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Everything posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. B&B Riverboats dinner cruise was pretty nice when I went down there.
  2. 99FLHRCI

    Free Pete

    I know PNC banks have a no hat no sunglass policy. Most of them have it posted on their doors or near them. Most adult themed stores have a no hat no sunglass policy also. The person that was arrested was their to watch their friend on trial. He was there voluntarily and to cause a problem. What benefit do they get by seeing that you are submissive to the system? That is about the stupidest thing I have heard. You really think the bailiff gets his jollies by making you sit there with your hat in your lap instead of on your head? Simple fact is the person violated policy. He was asked to comply he refused. He was told to comply and refused. He was asked to leave and refused. He was then told to leave and refused. At that point he has committed a crime and was arrested as such.
  3. Average pricing is $99.99 (700 min unlimited text)per line plus $30 for unlimited data. $9.99 per line for family plan plus data ($30) and text ($9.99)
  4. Would you wait 3 yrs to sue?
  5. 99FLHRCI

    Free Pete

    It is not abide by any request. It is not like they are going to request you to stand naked in the court room. It is no different then many stores, banks or clubs that do not allow hats, sunglasses, etc. It is as much safety as it is respect. It is a lot easier to identify a person and predict their actions if you can see their face, eye movement and facial expressions. Simple fact of the matter is he was there by his own free choice. If he does not like the policies he is free to leave, in fact when he refused to comply he was asked to leave and refused that too.
  6. 99FLHRCI

    Free Pete

    I f he won't comply with removing the hat and he won't walk when cuffed do you really think he would have left when asked to? Hell once they got him to jail he is refusing to give his name. He is even on a hunger strike now. Sadly, we will have to pay to have him fed via IV, should just let him starve himself in jail.
  7. 614-271-8876 Kenny Tell him T.J. sent you
  8. I would guess it wouldn't be to hard. KBB for a fair condition GL (base) with no options is $3740. NADA for a rough condition GL with no options is $2325. I would say get it, drive it, if you don't like it get it detailed and sell it for $3000 quickly if not more.
  9. Since they all say Test are any of them real parts being sold or are they still trying to get the system figured out?
  10. Fixed. From their website: Q - Can I register an Ariel Atom 3 for road use in my state or province? A - The Ariel Atom 3 is a unique and limited hand-built, high performance motor vehicle. All new Ariel Atom 3s sold within the North American market are partially or fully assembled in the USA by TMI AutoTech, Inc. (‘TMI’). Ariel Atom 3s are built and sold by TMI AutoTech, Inc. for the purposes of off-road/competition use (i.e., organized or private track day; slalom; Solo 1 events, etc.). Ariel Atom 3s are not considered to be federalized, production vehicles and do not necessarily meet applicable FMVSS criteria. Therefore, Ariel Atom 3s are not available with 17-digit VIN or PIN numbers. Any potential registration and/or use of an Ariel Atom 3 on any public roadway by any owner/operator is solely an individual owner/operator decision & responsibility for which TMI AutoTech, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever. All purchases of new Ariel Atom 3s within the USA or Canada are subject to specific terms & conditions of sale. TMI is solely responsible for the terms & conditions applicable to the sale of any new Ariel Atom 3 within the USA or Canada. A copy of TMI’s ‘Terms and Conditions of Sale and Supply’ is available to qualified potential Ariel Atom 3 buyers upon request and shall be provided in advance by TMI to each Ariel Atom 3 buyer. Buyer written agreement to TMI’s terms & conditions is required prior to TMI’s acceptance of any new Ariel Atom 3 order and/or in advance of TMI’s issuance of any order confirmation/build queue designation. Transport Canada does not consider the Ariel Atom 3 to be eligible for road registration within Canada. And for those of you that can't see the video provided at work (like me) try this: http://www.streetfire.net/video/top-gear-16x01-20110123_2192611.htm
  11. I cannot sign a new 2 year contract on the same plan because my plan is no longer offered. I have 700 minutes Unlimited Text and Unlimited Data for $99.99 add a second line for $9.99 and Unlimited Data on the second line for $9.99. Add in my 15% discount and it comes to $105 and change pre tax. The cheapest you can get that for now is supposedly $147 and change according to the local store.
  12. 99FLHRCI

    Verizon Fail

    I am trying to either upgrade my plan and phone or purchase new phones for 2 lines on my account. This is the conversation I just had with sales/support. Information in bold, italic, underline was omitted for privacy, everything else is just as the chat log read. Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order. Thank you for your patience. A Verizon Wireless online pre-sales specialist has joined the chat. You are now chatting with Chiquita Chiquita: Hello. Thank you for visiting our chat service. May I help you with your order today? Chiquita: Hello. How may I assist you? T.J.: Can I buy a Droid 2 CPO without a plan? Chiquita: I will be happy to assist you with if you will be able to purchase the pre owned Droid 2 without a plan. Chiquita: Are you referring to the data feature T.J.? T.J.: No the phone itself Chiquita: You would need to purchase the Droid 2 with a plan. It is not able to purchased without a plan. T.J.: Are any of the smartphones available without buying a plan? Chiquita: T.J. with all smartphones they require the data feature to be added. There is no way to purchase a smartphone without a data feature. T.J.: I have the data feature Chiquita: However we do offer a feature phones. Where a data feature is not required. How will that work for you T.J. T.J.: I have a family plan and unlimited data for both lines. I need a phone Chiquita: You are already an existing customer right> T.J.: yes T.J.: I have been for almost 10 years Chiquita: So you are wanting to upgrade and get a new phone? What is your mobile number T.J? T.J.: I don't want to upgrade. I like the plan I have. I want to buy a phone that is all. Chiquita: Yes I understand. When you upgrade you only purchase a phone. You will keep the same plan you currently have. Chiquita: What is your mobile number ? T.J.: ########## Chiquita: Thank You. One moment T.J. Chiquita: Could you please verify your first and last name. With the billing password please? T.J.: First Last Code Chiquita: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you. Chiquita: Okay. The #### is the line that is eligible for an upgrade to get a new phone. You would need to log into your My Verizon account as the primary account holder. I will be more than happy to assist you with the order process. T.J.: I want to buy a phone for both lines. If I upgrade online I have to sign a new 2 year contract. I have already tried that and it is not what I want. Chiquita: Without upgrading your lines on the account. If you just purchase a phone a plan is going to need to be purchased. The device will not be able to be ordered with a plan. T.J.: So what your saying is you would rather I spent my money with someone else? I can buy phones all day long without a plan and activate them on Verizon but you won't sell me a phone? Chiquita: That is what I am not saying. It is just that there is not a way to just purchase a phone by itself without having to select a plan. T.J.: I have a plan. If I select a new plan I cannot get the same service without paying at least $30 more per month. I can buy a phone anywhere else but Verizon and then activate it on Verizon's network. Help me to understand this. Chiquita: I will be more than happy to help you understand. You want to order a phone right but you do not want to use your upgrade to renew your contract for another two years right? Because the #### is the only line eligible for an upgrade at this time right? T.J.: I don't want to upgrade because I cannot keep the same plan. If you can offer me a plan with 700 minutes, unlimited text and unlimited data for BOTH lines under $106 pre tax, I will be interested. Chiquita: Please hold on while I check that information. Chiquita: With your current plan. At this time we are not offering a plan similar. However you do have a monthly discount on your monthly plan. Another solution to order a phone. You would need to pay full retail price for the phone on a month to month contract. Then activate the phone to your exiting lines. T.J.: So I would have to pay 2 months service (I need 2 phones) AND full price to get a new phone OR I can simply spend my money with another company and save at least the 2 months service/activation/etc? How much is full price for a Droid 2 CPO? Chiquita: The Droid 2 at full retail price is $559.99 .Because if you order the Droid 2 at the two year price you will begin a new two year contract. T.J.: So I can pay $559.99 x2 (2 phones) plus $64.99 x2 (need a plan for each phone)plus fees and activation or I can buy the phones for $299.99 each off of Amazon or any other website. Am I understanding this correctly Chiquita: Yes that is correct. T.J.: So like I said Verizon wants me to spend my money somewhere else. It would be STUPID to pay twice as much per phone PLUS all the other fees would it not? Chiquita: Yes and I understand T.J and I do apologize about the prices of the pre owned Droid 2. T.J.: That is the price for a pre-owned Droid?!?! Twice as much for a used one? How much is a new one? Chiquita: The full retail price for a pre owned Droid 2 is the same as a new Droid 2. T.J.: So why would anyone buy a pre-owned one? Is it just me or does all of Verizon's logic seem to be backwards? Chiquita: The pre owned devices are cheaper than the new phone at two year price. T.J.: So I cannot upgrade my phone without upgrading my contract. Upgrading my contract requires me to pay more for the same service I currently have. They are doing away with New Every Two and I cannot buy a phone for less then twice the price I can buy it anywhere else? Is there anything that you can do to convince a 10 year customer to spend my money with you at a reasonable rate? Chiquita: Please hold on while I check that information. Chiquita: Yes that is correct. With being a web chat sales representative I am only limited to a certain amount of access. You would need to upgrade your phone to get the Droid 2 pre owned device at the online price. With the plan you currently have we no longer offer the plan. So you would need to upgrade. Chiquita: I can see how you may feel that our plans are expensive. Others that I have chatted with felt this way as well. What they have found was that with our plans, the receive the best coverage nationwide and they also receive great service through Verizon when they are in areas that do not have Verizon towers, so it is worth every penny. Wouldn't you like to have great coverage wherever you go? T.J.: I would like to have great coverage but, in national studies Verizon does not rate the highest. In addition I do not care to pay twice the retail price for a phone plus 2 months usage, activation and fees just to get those phones. Thank you for your time, I will purchase my phone from another retailer and still enjoy the same service I have now at a lower price then you can offer me. Chiquita: You are more than Welcome. I am glad I was able to assist with information on purchasing a pre owned Droid 2. Is there going to be anything else I can assist you with today? T.J.: Nope. Have a good night. Chiquita: You are more than Welcome T.J. Chiquita: Thank you for visiting Verizon Wireless, I look forward to speaking with you again. Have a great evening! Your chat session has been ended by your Verizon Wireless online agent.
  13. Tried these out of curiosity. I didn't have any luck with them at all. I even searched my Uncle who was a Pastor/Preacher/Father (whatever they are termed in the Mormon religion. I couldn't find any of his kids or wife either that are all baptized Mormons.
  14. A lot of sites are giving payouts (farmville bucks, points etc) if you fill out their offers. I was wondering if people would just go online and search something like the white pages and use Jon Doe's info to get points for their game.
  15. What code did he cite you under? It should be listed on the ticket. I was under the impression that if you have 2 rear view mirrors you do not have to have a rear window let alone be able to see out of it. I can find tons of stuff stating the tint can be solid black for the side and rear windows behind the driver.
  16. They need someone to write their site for them. They can't even capitalize words. If they handle business half as bad as they present themselves they will be gone in a month or two.
  17. People not using common sense/paying attention to their surroundings?
  18. Any type of cooking is illegal so I would say no pizza shops or fast food. PROHIBITED OCCUPATIONS FOR MINORS UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE 1. All manufacturing; mining; processing; public messenger service 2.Work in freezers and meat coolers and all preparation of meats for sale (except wrapping, sealing, labeling, weighing, pricing and stocking) 3.Transportation; storage; communications; public utilities; construction; repair 4.Work in boiler or engine rooms; maintenance or repair of machinery 5. Outside window washing from window sills or scaffolding and/or ladders 6. Cooking and baking; operating, setting up, adjusting, cleaning, oiling or repairing power-driven food slicers, grinders, food choppers, cutters, bakery type mixers 7. Loading or unloading goods to and from trucks 8. All warehouse work except office and clerical 9.Work in connection with cars and trucks involving the use of pits, racks or lifting apparatus or involving the inflation of any tire mounted on a rim equipped with a removable retaining ring. PROHIBITED OCCUPATIONS FOR MINORS 14 through 17 YEARS OF AGE 1. Occupations involving slaughtering, meat-packing, processing or rendering 2. Power-driven bakery machines 3. Occupations involved in the manufacture of brick, tile and kindred products 4. Occupations involved in the manufacture of chemicals 5. Manufacturing or storage occupations involving explosives 6. Occupations involving exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing radiations 7. Power-driven paper products machines 8. Power-driven metal forming, punching and shearing machines 9. Occupations involved in the operation of power-driven circular saws, band saws and guillotine shears 10. Power-driven woodworking machines 11. Coal mines 12. Occupations in connection with mining, other than coal 13. Logging and sawmilling 14. Motor vehicle occupations 15. Maritime and longshoreman occupations 16. Railroads 17. Excavation operations 18. Power-driven and hoisting apparatus 19. Roofing operations 20. Wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking.
  19. Ever since I moved here I have always thought of a toilet when I see Ohio Stadium. The "Shoe" resembles a toilet bowl and the added seats in the mouth of the "Shoe" look like a tank. When I was first moving here, I was shopping at New Uses General Store and they had a foam hat (think cheese head style) that was a replica of the stadium. I seriously thought it was one of those doughnuts you sit on when you break your tailbone until I looked at it closer.
  20. Wholly Joe's near Polaris has them in singles. True Chicago deep dish, true Chicago dogs and Yuengling. What could be better? We went there a few nights ago and the lady started to open it and then said "Oh, wait is this for here?" They may sell packs to go I don't know. One of the other guys with us thought they saw a tap handle too. Maybe they have draft?
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