I've been pretty quiet about this to date but my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer about a month ago. She's scheduled to have a lumpectomy this Friday. The good news is, the prognosis (to date) is very good and it was caught relatively early through self-exam. We have to wait for the pathology reports, results of the genetic testing, results of the Oncotype DX testing (forecasts odds of recurrence), and the results of the lymph node exam to be done during the surgery. All of this will determine next steps (chemo, mastectomy, etc, etc). I post not for well wishes etc, but as a PSA for the ladies to do your self-exams and mammograms and for the guys to remind your ladies to do their due diligence. In the past year, three women from my office were diagnosed and one passed a few months ago. It can happen to you or your loved one.