589+to:40.753026,-81.61308+to:US-250+W%2FDover+Rd&hl=en&sll=40.815457,-81.306134&sspn=0.589292,1.352692&geocode=FS5BbQIdQa0w-w%3BFaVIcQIdB48p-ynLOP7NhUoxiDGGO2DTUMuo0Q%3BFTxdbgIdtj4m-ymJgmqOiNo2iDGhK4FKmOrE3w%3BFYLXbQId6K4i-ym996MOIiQ3iDG09anXOv-Czg%3BFUMWbgId5S0e-w&t=h&mra=dpe&mrsp=3&sz=10&via=1,2,3&z=10 edit: yep thats weird, it ends at the last destination point, but not the actual destination address specified in the directions
  21. testing a random route to see if point directions work properly: https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-11+N&daddr=40.9785974,-81.162489+to:40.7872606,-81.3796589+to:US-250+W%2FDover+Rd&hl=en&sll=40.815457,-81.306134&sspn=0.589292,1.352692&geocode=FS5BbQIdQa0w-w%3BFaVIcQIdB48p-ynLOP7NhUoxiDGGO2DTUMuo0Q%3BFTxdbgIdtj4m-ymJgmqOiNo2iDGhK4FKmOrE3w%3BFUMWbgId5S0e-w&t=h&mra=dvme&mrsp=2&sz=10&via=1,2&z=10
  22. I "liked" the link on facebook....guessing that is sharing? Free track time FTW!
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