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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Based on my experience with MyLaps/AMB from RC and what I've heard over the past year around the track, I'd like to give them as little money as possible. If MotoSeries offered the same lease AND the yearly subscription cost stayed with the series, I'd sign up right now.
  2. Newsletter has some info about the garage and bathroom construction....ETA 3 weeks as of June 6th(when the letter was posted on facebook). http://myemail.constantcontact.com/The-Pitt-Race-Newsletter----June-2013.html?soid=1102329622351&aid=7dI-F0_1iHE I think the gates close at 10pm. argh, this whole buying a transponder thing is a bitch, anything under $300 for a used one and they are gone instantly.
  3. Should be there Saturday and sunday Probably do the same races as before, 2nd 600 sprint and 20 minute.
  4. I clutchless up shift almost all the time, and occasionally clutchless down shift while coasting at low rpm with a small amount of roll on.
  5. I have a pair of blue smx-5s, literally worn once and have been sitting in the box since
  6. Sorry guys, I'm an idiot. I was thinking this was for tomorrow; had a company golf outing today that I couldn't get out of. Glad the ride went well!
  7. Cool, Im going to bring that engine if you have the cash
  8. I'm considering this, you planning on attending Ron?
  9. Bit would be going on an 04 gsxr 600.
  10. What is your opinion on running the 195 on a 5.5 rim? I have one on now and it felt OK, but I didn't get anywhere near the edge because of the steeper profile on the narrow rim. I didn't notice the current tires were 195's till I already had them home or else I would have questioned buying them. I just don't want to create a hazard for myself, slight change in geometry isn't going to bother me.
  11. I'm not sure what their requirement is, but as long as you are running fairly consistant lines I'd say if you are consistantly under 2 minutes then you should be ok to go. Honestly, the first 4 sessions were pretty damn slow in intermediate as well, there just wasn't enough traction. I know someone with a cbr that is looking to sell it, I'll point him your way.
  12. Would these be available for pickup? Relatively fresh? I have a bunch of older tires to burn through, but it would be nice to be set up for the entire year into next.
  13. I didn't realize there were track days then; who wants to go in on a garage? Don't know if I can get off both days, but I'm going to try.
  14. Unfortunately there were a few wrecks in the morning, but I don't think there was anything too serious injury wise. I figured the slicks were hurting me when I was having to fall back, but all in all at the end of the day I was happy with two sessions of pushing my limit at a new to me track. Now my concerns is the next track day there where I will have to be cautious again in the early sessions. I think I'll wait to the dead of summer to get the most hot track time and rent a garage to stay cool and avoid using the generator. Jeff, you know, I was considering staying there for a second day; only reason I didn't was to wait for hotter weather.
  15. I rode for a long time without even thinking about earplugs....something about being young and stupid. With that being said, this is my take on it now: If you know you were going to crash, you would put on all your gear; so why not put in hearing protection if you know you are going to be exposed to damaging levels on wind noise. There is no reason not to wear some form of hearing protection, and a quiet helmet is not quiet enough.
  16. Arrived at Mid Ohio in shorts and a t-shirt expecting it to be like the previous 3 days at Nelson....boy was I surprised when I rolled my window down to sign in at the gate. Everyone at the riders meeting had on jackets, hoodies, jeans or were already suited up in their leathers; meanwhile I'm still in shorts and a t-shirt because I was busy unpacking. Even the tech guy said plain and simple "don't go out". I told him that it was my first time at Mid Ohio and I was just going to sight out the track on the first session; he responded "oh, well take it extremely slow". From the moment we went around the keyhole my already doubtful confidence in traction was obliterated. At the turtle pace we were going, my rear end was squirming around left and right. I had slicks hot off the warmers and as we putted around I had to fall back from the group; shaking in my boots around every turn. Knowing how slick the track is cold and what the tech inspector warned; the first two laps around Mid Ohio was bad enough I thought "it can't be this bad, my tire pressure has to be way off". Pulled in the pits and it was fine, but the tires had already accumulated a ton of rubber from the track and the surface of the tires were cold. Went out and finished the session tip toeing around each corner, trying not to think about every slip. Each session the pace picked up and the traction increased, but going into lunch I was bit disappointed in the day. Then, after lunch, it was like someone clicked on a switch as the 4th session started; no longer waiting till the bike was upright, the throttle could be smoothly rolled on through the turn. Occasionally there was a little slip and slide action accelerating out of a corner, but it was manageable. By the 6th session the overcast sky was beginning to break and the sun was peaking out intermittently and confidence in traction for drive out of turns started to take hold. The metric the guys in the group were using for each session was based on how much we were sweating when we came in; we were bone dry in the early sessions, the 4th session the leathers might have started to tack up just a little, but by the end of the 6th session I think we had all worked up a good workout sweat. Needless to say, the disappointment from earlier in the day was gone and I was anticipating the final session even before the warmers were back on the tires. The following video is the last session of intermediate on June 3rd at Mid Ohio. My lines are not the greatest, apexes are shit, braking markers(or lack thereof) are way too cautious and turn in points are guesses; but I was having a shitload of fun. At around the 8:50 mark I clear traffic for some open track and ride the rest of the session at my comfort limit being newb to the track.
  17. Would like to make this, but I only have 1 more personal day at work till late July and I think I'll be using that for another day at Mid-O. Might go to PIRC that weekend though.
  18. Injury update on MotoSeries site.... http://motoseries.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1840 Want to thank everyone who lent a hand throughout the weekend; Ron, Cox, Jeff, Craig, Brandon, Jinu; thanks guys! The people at these events are great. Pretty boring video of my ass from race 2 superbike after the red flag. My nerves were going strong and I was screwing shit up all day, so I didn't bother with a second camera and this is the only time I actually hit the record button. Can't really tell, but there was a group of 3 bike in front of me; the front one slowly pulled away, the second two pass in turn 4(where the one runs wide and I pass on the inside line), then I tail remaining guy to the line trying to make it interesting at the very end....I should have passed a few times, but I just didn't have the confidence and was getting pulled on the straights pretty bad.
  19. RHill


    anyone have a parking preference or a couple people and split a garage?
  20. Had a close call today...got a little greedy with the throttle on the exit of the carousel.
  21. RHill


    Link and I signed up for Monday! I'm going to be tired as shit; friday, saturday, sunday racing, monday all at the track.
  22. No rain till it was over, sky looked horrible at times, but the riding was great. Ground was damp on the start, but confidence grew quickly.
  23. How far away from the track are you? I was thinking of picking up a tent and sleeping bag, but that may be easier.
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