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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. oh it has the 09 motor, I thought it was the crossplane. I'd demo the mt10 over it. I didn't care for the 09 as my triple introduction.
  2. I see headlights but no news stars. smooth.
  3. well none of the jerks here gave me the heads up and they were packing up when I got there
  4. Yamaha demo was at ip 2day. They have nikens.
  5. https://www.foxnews.com/us/houston-school-bus-driver-dwi-bad-donut Houston school bus driver charged with DWI blames it on bad donut. She said it was given to her out the back of a motorcycle's topcase and tasted like moonshine.
  6. got a $500 accessory voucher for buying a new ktm through Sept. Not sure if its name registered/transferable but someone buying one could try it.
  7. there's a reason. they cut the rate to steal you and expect you won't notice the standard rate the next year. I write the premium on the wallet card so I can easily see their yearly raise.
  8. I've been on geico with the car for 5 years and the bike 1 year. no claims but they are on probation for their last self raise rate increase.
  9. I'm a cyclist and I always fill the level back up with water.
  10. shaggy fails doping tests though.
  11. Rode Pandapas Pond in Blackburg saturday for 2 hours. started on the easy trail that might be just what I need at my current fitness. turned onto Prickly Pear and it started destroying me with jagged rock sections and rocky climbs. My fork didn't handle this well at the slow pace and I tried to bleed some air out with my thumbnail. pfft , no air in fork. I was able to force a little in with my pack pump and then locked it out. I preferred the lock out to it's original reaction. Got back on the flowy easy horse poop trail and finished 10 miles. Had several water crossings. Who's great idea was it to make these to soak your shoes and pants but leave you hot? Got a valve extension from an auto parts store and pumped my fork back up with my floor pump. 4 hours of Carvin's Cove on Sunday. May be my favorite US trail so far. (might have to re-hit ones i haven't ridden in years) Had intended to finish the ride after a big loop hitting a lot of the trails and take a fire road back to the parking. It went straight up for 2000 feet in 3 miles. at the top the OG trail not marked on maps.
  12. i've seen some bent down to match but in the main force direction for adjusting. not sure if the torch would help. you could swap the perches with something with adjustable. wouldn't a set screw between the lever and it's stop let you adjust the distance just with more effort than a dial?
  13. found this on google maps. that's a chainsaw.
  14. Headed to Roanoke for the weekend to hit trails.
  15. My SV definitely lost some torque with a shorty exhaust. I put a 5" extension in front of the can and improved it. SVs and RSVs have many saying they need a long exhaust. Now i'll start to get some science. I don't know how a dual 45 compares to a 2 into 1 60mm lengthwise. I also previously added 2 balance pipes on the old collector.
  16. My Italian bike's exhaust will melt metal and glass! How many heartbeats does it take to pressurize an exhaust? The fitting is closed off except for 1/8 opening. gauge threads are brass. The worst part is I need to install my old 2 into 1 exhaust or find someone with the same bike to measure for comparison.
  17. anyone ever measure the difference on exhaust backpressure from oem, aftermarket, baffled aftermarket?? I just found a spare gauge threads straight into my header.
  18. No reports yet? On my way to get some KTM.
  19. what's enough amps rating? i was looking at 1000 to have for the car too.
  20. I was considering ditching this for a 3 day trip but my destination has rain forecast just like friday here. Up in the air, may aim for early Saturday.
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