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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Speaking of toilet paper, I once bought some at the store forgetting I didn't have my body sized duffle bag and ended up riding home with my belt through the package/roll tubes and over my shoulder. Which leads me to the excuse if a cop pulls you over while riding instead of sheltering. Trying to find a store not sold out of toilet paper.
  2. That says average annual. https://www.businessinsider.com/new-us-coronavirus-death-toll-models-estimate-deaths-august-2020-4.
  3. For my equity refinance loan @ a credit union I ignored their document requests until they finally sent a message that I was approved. Lol, monthly stats?
  4. Currently 1/2360 ohioan's have had CV.
  5. with the Der cage still clear the spokes?
  6. deaths from China, Italy and the U.S. show that more than half — and as many as two-thirds — of COVID-19 patients who are placed on ventilators don’t survive.
  7. The closer it gets to the worst time to get it, the more I crave takeout.
  8. The LEDs are clearly lame. But what else could you power while moving with a helmet wind tubine? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYnGdxxPboY&feature=related
  9. this seat angle looks better.
  10. the brass plunger on the inflator has a divot on it.If i put a bb on top of the tire valve it then lets air through the connection.
  11. Have you tried dumping it to save it's pricing though? then you'll run out and can comment with us..
  12. you can freeze it. I don't but already have some and haven't run out. There's the boxed shelf stable stuff too
  13. anyone experience a jammed inline air gauge inflator? if i depress the valve at the end it lets out air but nothing connected when depressing the lever.
  14. How long do you plan for? We haven't hit the worst yet.
  15. https://jobs.battelle.org/ShowJob/Id/2462967/CCDS Decontamination Technician
  16. Have to keep dealerships profiting somehow.
  17. sounds flooded now. carb floats stuck or tuning it over wide open?? test spark plug(s) for spark after gas is cleaned off everything.
  18. Sorry the wax would be for an open nut. That would be harder for an allen head. Impacts are more about the impacts than the torque. What about warming the engine then an ice cube on the bolt?expand the hole and contract the bolt.
  19. CRC freeze spay, will an impact gun fit?. I used heat and candle wax on a tough car axle bolt.
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