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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Please don't talk about NYST, my wallet doesn't like when you talk about NYST. Shit, I just looked NESBA is there the 24th and 25th.
  2. Doubt he could do anything on Sunday since there is racing at Nelson that day.
  3. do not use harbor frieght straps on anything! specifically those 1" wide neon orange ones. I kept a set in my car for the longest time "just in case" and decided to use one to hold a ramp on my trailer. Second trip and 4th time using the strap the seam at the loop broke. Didn't realize till I was home, but luckily the ramp made it.
  4. Yeah, I wasn't real impressed with a lot of the low angle shots he took this time. The shot around T1 was pretty cool, wish I would have been moving a little quicker, but my pace was way off all night.
  5. I wonder where he was taking this angle from?
  6. Protecting my lane! There would have been another bike in the picture, but I kicked them out of frame. Nah, I signaling to come in to the pit. Almost asspacked someone earlier who ran wide on the exit of 12 (and I drove out of 12 to pass on the outside entering the carousel) then crossed track as they tossed out their arm to signal....after that I signaled starting early in thunder valley the whole way through the outside of the carousel. I forgot they were taking photos....I was riding so bad I'm scared to even look.
  7. Turned out to be a nice evening of track time! Probably post up some video later this week...not sure how much was actually recorded because I screwed up turning the cameras on a few times.
  8. Yeah, I'd really like to make the 2nd if funds allow. Probably roll in Sunday night if I do. Wish the air fence would go in first and this would just be a track run event to celebrate all the track improvements......
  9. Would have been more amazing if the driver hit it going 30mph faster and landed it like a big tabletop jump
  10. Wish I had the money and space. This is a really nice bike!
  11. I'm not sure how it is run, but if it open format I'll probably only use the warmers at the beginning of the day. I was thinking of it as a normal track day, twilight doesn't really make sense like you are saying
  12. Thanks, looks like I'll be hauling the generator then.
  13. anyone interested in going in on a garage? its twilight track time, so intermediate and advance riders only....not sure if you have been to the track before
  14. I should be registering tomorrow...will be my first twilight there.
  15. Welcome! Keep an eye out of NEO rides.
  16. that was fine till you stayed out for an extra 4 laps after the 20 ended
  17. I'd rather be stuck behind him than have him keeping up with me. I suck at passing.
  18. I have about 10 minutes of footage on YouTube if you guys need more ammo.
  19. Sorry to hear! Hoping for a speedy recovery! Riding alone is one of those thing that didn't phase me when I first started riding, but after a few downs it sets it how what kind of messed up situations can result from riding country roads by yourself. Yet, I'll still do it.
  20. RHill

    Chain Tool?

    I've always used the spring style master link on my street bikes; wouldn't hesitate to use it on the track bike either, other than getting shit when going through tech. Installed correctly("sharp" stamped side out and open end trailing), there is nothing wrong with the spring clips retainer IMHO. The problem arrises when people install them wrong, damage them, or continue to use them after they have become bent or twisted.
  21. Get a standard external drive to use as a backup at home and store your music on your laptop...I built a 2tb redundant NAS for the same price as that first drive you listed up.
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