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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. hell if ohio legalized it, I'd start smoking again. Everyone loved me a lot more when I was high all the time. I def got along with everyone more, wasnt nearly as much of a bitch, and did get annoyed as much. I also would get a lot more work done stoned then I did not stoned off my ass.
  2. check out livingsocial.com. I did that and got an awesome deal for a 2 night stay in nashville. Best Vaca ever!!!!!!
  3. I dont see a problem with legalizing it. If anything, It will create more jobs which is what we need right now, right? Not to mention, most potheads I know are a lot smarter than most alcoholics I know and less violent too.
  4. Holy Shit that is crazy. I talked with a patient today who is also a therapist and she said that she did a thesis paper in college about this. She said that she found that 90% of most people would stay out of the situation and do nothing. I was like that is seriously crazy.
  5. Well that's shorter than most guys I know.
  6. No he is just unusually short for a guy and says he's a midget to make himself feel better like its an excuse for his shortness.
  7. Yeah that right there just scares me. I don't even wear stilettos. Guess who know you'd be the girl in the relationship
  8. 5'11 or taller is perfect. for some reason any shorter, than that is just unattractive.
  9. somehow that does not surprise me.
  10. Um...no. I'm really into guys that are actually taller than me.
  11. You're right, It really doesnt. It actually just puts me to sleep.
  12. hahaha. and I'm sure it can only get worse.
  13. well then I guess I'll never know if it is something I am interested in.
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