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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Rode the ZR bent 24 mi. on the TJ evans trail from Newark to Johnstown. 1.5 mile from the trailhead my chain came off the single ring. As coasting to a stop I saw the chainring wobble. 3 aluminum chainring bolts were gone, 2 loose. The 2 piece spider was also loose. Glad this happened before I sold it. Also checked out the Horns Hill downhill runs in Newark. They are no joke, steep ,gap jumps, lot of loose rock berms though.
  2. Tell him your old neighbor let you raid his liquor cabinet in the middle of the night and gave you handies.
  3. Dropped out candidates suing state for canceling party's primary with 1 candidate. If you wanted a vote you should have stayed in. https://www.lohud.com/story/news/politics/2020/04/29/why-andrew-yang-suing-new-york-over-its-decision-cancel-its-democratic-presidential-primary/3046613001/
  4. good fences make good neighboors next time he's outside drive across his lawn. send him a quote for sodding or paving it.
  5. Optima Baron recumbent bike OR $750 Medium with adjustable boom and I can swap you a large seat. Has 2x9 175mm cranks can swap 3x9 145mm Central ohio.
  6. Does anyone really submit ohio BMV4311 cancel registration form after selling a vehicle? I guess they need notarized too. https://s3.amazonaws.com/odx-odps-content/links/bmv4311.pdf
  7. Do you even bridge? double helix? I haven't hit it again since clearing it a few times then falling off once.
  8. ^ Now listing 2/3 of the bike's price in special parts.
  9. The trails were packed today. The Sidis felt great, though 3 levers per buckle is ridiculous.
  10. on a scale of 1 to 10 how hand drilled is spoke nipple manufacturing?
  11. they brought him out of the coma after 16 days.
  12. Ohio- REMOTE A/V NOTARIZATION PERMITTED Social Distancing and Notarization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  13. Just got dominator 7's the other week. I'm hoping they break in, my old dragons are much more comfotable. Is that 20 at a time or per day...?
  14. realized I can probably shave off the trumpet of my horn with little performance difference in hopes of tucking it in the fairing.
  15. motocat12

    Gun advice

    Devil's advocate, I also have no idea how many are waiting outside.
  16. motocat12

    Gun advice

    what if your family is spread from 1 end of the house to the other?
  17. motocat12

    Gun advice

    If you are aware someone is in the house but don't have line of sight, how successful would a starter pistol be to avoid confrontation and penetration issues? with real firepower should it escalate.
  18. I forgot about those. i did ask for his #. told him i was comfortable with the bike history if he wanted papers he would need to get it. If they send I link (affiliate?) I get something to report. @Tpoppa I put vinyl wrap with a price and #. with all the head turns I normally get I think they would be better impulse buyers then the CL virtual tire kickers asking questions answered in the ad. Getting a notary will be fun....
  19. Bike in storage turned over twice without starting, jump pack only turned it over 2 more times from 100% still not starting. back to get a spare moto battery.
  20. paid the $5 for a craigslist ad. 7 emails in 12 hours. obviously there's the spam bot thing. But one guy has emailed twice.. for a total of 3 words.(*edit* lol I have 3 emails from him from october before he went quiet) aprilia interest available? also Checking on your aprillia Are you firm on the price or open for negotiations? Not trying to low-ball you, I promise! Is this a millennial thing maybe that they don't know how to work to a decision/meeting? I added a line, full price offers replied to first.
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