That's a really good question, jdonn. Let's all figure this out. Give me some help, guys. Here's what we know: Google Maps shows that from the Northeast group's meet-up spot in Millersburg, to Point B on Brownsville Rd it is: 53.2 mi – about 1 hour 1 min Chatter on their thread indicates they may make a fuel stop in Coshocton. Their departure discussions have suggested: meet there around 8:30 and kick stand before nine to make it to logan in time. kick stand by 8:15 Our concerns are: What time to meet at KFC? What time to be at Point B? What time to leave without the NEO guys if they are running late so we can get to Logan at a reasonable time to gas up, use the restroom, and mix and mingle with the others before the ride ramps up. We need to keep in mind that the main plan is this: Meet by 10:30 Start organizing group by 11:00 and kick stand to ride by 11:30 I would like to be all gassed up and in Logan by 10:00, and originally wanted to leave Newark by 8:30 to allow for anything not expected. We're looking at a 47 mile trip to Logan and a suggested travel time of 1hr 12min. The more I look at how late NEO is leaving their meet-up point, the more I'm inclined to want to not wait on them and just ride straight down 664. The way I see their time frame, everything seems to be pinched up pretty tight and doesn't allow for much wiggle room or time to catch your breath once we get to Logan. If there is anything else you can come up with, now is the time to discuss it. Give me your thoughts on these issues. .