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Everything posted by JackFlash

  1. Some things I pulled off the interwebs. .......................... The "Biblical scholar" in question (Joseph Atwill) is just a blogger. Having a blog does not make one a scholar. ........................... http://www.psephizo.com/biblical-studies/the-evidence-for-jesus-outside-the-nt/ ..................... FlimFlam of the Month: “Covert Christianity”http://larryhurtado.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/flimflam-of-the-month-covert-christianity/ ......................... The discussion at the end of this is interesting. http://www.reclaimingthemind.org/blog/2013/10/ancient-confession-found-we-invented-jesus-christ/ ................................ Atwill’s Cranked-up Jesus http://freethoughtblogs.com/carrier/archives/4664 ..................... As for me, I was raised to be a believer. Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior and I don't require anyone to like it. .
  2. Predatory law enforcement provided by your own tax dollars is the worst. . .
  3. I stole a quote: You can read about John and his long distance riding records in Melissa Pierson's "The Man Who Would Stop At Nothing".
  4. I forgot to mention, they are stopping at Hillbilly Hotdogs.
  5. Old threads still have life left in them. I'm riding to Portsmouth, Saturday, then up the river for a bit, if I can get off work. PM me if you want to go. Going with a another group. Coming back on 35, I think.
  6. The book referenced in this video has helped me improve my riding skills. It is well worth the price. Now, if I could only attend the class.
  7. T'was a good ride. I'm plumb tuckered out from two good days off work, on two wheels. The skies were threatening at times but nary a drop of precipitation did I encounter. Woo hoo! Buying a motorsickle was one of the best things I've ever done. Too bad more of you didn't get to join in. I almost bailed out because of the strong chance of a rainy day. Maybe next time. .
  8. JackFlash

    Derbycon 3.0

    "Talk to the memo." Wow, that's some heavy stuff. Way over my head. I understood about 30% if it. .
  9. I would take it around to the priciest shops I could find for written estimates. .
  10. I didn't like the term, "unauthorized gathering." They were a bunch of hoods. They should have responded just like an ordinary traffic accident. The guy's wife was probably in a panic urging him to get out of there. Cooler heads could have prevailed. The whole thing is a mess. And I agree that they shouldn't be stunting on the streets and especially in NYC. I didn't know that's what they were going there to do. .
  11. Check with the guys in the Shoutbox, below. They talk about going at times. .
  12. I popped >> 2007 benelli tnt sport << into Google and found this >> http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/62719-2007-benelli-tnt-sport-evo-1130-all-carbon/ That is a cool bike. .
  13. That's a pretty girl. And every guys knows that a pretty girl wearing only a smile, and covered in suds is very sexy. Nice bike. .
  14. I'm in agreement. How the general public perceives our activities affects how the authorities perceive us. We should display model behavior in groups, and when in cities and towns. Moving quickly on open roads? Well now, that's another matter altogether. But, when rules are made, often they go too far. . .
  15. Here's part of the story I read. The next thing you know, three or more motorcycles together will be considered gang activity. I don't like how this reads or the tone in which it is presented. A large group of motorcyclists had planned an unauthorized gathering in New York on Sunday, similar to an event held last year without permission in which the riders organized online and gathered in large groups in Times Square, the police source said. This year, the police source said, authorities set up a series of checkpoints at bridges and tunnels to prevent the motorcycle group from gathering in large numbers in the city. The police source said the motorcyclists who chased the SUV were believed by authorities to have been in Manhattan for the gathering. http://news.yahoo.com/ny-driver-beaten-motorcycle-gang-highway-chase-215633250.html
  16. JackFlash

    Camping Trip?

    Learn to lick your eyebrows. .
  17. JackFlash

    Camping Trip?

    Throw on some saddle bags and mount up. Your ride is waiting. .
  18. What's the matter with the 1200 other than it's too large of a step up for me at my riding level?
  19. Plus, there is nothing at all wrong in having more than one or two motorcycles. Eh? .
  20. As there are only 9 confirmed attending from the other website (Meet Ups > Columbus Motorcycle Riders > Fall Leaf Tour in Amish Country), they may or may not be riding in staggered formation. I'm still going. They are good people. .
  21. Use this link to view schedules for any Riders Course currently posted. Select "CLICK HERE TO REGISTER" then select the course you wish to see the schedule for and click "Next". https://ext.dps.state.oh.us/MotorCycleOhio/Pages/Public/Announcements.aspx
  22. Apparently, just because you can't get in the class you want at the beginning of the season when they first post MSF classes, it doesn't mean that they won't post more as the year goes on. Here are some coming up very quickly. I understand that these advanced classes were not posted at the beginning of the season, so you have to keep your eye on the Motorcycle Ohio website. There appear to be plenty of Beginning Rider Courses available, too. http://www.motorcycle.ohio.gov/advanced_rider.stm Butler Technology & Career Development Schools (S) 5140 Princeton Glendale Rd Room 200 Hamilton OH, 45011 11 Seat(s) ARC $50 9/29/2013 - 9/29/2013 Sunday(9/29) 07:45 AM - 05:00 PM; Ohio Department of Public Safety (B) 1970 West Broad St. Columbus OH, 43223 3 Seat(s) ARC $50 10/12/2013 - 10/12/2013 Saturday(10/12) 09:00 AM - 07:00 PM; 7 Seat(s) (Register) ARC $50 10/13/2013 - 10/13/2013 Sunday(10/13) 09:00 AM - 07:00 PM;
  23. Just a little note about tires that seem to be a bargain, since we are on the subject. Tires range in compound from super-sticky "qualifying" race tires to rock-like touring tires that provide extra-long life. What is not obvious, however, is that the compound and compliance of a tire changes with time. As tires are heated and cooled from riding and parking, they become harder. Racers refer to this process as a "heat cycle," and it is especially pronounced with soft racing tires. Tires also become harder by just sitting in a warehouse or garage. This is something to keep in mind when those cheap, closeout tires in the magazine ads tempt you. Those tires may be fine, but then again they may have sat in a warehouse for so long that they've practically turned to stone. Total Control, High Performance Street Riding Techniques - Lee Parks Chapter 1, Traction, Tires .
  24. For me, speed is addicting. There faster I go, the faster I want to go. I work up to a faster speed, and sooner or later it becomes more normal of a speed. Then the craving for another 5 MPH takes over. Don't think for a moment that my little GS 500 won't go 100, not that I'm going to admit having it at that speed.
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