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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. Definitely worth trying on. I can't say how long they are gonna last as I just got em but they kept me perfect all day Sunday
  2. Downloading video to my computer now from the event... Quite a bit of footage to surf through, but I'll put some stuff together. For the beginning part of the footage, I gave the camera to our sweep, whaler, so it'll be him in the back catching all the bikes in the field. Then after the gas stop, I put the camera on the back of the bike and faced it backwards to catch everyone behind me... I fear that part will be not great because it gets really buzzy back there... We shall see, I will post when I get the videos edited and rendered... Should have some tonight...
  3. Cycle gear has a massive sale on freeze out stuff. 80% off. I bought these freeze out pants and they worked phenomenal. They are like thermal with wind breaker. Was perfect under my riding pants. I honestly. Want Togo back and buy the freeze out for your hands. Pants are normally like 59 and got em for 20
  4. Yea I have the silverish ZX10 (i was leading)... were you in Yamaha silver/black leathers?
  5. For feedback purposes, did anyone think of something that we could implement into future rides that would make things much better? I know we tried to group people into sections and I think that went a little better for organizing... I definitely think we need to try and find more leads for the groups... more people are willing to last minute sweep if needed but we had a bit of trouble finding leads for the groups, even at the event. I brought "Hello my name is" stickers, but totally forgot to bring them out. I think that would have been useful for a lot of people who are A) either to shy to introduce themselves B) Reinforcing people's name with username to a face. I met a few people who told me their username and I forgot it 10 minutes later lol...
  6. Yea, he was a group whore yesterday.... lol
  7. Ask mojocho and jschaf about that light Mojo almost went bowling for motorcycles and jschaf just decided to run it with 2 cars coming the other way.
  8. Yea, I've thought about doing the exact same thing several times going through there... the detour isn't very long but no one ever seems to be coming the other way when I get there...
  9. Exactly! Glad no one was upset with me leading at the speed limit
  10. Going to apologize for the long post in advance. Thanks to everyone who helped with inputs on putting this ride together. All the help through this thread really made it run about as smooth as possible. Hopefully, we will continue to learn and improve on each of the major rides that we put together moving forward. Most importantly we had no crashes from any group which is incredible!! I'm glad everyone stayed safe and was able to make it home because that it was it most important. Dizzledan, pleasure meeting you and thanks for taking all the pictures. It made the media side of things a lot easier knowing you had it under control. I wanted to take more video on the drift, but with trying to organize and getting the t-shirts out, I didn't get as much time trying to do that as I would have liked. Isaac's Papa, pleasure meeting you as well. Thanks for being helpful when tracy's hands almost fell off. She looked really sad and you put a nice smile on her face when she needed it. Also thank you for helping mojocho find his way when we got left on the way down lol. Whaler, thanks for the sweep of the group. Sorry I made a few wrong turns but no one went down, most everyone seemed very happy with our pace, and we enjoyed ourselves. Job well done. JSChaf, thanks for leading the NE group down and leading the fast group. I look forward to the next time you can leave me in the dust playing catch up. Was the ticket for speeding or going down the closed bridge on wrong side of the road? I ask, cause I've thought to just romp down that side to avoid the detour. Wolfman1, excellent ride back home. That last stretch of 83 from New Concord to Wooster was very enjoyable. NinjaDoc - Nivin, thanks for making the journey to come visit us with something you created. I'm more than honored to continue helping keep this ride going. Only great things are to come in future Epic Rides. Also thanks for the support with getting this together. It definitely gave me some credibility when you backed some of my ideas, and that was much appreciated. Hellmut/Snot - Thanks for organizing the Dayton group. It made it much easier to organize knowing you would have all your group on the same page. Pleasure meeting you as well. Mojocho - Thanks for not bowling into my bike at the red light of construction and the kind words you sent to me in the PM when you got home. I look forward to the next time we get to ride. To anyone else that I met on the ride, I apologize for not mentioning you by name (calina, cdub, etc.)but it was a pleasure meeting you and hopefully I'll see you at the next group ride or the next Epic Ride in the fall!
  11. No big deal man. Just glad to have ya present. Also appreciate the help organizing at the lot. See you guys bright and early.
  12. Messages have been sent to everyone in the OP. Hopefully everyone gets the message. Due to low temps and rain through most of northern Ohio, we have decided to move the Epic Ride date to Sunday May 18. Everything else remains the same for details, minus changing of the date. Please alert those you know that were planning on attending of the change. Apologize for the late notice, and look forward to seeing those who can still attend on Sunday.
  13. I'm actually glad you saw this. I was worried you might already been at work and then heading straight.
  14. They have upped the rain chance in NE Ohio. Per the overall consensus and weather, it's best to cancel tomorrow and move the official date to Sunday. Much warmer and no rain. Please alert everyone you know that planned on attending of the change.
  15. They're all blank. Anyone who wants to fill in their username and wear it is welcome. Of course until they run out.
  16. Routes printed for leads, "who am I" stickers ready. Shirts loaded and ready. Bikes about ready to go. Now just holding off on the weather to about 5 to make a final decision on weather.
  17. Shirts are in my possession Here's the final look
  18. DerekClouser


    From the album: Random photos

  19. DerekClouser

    Random photos

  20. There are people in the world who find reasons to not do something and people who find ways to do things. You can't reason with the first.
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