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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. J_T Welcome to the forum now there are at least 4 of us HD owners on the site. Don't let these guys scare you off no matter what you hear they are all just a little jealous and some day most of them will grow up and buy a real mans bike. Once you get past the Harley razzing you will see they are all a pretty good bunch of guys and to be truthful I think none of them really care what anyone rides As far as reliability goes I have owned 3 Harleys since 1995 and averaged over 50 thousand miles on each and the only problem I have had was with rear spokes on one of them but not a single other problem with any of them so the reliability talk is all BS your bike is only as reliable as you let it be. Again Welcome Rick.
  2. Been on a few cruises they are great fun but the best time to take one is in the winter when you cant ride and its not 110deg out on the deck.
  3. I have that weekend off I will see how I feel after the Rushmore ride. Do you need a passport (I have one) to get back into the U.S. or have other arrangements been made? Ok I read the entry data and a valid passport is required
  4. This winter is killing me I will start the bike and run it for a while on one of the warm days but I just cant bring myself to put it on the road until we get a few good rains to wash the salt away.
  5. Sounds like everyone here has a bad case of PMS (Parked Motorcycle syndrome)
  6. This picture got me called a racist one time and it got the whole thread deleted and me band from a message board for a month. All I said was he needed to rob more pizza delivery guys. I did not see a problem with the Coke commercial. My great grandparents immigrated from Germany and Ireland back in the day everyone spoke their language in their neighborhoods but they still all had to learn and speak English to work or anything else they did now days everything comes with instructions for the language you speak so there is no incentive to learn.. I’m all for immigration but learn to speak the national language.
  7. Lucky usually in situations like this no good deed goes unpunished.
  8. Jim good idea. Can you add that link to the top of your first post to make it easy to find?
  9. Thanks for the offer might just take you up on it Is there and option for forward controls if needed Also thank everyone for the input.
  10. Is a Honda Fury to small for a 6 foot 5 inch tall 280 lbs Rider
  11. Stopped at Oakwood today there is an out of business sign on the doors and a for lease sign out front store is still full of stock. Looking to buy a Fury
  12. When I was in the army we got sent to Alaska in January for a month of cold weather training the tires on all of the vehicles froze with flat spots it was always a rough ride until they rounded back out there is not a tire made now that would have any problems with sitting for months even in super cold weather they will round out in a few feet so putting them up on jack stands would not make any diffrence
  13. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: This is one of the funniest statements I have ever heard I worked as an engineer in the rubber and plastics field for 31 years and I can tell you if you are using tires that develop flat spots after sitting for a few months you have a serious safety problem with your tires get them off your bike ASAP.
  14. Set A date and I will do my best to make it.
  15. Does the policy cover your medical if you are injured in a crash? Be very careful some of these types of policies do not.
  16. Right now any road would be good to ride
  17. This is probably why I should never be a cop or on a jury. But I really do not see any kind of problem with this sounds like the good citizen got exactly what he needed.
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