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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Or that 240,000 people assembled into a private, world-wide financial kabal, owning a "systemically significant" percentage of the financial markets, and that their members regularly die for supposedly legitimate reasons...
  2. Agreed. For example, JP Morgan Chase alone has 220,000 or so employees across the world and I think about 20% are in the Investment Banking division. Fill up a stadium with 40k random people and follow them for a year. I bet you'll see a couple suicides, maybe a homicide, a bunch of heart attacks and cancer diagnosis, fatal car accidents, domestic violence and everything else a big population is prone to.
  3. Honestly their sporty modern pipes, while fanciful, put me off, so that's great to hear about high pipes. I mean, if you're going to call something a scrambler, get the damned exhaust out of the mud spray path even if you never spray dirt. It's like calling something cafe without shedding extra weight.
  4. LOL me too, but I don't mind the lead. I've read a lot, thought a lot and (at one point anyway) became thoroughly accurate at ranges with any gun. But I fully recognize that's not the same as being proficient with carry and home defense scenarios. Big fan of Ayoob too, which I gather VDG is as well.
  5. Thanks, I am due for defensive carry training. I'm probably rusty on my home scenarios as well.
  6. I used a Cardo Scala Q2 pair for a year and enjoyed it. It let my passenger and me do exactly what Cooter describes. It got better when I replaced them with a couple Sena 20S units for vastly improved audio quality for music and intercom, and most of my friends run Senas, making it easy to ride in a group intercom up to 8 riders.
  7. 20 years ago I had a fascination with .45 ACP and worked up to a carefully blueprinted Colt Combat Elite. I enjoyed it for a decade until I traded for an Italian Beretta 92FS in stainless. I mostly forgot about 45s for another decade because that awesome Beretta. That changed when last year I saw an XDS45 subcompact while shopping for deep concealment pistols. I was impressed by its specs and stellar reviews, but opted for a 2nd-gen LCP as a go-anywhere CHL gun and am delighted I made the choice at the time. One can carry an LCP damned near anywhere. Still, it got me thinking about getting back into .45s for that big, thumpy boom. I did a bunch of research and thought for sure I'd land on an XDS45 or a Glock 30S. For giggles, I went to the Westland Mall gun show yesterday, handled a LOT of guns and what do you know, a new 2nd-gen Sig P250 sub-compact chambered in .45ACP followed me home. Heck, even got it for the same money I paid for my LCP. So, why the Sig P250sc .45? I handled the Springfield XDS45 first and appreciated the form factor and features, but my hand couldn't get used to its grip. Too long-and-narrow and the serrations tended to bite when squeezing tightly. I just didn't bond with the gun no matter how much I wanted to. Then I labored over a used Glock 30S with 4 magazines and a box of target ammo for $425. That's a great deal - it is a Glock after all - but the top-back of its grip curves in a way that prevents me from holding the gun fully in the seat of my palm, which I know from experience decreases accuracy. I really wanted to connect with this one but it just wouldn't happen. The Sig P250 .45 sub-compact felt right the moment I held it. Its grip size and stippling are perfect for my hands. I like that there are no external safeties. The edges are rounded for smoother draw. I like the double-action-only trigger. Magazines eject with some speed for quick reloads, and they're made in Italy out of steel, not plastic. The gun is dead-simple to break down, clean and reassemble. It uses a true DAO hammer, so you can double-strike if necessary. The 3-dot sights are big, bright and adjustable for windage. Made in Exeter NH except for the mag. Several frame and caliber conversion kits are available. The whole gun feels typical-Sig, i.e. well-designed and built, and I'm really looking forward to hitting the range. Negatives? The first generation had serious problems which sullied its reputation and rejected it from multiple government contracts. By all accounts the 2nd gen fully resolved those issues, but reputational damage had already been done. That also resulted in fewer accessory options, and my frame doesn't have a picatiny rail, so I'd need to order a $40 frame swap to install a light or laser. Still, it's about as small and "light" anyone could make a 6+1 .45 auto into. I plan to get a tuckable IWB holster for the option to carry concealed - it's certainly easier to pack than my 92FS when I want more juice than a .380. Anyone else here have one?
  8. Ditto, welcome, and yes, picture will be required. No waivers, exceptions or hall passes will be permitted.
  9. Congrats! Should be a great bike.
  10. Yo jbot or whatever your real name is, when you gonna wake up and realize it's hat wearers that deserve all the hate?
  11. I bought 1 used and 1 new from IP. Decent deals and they did respond to fair negotiation. I live just a few miles away so that was a factor in their favor. I haven't dealt with ASK directly but my CRF230L's original owner got it there and said he was happy with ASK. Isn't the bike you want a new model and generally still in short supply? If so, it'll be that way into spring too, so although it's winter and end-of-year books will close on 12/31, your bargaining leverage isn't that great. Good luck though - looks like a great bike!
  12. Cramer talks a good game but still completely missed the 2008 crash, and anyone inside the biz knows that was no black swan. I only listen to his show when I'm interested in his guests.
  13. I'm mid-paint on my '66 CB77 now - even built 5x5x5 paint booth for it - and yet I'm still checking three BMW roadsters and a CL350 about daily. One of the R50s dropped $300 this week.
  14. Yea, good luck with that. I work with only honest, hard-working people of all races, genders, preferences and nationalities. But it'll be a cold day in hell when I hire looters, robbers, arson and violent offenders. Once a person casts that dice, they're no longer in my ward, and it takes a LOT to earn a second chance.
  15. Maybe the both of should be smacked for such irreverence. You know, in an elevator...
  16. Yea, not as many with the long-term impact as releases into water, which doesn't accept oil spills as resiliently as land, but alternatively I think groundwater sources used by concentrated populations are easier to contaminate with land accidents.
  17. Dousche would indeed be a really good term if he was white. Unless he looked like a dumb mob pawn, then we might be back to thug.
  18. I agree. They may be in my opinion under-informed and misguided, but we should support peoples' right to non-violently demonstrate. BUT if they're wearing company clothes, they are speaking for their company's brand, and that company may just as freely chose to take internal action, which may. Include fines or severance of their employment. In other words, I should be able to protest dipping pretzels into salsa, but if I wear my employer's uniform while I protest, I shouldn't be surprised to get my ass fired.
  19. Google is your friend: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipeline_accidents_in_the_United_States_in_the_21st_century
  20. Thug = baggy pants, gun, possible drug use (failure to maintain clear distance from a structure ;-)) and no insurance. Sure, the CHL later checked out, but the other factors would have made me use that word too.
  21. Because we feel sorry for Canada?
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