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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. Does this place have tv's?? I'd like to watch he cavs game Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. You're having a baby? Congratulations Nivin! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Absolutely. Spring ride will be t-shirts, fall ride I'm thinking hoodies.
  4. Will post an entirely new thread so don't you worry.
  5. Dates: May 16 - Seems relatively clear of anything as of now, only downside to this date could be a particularly colder start May 23 - Memorial Day weekend. -Not sure how much of a fan people are for that weekend, but it also gives those who ride an extra day to recuperate from the longer ride. Not sure how it will affect people being able to attend and possible heavier cop presence. May 30 - This date we lose Snot/Helmutt participation June 6 - Off Limits - Deals Gap OR trip June 13 - Barber AMA race (tentatively scheduled for this date) - Not official - but I plan to vacation there this weekend so it's off limits for me and probably whaler/wolfman June 20 - We lose IP and is that too late for a "spring" ride? I agree. I like the HH route, but 2 years in a row for 3 rides, I think it may be time to a more centralized location and different route - If it fails, then we can always revert back to the HH location for the Fall ride. Zanesville isn't any longer from Dayton than Hocking Hills? Good man, good man... Helpful links. I think the Hocking Hills route is a pretty difficult route. I don't think we'd have any less of a time finding leads/sweeps than last year on a new route.
  6. So recommendations for a new replacement seat for my 2007 Z1000? I bought the bike with modified covers on the seat, and I'm not sure if they shaved the padding on the seat, or just pulled the fabric too tight, but the seat is unbelievably uncomfortable. I did some googling and found out that others have complaints of that seat as well. Kind of weird for a sport 'touring' bike, but that's neither here nor there. I was looking at Corbin, but also heard of saddleman. Probably going to need to replace both seats because my girlfriend complains of how uncomfortable her seat is as well. I don't want to spend too much money but I want to be as comfortable as I can, considering I plan to do some longer trips this upcoming season. Corbin is about $420 for both seats. I've heard mixed reviews about comfort on Corbin, so any feedback would greatly be appreciated.
  7. Guess it is that time again to put together some details for the Spring 2015 Epic Ride. Do we want new meet location + route? What are good dates? Once we get some ideas put down, I'll start some polls for the final decisions. Time to occupy some of the dreaded winter. Please don't dismiss other's ideas, lets just get them all down and we can then try and narrow down to the most popular for everyone. Sorry, I've been a bit preoccupied lately with work and holidays that I haven't gotten on the site too much. Edit: I have added 2 polls for the Spring Epic Ride 2015 - I have allowed for multiple answers to be given, so if you are impartial to multiple dates (or either meet spot) you can vote for multiple answers. Voting will end on Feb 31, 2015 and decisions will then be made. Voting is public as well.
  8. Good deal. now you just have to deal with it sitting there through the cold winter... well unless the next 2 days work out to be fairly decent riding days.
  9. I motovlog all the time. I had a channel close to 500 subs but wanted to start a new channel solely to motovlog on. Any questions you have,I'd be happy to help.
  10. The ride is in a trailer? That's strange
  11. If it wasn't so difficult, the owner would have gotten a title before selling it. Since he is selling without title, he's either tried and failed or just knows how difficult it can be. I'd avoid it. There are plenty of deals to be had for bikes especially going into the winter months. Be patient. It will benefit you in the end. Good Luck.
  12. Well you know what that means... Weather stay warm and dry and maybe I can get one more ride in before the dreaded winter.
  13. Ride safe fellas. Wish I could join ya... Stay warm.
  14. Well the team spoke and wants me there. Sorry guys. I'm out
  15. Weather seems fine now. I'm at like 60% in. Waiting on my team to give me a pass.
  16. I'd like to attend this. Not a great possibility though cause I play football on Sundays in a league. We have first place locked up so I might be able to convince the guys they don't need me so I can make this. Though, I just looked and it's 60% of rain so that may make the decision easier.
  17. What Tpoppa said is great information. Twist of the wrist II is a great video to watch. I watch this once a year at the beginning on the year and try focus on trying to implement 1 or 2 things into my riding. The one thing I didn't see on here that may add to this conversation is that 4k miles is not near enough experience. I've been riding since I was 21 (I'm 29 now) and I average 8-9k miles a year. About 2 years ago, I really started focusing on the twisties in southern Ohio and long rides. I'm still constantly learning new and better techniques that allow me to go faster and smoother. Just know that you have A TON more to learn and if you ever stop learning and evaluating your riding, then would be the time to stop riding.
  18. Who? I'm thinking about going through teespring --- they'll deliver shirts to everyone's house - may cost 20.00 though.
  19. Everyone's opinion is as valuable as the next. No one person's voice goes unheard, no matter how new or inexperienced they are.
  20. Just watched the whole video. Group looked locked in. Well done.
  21. I'll be completely honest. My first ever big ride with OhioRiders was also my first long ride on a bike. I was very skeptical but somehow I convinced myself to do it and it forever changed the way I ride motorcycles. I, too, was very shy, and didn't talk much because the new environment and riding style kept my mind in full concentration and left no room to socialize. After a few rides, though, you'll become a lot more comfortable and the off the bike talk will increase. Had I known this was your first big ride, I would have gone up 83 with you. I always want to make sure a rider makes it home safe. It's one of my favorite roads because it's got enough twisties to keep you entertained, but very few corners that will get you into any sort of trouble. You can really haul ass down that road and it's a real good finisher to a great day of riding.
  22. Thank you to everyone who attended!!! You made this event uphold it's name, Epic Ride!!! The event didn't have as big of a turnout as some of the other events, but everyone was very social, and that made this event special. A lot of new faces showed up, and I was able to meet a lot of new people. No egos throughout the ride, which was awesome! Everyone came out for an enjoyable ride, and I won't speak for everyone, but I believe it was perfect for one of the last rides of the year before the dreaded winter. A special thanks goes to Wolfman1! Thanks for getting there early and putting up the signs. They were well designed and made for easy organization. Apologies to everyone that I couldn't get everyone rounded up for a quick meeting before the ride, the NEO group got there late and wanted to get the fast group off quickly so those who needed to get home before dark, could still possible do it. Not as many pictures and videos were taken at this event, but that's mainly because we missed Nivin and Dan, but I definitely saw a lot more interaction between riders. I think that was a huge focus for many riders this year and that's great!! Tpoppa, JackFlash, and Helmutt -- Thanks for leading the other groups! This route isn't the easiest and you guys executed flawlessly! The transitioning of riders to different groups was perfect and kept everyone as safe as possible. Jacobhawkins and Heagachongoose - Thanks for bearing the med-fast group throughout the duration - Apologies for the first half, just couldn't get comfortable on the new bike and was mentally blocking some things apparently, but we definitely picked the pace up in the second half of the ride. Jacob, I look forward to our next ride together! You throw that whale around great and I've seen your progression over the last few rides. You've definitely progressed greatly! Not only in your riding, but your confidence on the bike has increased drastically as well! TimtheAzn - Thanks for coming! You did it on the triumph! Close to 500 miles and you even said you weren't sore. I wonder how you feel today reading this but nevertheless, it was nice meeting you! I better see you on some more of our NEO adventures. Next time we won't slab the last part home!! All twisties!! And to everyone elseI forgot to mention! Thank you everyone for coming and I hope you had as great of a time as I did! I hope everyone wants to come out for the next Epic Ride in the Spring 2015!!! I promise the t-shirts will be made this time! I'm going to spend the winter finding a dependable guy. I have some great ideas for the next shirt, involving both sides of the shirt!!! If anyone has any ideas on how to keep improving the event, please feel free to post here or send me a PM. I am always open to suggestions. I believe Nivin and I are going to be creating an LLC for the ride, which may open up to some sponsorships. Some ideas I have are bringing in a mobile dyno to the event so those who want to dyno their machines can do so. A local motorcycle shop also mentioned that they would be willing to come out and grille some food for us and offer some special discounts at their store as well. All great things to make this event better!!! SEE YOU ALL AT THE NEXT EVENT!!!! PS: Snot get back in the kitchen!!
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