. Brian, you did a fine job. Maybe next time a format for these large rides would be helpful. 1. Call up leads and sweeps for a pre-ride meeting. Introduce yourself and each other. Make sure everyone is present that it was determined would hold these positions. Make necessary adjustments for those who could not show up by asking for someone to step up to fill a position, if necessary. 2. Get the group's attention, welcome everyone, and introduce the leads and sweeps by name. A police whistle and a megaphone wouldn't be a bad idea for getting attention, keeping it, and allowing everyone to be able to hear. 3. Give an explanation of how the show is going to go, and any expectations or responsibilities for after the ride. Also, announce any activities, or information needing to be shared after the ride. Encourage everyone not to leave after the ride until some parting words can be spoken. 4. Have the leads stage their bikes, allowing plenty of space between and behind them, for followers to easily file up behind. Stage all of the groups for the fast skill/speed level. If there is more than one group for a skill/speed level, insure each group contains roughly the same number of riders. This is the time to make a third group of same skill riders if a group is too large. There should be enough experienced riders to fill an additional lead and sweep position. When the groups are properly adjusted by size and ready to go, a positive sign from each rider in that group should be acknowledged, and then from the sweep and lead, in that order. Then they are sent on their way. 7. The same thing with each skill/speed level. A group should not be released until the group before it has cleared the traffic light, or given a three minute head start. No two groups should clear a traffic light during the same cycle. 8. After the ride, leads and sweeps should share information with the organizer that can be shared with everyone during the parting words. I'm pulling things off the top of my head that make sense to me. Is it a good idea to have a plan like this? .