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About blue-yamaR6s

  • Birthday November 29

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2008 Yamaha R6S

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  1. Pauly, I am sorry to hear about this. Wishing a speedy and complete recovery for you both. It's been too long since we last talked. The motorcycle family is amazing! If you need anything, let me know.
  2. Doc, good Luck on the move. Glad to be of the few that got to ride with you although it was not as much as I would have liked. You are a good, fast rider. Family first!
  3. So glad you are okay... didn't see it happen but that was a nasty high side. Glad for good gear to wear. Hope the ear starts feeling better.
  4. Had a good time this weekend as well doing a track day and then helping out with the more technical end of the endurance race behind the computer with the timing and scoring. I have quite a bit to learn but it was fun learning and watching the times come in.
  5. Haha, noted. I am excited that racing is back!
  6. no, but plan to help out the scoring and timing....
  7. Will be there both days...looking to be a good weekend.
  8. I believe Mike (from Mid-O) will be teaching Novice with Lean this year at Nelson when they are not running the Endurance Racing this year. Check the schedule at www.leantd.com. I have been under his teaching several times with Lean and he is quite good. Besides, it's a close track to home and it's pretty good to learn on with the new surface. I highly recommend Lean for a first track day for Isaac. Just my experience. Sam is a pretty good guy and can answer any questions prior to going.
  9. Thanks for the code...I will be there this afternoon sometime.
  10. Still love the suit I bought from you last year!!! Looks the same. Great suit!
  11. My wife was a witness to this accident yesterday. Shook her up pretty badly. Wishing a speedy recovery to the rider involved as this was not his fault. Don't know anything more except the driver turned left in front of him and didn't apparently see him. Bike had 30 day day tags on it and was bought at State 8. He was hurt pretty badly. Wife was behind the car that turned in front of the motorcycle. Get well soon. https://www.record-courier.com/news/20181020/motorcyclist-flown-to-hospital-following-crash
  12. What cost is there for practice days?
  13. still want to try this out sometime....just have to make it happen.
  14. Thanks for sharing the many photos. Great place to be riding. Brings back memories of my trip out there 2 years ago. Some epic roads in the whole area. Deadwood is such a cool town. The casino had great food and for a good price. Keep having fun!
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