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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. then it's probably shitty cable lines.
  2. and again I see your point. Thank you. Now for my other question, if there was a shotgun, why didnt they use it?
  3. Right, totally get that. But in those situations there both sides shooting. This situation only had one side shooting.
  4. The guy couldve seen anything and maybe thought it was a shotgun. My mom was an ER nurse when we lived in Miami, one of the last cases she took was a 12 yo kid who had been shot in the head by a cop. Kid had a toy gun. All the cop saw was a gun and shot. Didnt know at the time it was a kid. All it took was one shot from the cop.
  5. well yeah in that situation. but I think this one might be a little different. They didnt shoot back did they? which also makes me wonder if they had the shotgun. If I had a shotgun and someone started shootin at me, you better believe I'd shoot the thing back.
  6. I also think there is a difference between 1 or 2 shots to protect myself and firing 8 or 9. Granted I've never been in a situation where I've needed to fire a gun at someone so maybe I dont know, but I would think 8 or 9 shoots would be a bit excessive.
  7. If anything, I'm sure he's in hot water for fleeing the scene.
  8. trust me, they feel the same way about you.
  9. damn that sucks. I work in an area with a ton of medical offices. Kind of important for those buildings to have power, but evidently AEP doesnt seem to think so and love to just take their sweet time getting out here to fix it.
  10. I was at the store the other day. And came across this innocent-looking, sweet old lady staring at where the these products used to be in the stores. She looks at me and very loudly says, "what the fuck is with people these days? Why cant every one just be gracious for what they have? The stupid people HAVE a job be grateful for that in this damn ecomony." and walked away. I about fell on the floor.
  11. ninjachic


    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=23845 did you find it necessary to do another intro thread?
  12. Gotta love being at work without power because the damn constructions guys down the street digging a trench cut the line.
  13. Well I gotta move in first then there will be a party......and on that note....anyone have a truck and want to help me move my big stuff sometime?
  14. Yeah, could be the router. You could connect directly to the modem and see if it runs faster. Or it could be the site just has a shitty upload and then it's not on your end at all.
  15. and now for my random thought of the day......congrats to me because I now own my own condo.
  16. Well thats an interesting question. I've never done it. I've done the backs of necks. As long as the Hair is dark, I am sure it would work.
  17. ninjachic

    Gun show dates

    so who wants to take advantage of me? had to throw that out there just to get on Bad
  18. ninjachic

    Gun show dates

    well if i wasnt before, i def am now!!!!
  19. wait nevermind. my computer went screwy for a sec. got it.
  20. I doubt it. and whoa my computer isnt showing a few posts. did shit get deleted?
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