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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. The 250 with the new XG-1 slip-on after a short ride today.
  2. Didn't some chick in Cuba do the same thing and held her son while it was being done? yup she sure did and here is the link. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/31/mother-tattoo-son_n_2591132.html
  3. Nothing in the water, we can't ride our bikes during the winter so we have to ride our wives to make up for it.
  4. Tried that once, slept on the couch for a week.
  5. My sad jokes aside, I couldn't agree more with bshultz, nothing beats the feeling of hearing my 2 year old and 4 year old screaming daddy and running to the door arms wide open the whole way and the biggest smile you could ever imagine. Fatherhood is a wonderful and humbling experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
  6. Just bustin' balls, have an uncle who rides a Gold Wing and hits the twisties all the time.
  7. Cruisers ride twisties? I thought the stayed to straight roads to avoid scrapping chrome.
  8. Imagine the smell if it was fired afterwards.
  9. Glad your okay, hope everyone else is as well, shitty way to end the night.
  10. Damn it man made me spit out good beer.
  11. Congrats...get sleep now while you can and remember for the first two years you teach them to walk and talk, the sixteen after that to sit down and shut up. Pray it is a boy also because daughters WILL make you go grey faster, trust me I know all too well
  12. Same thoughts I had with going for Rider Insurance, so after sitting with the wife and going over all the info the agent gave us it looks like we are going to go ahead and switch to SF when we move the package price and coverage is what we are looking for and after reading reviews on line and your input here. Thanks for helping make a nerve racking choice a lot easier.
  13. We have nothing to fear, unless we hear banjos. Then you will see the fastest 250 ever.
  14. That is so wrong on so many levels.
  15. I don't care what we do, I just want to ride!
  16. Not sure why its just a 250, hell there is a Boulevard that has been sitting uncoverd a few units over for almost a year now only time it was touched was when those kids kicked it over. Has me thinking it is someone I know.
  17. Tell me about it, won't be that way for much longer.
  18. Its only going to be the homeowners insurance, car and life the bikes will stay with Rider Insurance.
  19. So my wife and I have been thinking about switching from Progressive to SF when we move to the house to in July and putting everything in a bundle. Does anyone have or had SF and what was/is your experience with them.
  20. It was the heat of the moment, not the smartest thing to but after having it taken before I didn't want it to happen again. That bike to me is more than a thing, I know it's cliche to say but its my get away from the normal everyday bullshit and has helped me over come depression.
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