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Everything posted by smccrory

  1. Thank you! TEK remote reservoir progressives. They're not the same quality as Hagons, but the price was right and they're a world better than my stockers which had absolutely no dampening left: http://www.tecbikepartsusa.com/Classic_Japanese_Motorcycle_Shocks_s/1829.htm
  2. Yes nice work! Looking forward to seeing this project unfold. My winter project is a 1966 Honda CB77...
  3. Wojo72 that's a great price for a 10Ah charger!
  4. I seem to recall it's roughly 2 1/4 hours from north Columbus to the show. Fun time.
  5. Good answer. That whole Pirsig Zen maintenance thing...
  6. So, you're saying Italian bikes are good sources of practice for him then? [emoji28] Love 'zuki engines.
  7. Man, 13 months ago and I would have totally fallen for this bike. I had the cash for it too. Someone's going to get a seriously nice bike.
  8. smccrory


    A bunch of teases on here. Talking about track days when it's icy cold outside.
  9. Welcome to Ohio Riders! Don't let our imminent adolescent behavior deter you - it's winter after all, and some haven't had any road time in weeks.
  10. I was thinking the damned exact thing yesterday when considering a hidden spot under a couch - LOL
  11. It's been way too long since I took wood shop and all my recent experience is with lathes (not carpentry per se), but I imagine it wouldn't be too daunting to fashion a secret compartment and hidden latch onto a favorite table or cabinet.
  12. Great neighborhood here too, and the house across the street was broken into 4 weeks ago. To be fair, the place was posted for rent, no lights were on, and you could see through the windows that nobody was living there. The crooks broke in through a basement window and opened the garage door, where they proceeded to load out all of the major appliances.
  13. Me too, and we're all really just talking about Risk Management. For example in my own case, my guns get locked up the moment any alcohol is opened in my house, also with any medications that could cause impairment of judgement. I also only own home and personal defense weapons that either have a longer draw, a safety, don't have a round chambered or have a lock around them. Those are more controls than many others would prefer, and not enough for others, but they fit my own risk tolerance model well.
  14. smccrory


    I've heard there's a road that goes around and around in semi-circles. If you find yourself on it, you're getting real close.
  15. I like this guy a lot. He did a relevant video that I stumbled on: http://youtu.be/q1lPReo50uY?list=PL2mM1VX6edFdgGCB75PkVYXN9Sojxols7
  16. I thought they were considering it terrorism in the last news broadcast I heard this morning, but maybe that's changed since I came to work? I don't understand your second paragraph's argument, even if it's true that the world feels that way. We strike with drones (even ex-pats), we work intimately with SO many foreign intelligence agencies to aggressively root out threats (this includes the French who are actually quite good at it), we jail and torture suspected terrorists in secret (and not so secret) international locations where habius corpus is irrelevant, we monitor the crap out of foreign communications, even high-level political and business figures, we jump to immediate conclusions about state-sponsored hacking when even the arguably-more-informed ethical hacking community can't say for certain it was NK... I could go on and on. What should we be doing that we're not? Invading countries like NK, Iran and Saudia Arabia? Committing more troops to Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq? Writing more sharply worded letters?
  17. That's good but Pokey's point about FPSes generating curiosity is valid. Who, after playing Counterstrike, didn't want to shoot a Styr Aug?
  18. Fair enough. It's too early and I'm unfortunately multitasking... :-/
  19. From AmericanBar.org: "Several states have taken steps to protect children from tragic gun accidents. Massachusetts has the strongest law in the country, requiring guns to be stored in a locked container or disabled with a trigger lock anytime they are not in use. California, Minnesota, and the District of Columbia also passed strong laws criminalizing the act of leaving a gun where a child may access it. Five other states impose criminal liability on an adult only if a child actually gets his or her hands on the weapon because of the adult’s negligent storage of the firearm. Even more states impose liability on an adult if a child gains access to a firearm and then uses the gun to hurt someone. Statistics and research prove that these laws are effective. States that have enacted these laws substantially decreased the number of unintentional child firearm deaths." Tempt fate if you'd like. I'd rather avoid the whole moral morass and avoid public outcries to impose additional gun laws.
  20. smccrory

    OR Decals

    I honestly think they're the best-looking group decals I've seen on a bike.
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