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Everything posted by JackFlash

  1. Lot's of riders out this way. Watch the postings for weekend rides. SE Ohio and the Coshocton area are some of the areas for rides.
  2. Want to work a bicycle race event on your motorcycle? Have you ever wondered who the riders are that get to ride alongside the racers, with a cameraman on the back of his bike? I was reading a motorcycle blog and came upon this website: http://www.thepurplewing.com/about.htm The High-Vis bike: The Blog: http://blog.jafrum.com/page/2/ .
  3. Nice little pink bike. When do you get the training wheels off?
  4. Their biggest mistake was in spraying him with the whole container. She should have sprayed him with half of it, let him recover, and then sprayed him again with the rest of it. .
  5. We'll see you on the road again. Sooner or later, the fever will hit you and you'll want back out there with us. .
  6. Good memories will keep her in your heart. .
  7. Finally, YouTube has a few things about this bike. http://youtu.be/MLjMBwHIYVU
  8. Good for you. Glad you upgraded. Hope to see you on the road. .
  9. Power to the people. I was rooting for the citizens. My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims' pride, From ev'ry mountainside Let freedom ring! .
  10. ...New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work... The real reason is that they don't want people as officiers with the mental capacity to think for themselves, as it's become increasingly common knowledge that the courts and government agencies are corrupt and simply want mindless robots in positions of enforcement. .
  11. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that prohibits women from driving. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia Men there never say, "Stupid women drivers." .
  12. I'll do my part. And now, you need one post less.
  13. >> A judge in Oklahoma City awarded custody of a child to 55-year-old Nicholas Elizondo. >> The child is Elizondo's 6-year-old daughter. >> Elizondo was convicted in 1995 of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age. >> As for his conviction in 1995, Elizondo said he merely took a plea bargain given what he was facing. Elizondo was facing 11 felony charges of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14, but 10 of those were dismissed in exchange for Elizondo pleading no contest to one charge. >> The incident happened a few years after Kern County prosecutors tried and juries convicted numerous people on child sex abuse charges, known as the "Witch Hunt" trials (a string of child molestation cases during the 1980s in which 34 people from Bakersfield were falsely convicted to hundreds of years in prison. People were given long prison sentences.) Many of those same convictions were later tossed out after an appellate court found the accused had been wrongly convicted. Allegedly, Kern County prosecutors used coercive techniques to get children to testify against their own parents, and... every conviction was ultimately overturned. "We were forced to say that a gentleman named John Stoll had molested us. I was one of the children that convicted him," said Victor Monge. Monge says the allegations against Stoll were false. Monge now an adult, says he was coerced by investigators to tell them what they wanted to hear. >> During a court hearing in Oklahoma City regarding visitation, the victim, who authorities say was molested by Elizondo, testified that she was never molested. >> Knight fabricat(ed) a story recently in order to keep her daughter from being awarded to Elizondo. ======= Malpractice cases During the late 1990s, there were multiple lawsuits in the United States in which psychiatrists and psychologists were successfully sued, or settled out of court, on the charge of propagating iatrogenic memories of childhood sexual abuse, incest and satanic ritual abuse. Some of these suits were brought by individuals who later deemed their recovered memories of incest and/or satanic ritual abuse to be false. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_memory_syndrome False allegation of child sexual abuse A false allegation of child sexual abuse is an accusation that a person committed one or more acts of child sexual abuse when in reality there was no perpetration of abuse by the accused person as alleged. Such accusations can be brought by the alleged victim, or by another person on the alleged victim's behalf. Of the allegations determined to be false, only a small portion originated with the child, the studies showed; most false allegations originated with an adult bringing the accusations on behalf of a child, and of those, a large majority occurred in the context of divorce and child-custody battles. They may also have occurred when someone was getting back at someone else, if they get rejected for a promotion (for example) or to cover up an affair in cultures that frown on extramarital sex. There is also indication as with other alleged sex offences that the UK system of paying compensation, (quite substantial), can provide a motive for allegations being made. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_allegation_of_child_sexual_abuse It seems the mother has no problem lying. There is evidence to support that the father was falsely convicted. False memories being implanted in children in order to convict someone of sexual abuse is nothing new. I don't know why the mother should have custody, over the father. I would suggest the father have custody and let the mother do the visiting. Women want equal rights. Well, here it is. . .
  14. It's stupid to stop for a funeral going in the opposite direction. This is the kind of crap that can happen. .
  15. I was going to mention about the Ninja 500 weighing 440 lbs. with a full tank. Don't get a bike you can't pick up by yourself when you are alone in the middle of nowhere, with darkness and rain clouds rapidly approaching. .
  16. I get: "Your device isn't compatible with this version." The version is June 18 Public Beta4 (4,0,12). I'm on a Droid X2 with Android 2.3.5. .
  17. These are the most comfortable boots I've ever owned. The side zipper is a treat. http://www.originalswat.com/products/115201/ I got them here, in Pataskala. http://www.generalsway.com/ .
  18. 171 kg = 377 lbs 174 kg = 383.6 lbs for ABS More info here: http://boxscorenews.com/all-new-yamaha-mt-unveiled-p57058-68.htm .
  19. >> Yamaha’s FZ8 is being discontinued... That was quick. And with less than 850 CC's, calling it an FZ-09 is a bit of a stretch. It's expected to get 150+ miles to a tankful, with a 3.7 gallon fuel tank. 115hp @ 10,500rpm I'm interested in seeing one when they come out. .
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