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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. Unfortunately we do not. It appears those who feel comfortable leading are in the same boat as yourself and are not sure if they are going to be able to attend, which is understandable. I'd rather know those who are coming are in for sure and not count on someone who isn't going to show up. Either that, or the other leads are very specific in the people they want to hand select to be in their group. I hope that as we near closer to the actual date, that people will know more definitively whether they can make it or not and if they will be able to lead. I know a few of the guys I ride with regularly, would be willing and capable of leading in a pinch. (ie whaler, wolfman1, 330racing)
  2. Agreed, and riders will still have the ability to drop off at that same gas station if they feel the pace exceeds their comfortability and try and squeeze into the next group as they roll by. I know quite a few people, myself included, was dying to get off the bike for a stretch near the end of last years ride, which lead to this change. Gives a much more central stretch spot which I think will go a long way. I'm glad everyone so far is in agreement with the change.
  3. Agreed, this station has 8 pumps which should be enough... Plus being a little further into the ride, hopefully by sending the faster groups first, should put a bit more separation from group following. Win Win
  4. I have made a slight modification to the route to improve from last years problems. Instead of the gas station we hit last year, we've found a gas station more central to the ride. Last year, many felt the first stop was way to early (30 miles into the ride, leaving a 110 mile iron butt section. I noticed many were very sore. After reviewing the route, we found a gas station that can accommodate our size as well as provide 3 bathrooms for those who need to go. The route will remain the same minus a very short turn to a gas station and return back on to the route. http://goo.gl/maps/ZnwBZ The gas station we will be using is at point G. BP Gas station : 531 N Main St, McConnelsville, OH This gas station is 70 miles into the ride and leaves 60 miles after the gas station. Changing the gas/stretch stop has multiple advantages: 1) More evenly separates the route (keeps riders from that uncomfortably long stretch we had last year) 2) Keeps well within the 100 mile typical gas stops 3) The stretch leading up to the gas station is a bit twisty, so it will allow a chance to recover before continuing the ride. 4) Doesn't change the route but a .1 mile quick detour. 5) 3 bathrooms between the gas station/dairy queen (which has outside entrances to the bathroom and the BP attendant said we would be fine to use the DQ bathrooms) 6) Last year, leading up to the ride, many riders already agreed that we wanted to find a more central gas stop. The only flaw that I can see by doing this is that it prevents those who may not be in the right group from switching earlier. This is easily solved by the idea that we can do a quick stop and go at the first gas station from last year if anyone feels uncomfortable. They will wait for the next group to pass. When approaching the first gas station (the one from last year), be on the look out for riders who may be waiting to switch and let them squeeze into your group as you ride by. I am already aware that people dislike change, but I do honestly believe this is better for the overall rider experience. As pretty much everyone said, it's better to have one guy make a decision than try and have 10 people debate whether it's better or not. I'll listen to anyone who may have reasons why this is bad, but for now, I believe this will be the best for the ride.
  5. So it appears that we still are a go on t-shirts. I've spoken several times with different tshirt places and removed the rider from the design. Still on the fence of whether we are going to do the 3color design or standard black and white. Still waiting on price confirmation. Stay tuned.
  6. Starts at 7am. Arrive in Hocking Hills around 10-1030. Epic ride starts at 1130am. Ride ends around 4pm. Then everyone kind of goes home on their own or little groups. Some eat some Slab. So depending on how you do it will depend your end time. I live in Akron and got home at 930pm but did NOT slab. So around 12-14 hours.
  7. If the image is vectored, it shouldn't really matter, but then again that's coming from a graphics background and not a printing background.... I'm assuming you're saying this from previous experience??
  8. DerekClouser

    OR Decals

    I ordered 2 months ago as well. Even messaged QuikAccord to find out status... Recently, he finally responded and sent the stickers. He said he had some issues with his equipment temporarily and was involved in a motorcycle accident which put him behind. I was worried, but he has since sent them out so I don't think he disappeared but just had some personal things that put him behind.
  9. Meet time will be at 7am in Lodi - Would like to be on the road at that time - Should be through Wooster by 7:30 on route 83 (where it starts to finally get fun) and then hopefully should give us plenty of time to get down there. This also leaves a little more time for those who aren't quite as fast and in case something happens and someone is running a bit late.
  10. I've redone the logo to be far more basic to see if they are able to use the new logo. Also have a friend looking into one other option. I apologize for jumping the gun on the refund, I just wanted to be forthcoming with everything as soon as I found out so those who paid don't think I'm trying to scam them or anything. Edit: The new basic logo
  11. I'm 6'1 215 lbs... Think they would fit?
  12. We still have an option that we are working out now. Brian (whaler) may have someone who will be able to get this done for us. He's verifying pricing and should hopefully have an answer today. I'll keep everyone posted as soon as possible.
  13. I don't know of any places. Tracy mentioned she may know a place.
  14. Very bad news....and unfortunately this has nothing to do me but the place we were going to do the t-shirts. I placed the order on Monday with no problems. Had already cleared the logo with the shirt designer and he was understanding at the time. Today I received an email and a few text messages from my contact at the t-shirt shop saying they couldn't do the logo that I had requested. They listed a place to try and contacted them and the price was $50.00 to create the logo and $18.00 a t-shirt which is far too expensive. Therefore, as soon as they refund the money to my account for being unable to process the request, I will refund everyone who paid via PayPal and for the few that paid in cash, I will meet up with you and refund the money. Send me a PM if you don't wish to get refunded through paypal, and I'll give you cash at the Epic Ride. While this isn't my fault, I do apologize to everyone expecting a t-shirt. I am equally as disappointed with this as I'm sure some of you are. I've attached the pictures of the two conversations I had with him. Edit: They said the refund should take less than 5 business days.
  15. Already past the shirt deadline unfortunately. But there is no deadline to get into the ride. We'd be happy to have ya tag along. Any idea what pace group you'd like to be placed into??
  16. I'll wave at anything that's on 2 or 3 wheels. Usually the 2 fingers out to the side and if they don't wave back, it turns up into the air with only the middle one sticking out. Then I murmur a fuck you in my helmet and speed away
  17. Yea. We are going to stick with one route
  18. Sweeps are easy. Anyone can really sweep if needed. It's finding the leads that can be difficult. Personally I enjoy leading. I just have a tendency sometimes to want to womp the straights and will have to tone it down a bit.
  19. Absolutely no offense taken. I only took the role of organizing because nobody else was doing it.
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