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o-no-moto last won the day on February 11 2015

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About o-no-moto

  • Birthday 02/05/1980

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2007 Suzuki gsxr-750

    1995 yamaha fzr600 wrecked

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  1. Been M.i.A. for a while just picked up a 2013 gsxr 750. Noticed a lot of peeps not around anymore. Is there still a group ride anymore?
  2. Holy shit this thread is still rollin.
  3. Hello. Where you from? When do you want ride.. Geez. Its like I dont even know you.🤣
  4. About 12 years ago i use to lay asphalt. We had to do some work on the driveway to the new fire house they just built at the springfield air national guard base. After 2 days worth of touch and go maneuvers and unrestricted climbs. They had one of them go the opposite direction down the runway and thread the neddle between the controll tower and the new fire station. He was close enough when he tipped the plane to the side i could make out the mascot on the side of his helmet. I remember yelling THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME. Dont think the other crew guys could hear me because at that point our ears were ringing out of our heads..
  5. Was that a 1-2 up shift by the phone pole?
  6. @Hoblick who is doing your dyno tune?
  7. Just want something diffrent. Not many people around here hop up late model cars. I have always liked the look of the 2001-2007 monte Carlos. Thats what the motor is going in
  8. Nothing special came out of a gtp. Have put in a lot of work in the porting of the heads' cam. Going to run it on e85 with i hope 12-15 pounds of boost.
  9. Very nice... Makes me feel lazy as fuck seeing i have had my supercharged motor on the stand for 2 years and still havent torn it down.
  10. So finally was able to install the chain' sprockets and new angel gt tires. Bike glides like butter and the hurkey jerky miss is resolved.
  11. I third this ride. Deffently need a closer route for us western and south riders. Not that hocking and everything east of there is anything not worth riding or meeting the east side people. But a little jealous when us westerners get home after a epic ride jump on the forum to update everything and see you other guys have been home for 3 hour's already..damn hooligans...lol
  12. Welcome sir. Where do you call home?
  13. New Angel gt tires' chain and sprockets. Now we wait
  14. And his shop is like a freaking show room. Hell i went home and cleaned my garage..lol
  15. And for what its worth. My bike made 115 hp not sure on the toqure as he didnt have his tach hooked up. He showed me a dyno pull of someone else's triumph like mine and it had 117 hp. Said the map that was in it was pretty good and he wouldn't really be able to improve much on it. He didnt decline to try and inprove on it but i figured the money would be better spent elsewhere.
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