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Everything posted by Cordell

  1. I know what the engine looks like, just trying to picture if its the front cover I've resealed a few of for coolant leaks, I think it is.
  2. I really like the wheels Chad (Starkmaster03) has on his Trans Am and since I got a good deal on the rears from Rick that is what I'll be putting on the car this spring. We'll see what comes my way after I've had the car another 10 years.
  3. So what are you reading women's magazine articles now? I agree with the horoscope comment above. I don't match but a couple traits for the sports car driver and am complete opposite on others. Not like a Camaro, and a Miata fit well into that catagory in my opinion anyway. Since I'm sure this article was written for some women trying to understand men idea, it's obvious they will never get it.
  4. Hey man, love the new signature, technically its too big (500x200 but it's close) so if you could resize it cool, if not it doesn't bother me, we'll just see if any of the other mods notice.
  5. Anything is possible with an older one, I'm trying to picture the front of the engine because I think the front cover can leak coolant as well. Keep in mind there are 2 of those little plastic tubes, the lower one is harder to see.
  6. This, little plastic coolant tubes under the alternater bracket are the most common, could very well be the water pump also. Let me know if you need help.
  7. Biggest regret I have about my career is not going to a dealership to begin with, experienced guys to learn from, specialized training, and the opportunity to learn how to use the proper tools a lot of smaller shops don't have. If he's going to school for it most dealerships would provide the ability to start out and move up. Not to knock these guys who work in aftermarket shops but I always stuggled back then because i either didn't have someone to ask, couldn't get the right tool, didn't know what the right tool was, or they were too busy trying to make me a manager just because I had some mechanical ability. Just my 2 cents, he can learn anywhere, I just think there is more to gain from a manufacturer.
  8. Same here, not feeling super energetic but I don't feel like wasting my Sunday doing nothing.
  9. Looks like he does great work, must be a pretty busy guy.
  10. There is alot of honesty in this thread even if everyone is being brutally honest with you. Look around at what older vehicles are still on the road, and you'll see certain cars more then others, these are what you should consider. I haven't seen an old Rodeo or Passport on the road in a long time and for good reason. If you don't want to have another "Civic experience" as you call it spend some time searching on a few of these sites for reveiws. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/index.htm https://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=car+reveiws&oq=car+reveiws&gs_l=serp.3..0i10l4.14179.18809.0.21257.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=9db65d2dc752f13a&biw=1024&bih=505 The internet is your friend, CR is not your only resource.
  11. Those trucks came wired from the factory and iirc have 2 circuits. The trailer harness working doesn't get you far on many GM trucks for this reason. Just about anything built in the last 10 years or so was pre-wired from the factory if it was available with a towing option, even if it wasn't sold as such. Speaking in terms of GM anyway. Keep in mind on the trailblazer platform the brake and turn signals are seperate bulbs.
  12. Double check all fuses (I think those are under the back seat), and double check the bulbs. It's very likely an issue with the boards the bulbs snap into, but you need to make sure you are getting power at the back of the vehicle. Does the third brake light work?
  13. Put in apps at any of the dealers around Sawmill and 33 on the north side, I just started working at that end of town and there has been a lot more work. I've been at Byers Mazda Subaru for almost a month and its looking damn good for the middle of winter. Just my 2 cents on the subject, not sure if any of these places are looking for anything specific but there you go.
  14. I have seen where guys have used too much acid and yes it will make the floor much more absorbent. I have always used small amounts to spike a water/degreaser solution, then scrub and let sit for 15 minutes or so. That takes a lot up, then if its really bad make it a little stronger and attack those spots, but it really needs to be diluted, a cap full goes a long way. Typically a gallon of water/degreaser with 1 cap full will get evrything but the bad spots up.
  15. Towards the end of April when hopefully the weather gets nicer would get my vote.
  16. Moratic Acid works wonders, deff the least amount of work, just dilute it because it will strip everything. I'm sure enough working with the other products will work, but believe me moratic acid works great.
  17. Wow zombie rape, that's a new one. Things you only hear on CR.
  18. Needs to involve ghost flames and chrome and some witty phrase like "hold my trophy while I kiss your girlfriend" (my favorite shirt to wear karting as a teenager) and I'd gladly by something.
  19. For her to stay in the truck with you she'd have to be a zombie. :no:
  20. No then I'd go steal one, because someone who owns one is bound to become a zombie. I'd rather have an Escalade with a plow on it instead. http://imcdb.org/images/234/252.jpg
  21. Straight up juggalo http://images.wikia.com/dragonsdogma/images/archive/8/82/20120529222810!Hatchetman.jpg
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