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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. What kind of oil should I pull the trigger on when I wave or don't wave to other riders while wearing my novelty, "no shroom" helmet, assfull chaps (Not assLESS), fingerless gloves, and SOA vest while simultaneously wondering if others see me as a poseur or a biker considering I don't remember where I put my gas cap at the last stop?
  2. Nothing to say just wanted to bump it back up to the top Ive been out riding as much as I can Need to put some calluses on my ass I have the weekend off then I work the next 16 days after that.
  3. I agree with the above put a couple of hundred miles on the bike and pull the plugs again and clean them That way any leftover loose particles should be out You might be surprised how many are on the plug then I would not worry about it unless they look that way at the next oil change.
  4. The sorry fact is if they want it bad enough they will get it. The best you can do is make them have to work for it.
  5. I let my grand kids drive my speed boat 55+ mph all the time but there is no way in hell they will ever do that To much can happen that you would have no control over or time to react to. My oldest grand kid is 10 and he still has not been on my bike his first ride will be when his feet can touch the foot pegs
  6. There is a GPS phone tracker program I read about that lets you track any cell phone that you have the number too It uses the same system that 911 uses and it works even if the cell tracker on the phone is shut off its cost was a little over $500 but it would even show the phone moving down the road on the map in real time. I will try to find the link for it and post it. It would be great for keeping track of the wife and kids and you would always know were your friends are. Yep that wouldn’t cause any problems would it? It also has a forum you have to sign saying you will not use it for any stalking purposes It was called something like celltracker
  7. It is crude but it works. It getting hard to fine the old mercury switches thanks to the EPA
  8. I made my own alarm I took a mercury switch out of an old thermostat and mounted it under the seat so when the bike is on its side stand the mercury is to one side of the tube I run a wire from the battery to one side of the mercury tube with an on /off switch between them. run another wire from the other side of the tube to the horn wire with another switch between them make sure you put the switches out of site after you park your bike you can turn the switches on if someone stands the bike upright the horn will blow. Make sure you turn both switches off before you start the bike.
  9. Disc locks work well on bikes over 500 - 600lbs. Anything lighter than that and 2 guys can be gone with it fast. When I lived in an apartment I chained my Kaw to a guard rail that was in front of my apartment and parked my car in front of it at night. But I have never tried the new disc locks that have alarms
  10. I told him if he can not get a room he might be able to sleep on the floor of ours but I will have to check with Tim before giving him the ok a 3 way split will save us more money and all the rooms I booked are good for 4 people
  11. Get one of those game cameras for your garage the kind that only takes pictures whenever something walks in front of it and put it where they will not see it you will find out who it is next time they come around if you have kids do not tell them about it.
  12. Here is a Quote from a guy that finally gets it I would like to welcome another Ruffian to the family.
  13. I wish I could make it but I’m the only one working Saturday my weekend turn. With the good weather it will be a busy day and they would not be happy if I took a mental health day. It looks like we may have another Harley rider on the run with us if he can get a few things cleared up in time.
  14. Im out work 2-11 Saturday Have fun
  15. Never Mind GOT CALLED IN TO WORK
  16. I worked for Eaton Corp for 31 years as a production engineer After I left Eaton I went to work for a small mom and pop shop that was 20 years behind in technology I knew I could improve their running processes 10 fold and cut their scrap by ¾ I only stayed there a year before I quit and walked out They would listen to salesman BS and waste money on equipment that would not work right for what they were doing. The person with the most experience at the place only had 7 years if one of the family members wanted something they always got it before we would get something we really needed I think the place is out of business now so I know what it is to have and employer that does not have a clue.
  17. Your Wrong There in nothing worse then and employer that has no clue
  18. Probably a good thing we set the date for June at this rate it may still be snowing in May
  19. I know that feeling isn’t that the trust
  20. That reminds me of when I was in my 20s I use to do the same thing ever time one day I had just finish sinking up my carbs on the KZ so I took the bike for a test ride thru the neighborhood when I got back to the house a guy pulled in the driveway behind me and started to scream at me about the speed and kids out riding their bikes. About that time 10 of the guys from the club I use to ride with pulled up and parked in front of the house they were a real ugly looking bunch of guys so before me and the guy that was yelling could finish our conversation he ran away looking a little worried. After thinking about it I realized things can go wrong fast at that speed and place. Later that day I saw him out mowing his grass and stopped and apologized to him and never road like that in the neighborhood again
  21. My Harley is faster then I ever need to go. Or for that matter want to go again I had it up to 122 last year and still had a Charger blow past me
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