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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Which local dealers? Not being a dick, actually really curious.
  2. OP is a car flipper. I get it, he changes cars like most of the Cr membership changes underwear (once a month - zing!). It is not a particularly favorable thing to be to car guys because, frankly most of us kinda fetishize our cars a little bit so the concept that they are easily discarded isn't always welcome. Also it tends to offend the long term marque specific guys because they are looked at as "tourists" in the hobby. Whatever the OP is doing it seems to be working for him, although I don't know how well he knows any of these cars as he doesn't have them for long, but he seems to be having fun....so....give him a break. ya know, everyone gets bored with their car, some just get bored quicker than others. CL ads are what they are - they have to have some kind of contradiction or insanity in them or they are not credible. That being said I do want to know what this "opportunity" is? I am fascinated by things people say they can't pass up.
  3. I tell everybody that. I was just being funny. I do find it odd that you are going out of your way to defend what is clearly not ok behavior but whatever. I kind of understand it because I feel the same way about government installed cameras all over NYC but guess what - I don't act on it (or maybe I did by moving to Ohio).
  4. you are right, he should totally have not done the right thing and owned up to destroying the helicopter because that would keep him out of trouble. In fact I think you just found the solution to prision overcrowding - if you break the law, keep your mouth shut.
  5. see right there...that decision that you would choose illegal behavior rather than the appropriate action of notifying authorities - you are going to honestly claim that you came to that decision without some sense of indignation as to your invasion or privacy or intrusion into home ownership? Rational people don't usually find ways to rationally justify breaking the law. just saying.
  6. under the state laws you are still destroying property. maybe you don't get charged with reckless behavior or maybe you do. no gun no violation of your local gun laws. As far as downing an aircraft and whether it applies - well the FAA's interpretation issue is around commercial use rather than how the aircraft was downed. so no not really.
  7. I am not pulling random shit out of anywhere. I have read all your responses. This argument between you and me boils down to you think its a certainty it won't happen and I say it is entirely possible to happen because the standards employed are fluid and completely within the government control. your point is nothing i say makes it a certainty and therefore it can't happen, and my point is nothing is certain about this at all and the FAA still has the power to make it happen if it wants to. The only way it will be settled is if a) something horrible actually happens and the FAA revises their position, or b) a government agency puts it into writing via legislation or caselaw. now if you just want to argue with me to tell me I am wrong, please do me a favor and go read up on the differences between the legislative law making, adjudication, and the impact of government regulatory memos and then get back to me. I can tell you that the way I think the wind is blowing on this is that the FAA really wants to take a broad approach to this but has found it has been an unpopular view, so they are probably waiting for the right case to come in so they can leverage public opinion to legislate the hell out of this area to both the determent of hobby pilots and the people that want to shoot them.
  8. if there is a bullet hole in your neighbor's house, you best bet is get a lawyer and talk through him and not to answer any questions if you have any sense of self preservation. you are going to some great lengths to justify what is clearly behavior driven by emotion rather than rational thinking. you really think people all hot and bothered about a hobby copter are thinking about safety and responsibility if the thing they reach for is their rifle? the whole reason we are having this conversation is because a bunch of people acted without regard to safety, you want to argue hypothetical to the end of time - sure, can we use fictional characters like my little ponies and the terminator? I mean is this really so hard of a concept that you you need to find the one rare example where it might be permissible to use a gun?
  9. Fixed it for you. This is a woefully underdeveloped area of the law, you aren't guaranteed anything. there is nothing that says it won't happen either. Until there is case law (and by case law I mean a Judge actually writing an opinion as to what constitutes commercial activity) and/or actual written legislation the door is open to be prosecuted under federal laws if the FAA feels that needs to happen. Again, I totally recommend you should go out and test this out. Go walk through dublin or upper arlington or the short north with your rifle and shoot all the drones you see. I recommend you try to hurt someone as well because that will really get the government agencies churning. then let us know how it works out.
  10. There is way more too auto-x than the car. In fact the entire first year of you doing it is really just learning how it all works and how to retrain yourself for a different kind of driving. That's why most people just recommend you starting off with what you have already. I was kidding about you using a 7 second fox mustang to run a parking lot full of cones but hey, if you want to try it go for it. Just have a good attitude about it when start collecting cones and getting lost in the course. On the one hand it seems like a lot of car to manage, on the other - at least you will know if you like it or not. Just remember to swap out the 90/10 drag shocks also. I would take robochan's offer of trying it out with his miata if I were you. that sounds like an awesome offer. nobody said I could score a clean, maintained E30 for $500 but I did. Sure it was a friend deal and it had a light hit in the nose but it was mechanically fine and in 5 years of ownership i put less than $800 in the mechanical of the car. The odds aren't really in your favor these days with price but it doesn't mean you shouldn't look. I can't argue with miata being the "cheapest" way but not everyone likes miatas, plus if you already have a bunch of fox body spares then you might as well leverage that. I had a friend who started auto-x with a stock 1984 camaro ZF slick roof. v-6 car with a manual and v-8 suspension parts from the factory. $600 car 5 years ago. did it for 2 years and then switched to an integra. if the camaro hadn't thrown a rod it probably would have kept using it. The car was also his daily.
  11. pixie dust and fairy magic is assumed in all my arguments so I win all the time every time. we aren't discussing cases where safety and responsibility are not an issue, we are discussing people's knee jerk reaction to something and an emotional response. Rarely do those tend to walk hand in hand with safety and responsibility.
  12. up until April of this year - the standard for "commercial" operator was if you were making the video public or using it for a commercial purpose. That means if you posted on youtube you were a "commercial operator", even if you did not actually receive any money for the footage. The current standard as of April is that your footage has to be actually tied to commercial activity directly. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-14/drone-home-videos-on-youtube-no-longer-provoke-faa-wrath Now I want to listen closely - this is an interpretative standard by the FAA, it is not legislative, it is not case holding (because right now there aren't enough cases about this) it is the FAA deciding this is the standard and putting it in a memo. If they decide to go back to that pre-April position of nearly anything is commercial activity they can, and they can arrest you, and they can try you and you can take the risk that a court will agree with you and not with them (and then we will actually have interpretative case law to rely on). All they need is a rash of these kinds of dangerous behaviors and it's no big deal to flip the switch back to everything is commercial activity for our purposes. If you are trying to make the argument that you can shoot a drone down and somehow avoid jail from a state or federal agency, please by all means do it and let us know how it works out for you. Right now there are more laws regarding firearms and public safety than there are regarding hobby copter operation. That means in the overwhelming majority of the scenarios the copter operator is probably doing something legal and you by discharging your firearm are probably not.
  13. you are making a big leap from wanting to stop a peeping tom to irresponsibly discharging a firearm. Of course you should be pissed about that, anybody would. If you find yourself grabbing your rifle or handgun and you live in anything that could be considered semi-residential, there is the line. what's semi-residential? lets say your nearest neighbor is less than 2.5 miles from your property (or roughly the average greatest possible distance a high powered rifle round can travel).
  14. http://gizmodo.com/is-it-ok-to-shoot-down-your-neighbors-drone-1718055028
  15. are you sure about that? because last I checked in order for you to restrict access to your property you need to actually post notice (no trespassing signs) and in some states restrict access (fences, gates, etc) In other words, your mailman, solicitors, door to door sales men, etc....have every right to walk on to your property and ring your door bell and knock on your door if you haven't at very least put up the no trespassing signs. As far as walking into other areas of your property, that's a bit of a gray area - maybe they shouldn't be there but how are you going to prosecute if you haven't provided warning.
  16. If you see a drone hovering over your backyard...you call the cops. That's it. Let them and the FAA deal with it. If you are irresponsible enough to discharge a weapon in a residental area like that, my personal feeling is you are not responsible enough to own guns. but fortunately I don't have to worry about it because frankly shooting down a drone is considered shooting down an aircraft and attached to that lovely infraction is time in federal pound you in the ass prison. Which you totally deserve: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gregorymcneal/2013/12/10/thankfully-shooting-down-a-drone-will-land-you-in-federal-prison/ "Drone" is a piss poor word for what we are talking about here anyway - these are hobby airplanes and quad copters with little cameras on them. They are not the giant preadator things the gubment flys (anybody see a predator drone in real life? it's bigger than a cessna 172). There have been cameras on r/c airplanes since there have been both cameras and R/C airplanes (government used them for gun training in the 1940s, civilian use started about the 1980s). The only thing that has changed is accessibility to the equipment. there are probably going to be more laws coming soon about where you can fly or can't fly RC airplanes in relation to residential neighborhoods, which is kind of ok since that is how it is with gas powered larger RC craft, but really... if your first reaction to the neighborhood kid's quad-copter flying too close to your daughter's window is to grab your boom stick...seek professional psychiatric help.
  17. yes. yes they do. These are not they.
  18. easily if you cared if they remained street cars. However if we are talking a gutted purpose built car, things like the AC not working and the weather stripping not sealing are inconsequential. When it comes to things like the corvette, mustang, or F body, if you are paying $3K for all the body bushings under the car and a brake job, then I have a bridge to sell you. The most dangerous thing about buying a 3rd gen is having to go to the trailer park at night to have the title signed over. with the E30, if you do your own work there isn't much that needs looking after and it isn't expensive. Both lower controls arms, all the bushings, a guibo, and 4 bargain shock and springs should be less than $1000. Hopefully cars with drivetrains that sound like bags of hammers being dropped down a staircase are not considered.
  19. just do it with the mustang. Come around every turn buried in the throttle sideways and smiling. wife and I's entry car into auto-x was an E30 325i bmw (a 1991 convertible 5speed). It was a great car stock because it was very neutral handling and not super fast but not slow. I think in the auto-x beater for under $3K category these are the cars I would look for if just starting out: - E30 BMW - E36 bmw - Porsche 924/944 - MR2 - Miata - honda civic/acura integra/CRX/Del Sol - fox mustang - Slick roof 3rd gen camaro/firebird. - C3 & C4 corvette All of these are cars with solid aftermarkets that sell handling pieces, most can be easily had for under $3K and some for under $1500, all have potential to grow with your driving ability, and all have been road raced competitively for years and have a huge knowledge base to leverage off of. I was going to suggest your daily driver, but I see that it is a ford ranger, so unless it is lowered probably best not to use that. What does your significant other drive? maybe you can borrow that for a day?
  20. Replaced it two days ago and so far have had no issue. Tested it with a multimeter before replacing and it showed power and continuity and no real issues. Since this was heat related as well I am thinking it was an issue with the wire increasing resistance when heat soaked but not breaking full continuity - it was tough to replicate the conditions and even then didn't test out as having failed. Frustrating when the part that was really the problem was hiding in plain sight.
  21. Iphone. You think I am being a smartass, but really, these days a lot more happens in photoshop than it does in the camera. Part of the skill of taking a picture is learning how to compose your picture. Now granted, I get that you probably want a separate camera from your phone so you don't fill up your memory with a lot of pics, but let's start with what you want to shoot and what you want it to do: - image quality requirements? - size? (easy to transport vs ability to carry multiple lenses, etc) - action shots? (DSLR vs point and click) - lighting? - ability to edit?
  22. trucks are kind of out of control at the moment. Size, price, options, it's all kind of bonkers. I really do lament the death of the small trucks like the S-10 and Ranger. the new Colorados/canyons are as big as full sizes were 10 years ago. I would say it is about time we got a small diesel truck like ya know the rest of the world has but really are we?
  23. I forgot all about the cam sensor. At this point I think I am going to just replace it since I am chasing the gremlin around the car and have replaced pretty much everything else. And it is a $36 part.
  24. Trying to diagnose this issue that has been driving me nuts. Here are the basics: 1995 Jeep Wrangler YJ. 1 owner. 4.0L Six with OBD I computer, NV3550 Rubicon Trans (swapped), Borla Full stainless exhaust header to tailpipe. Giant Aluminum 2 core radiator (purchased for future v-8 swap, operating temp dropped from 190 to 180 degrees with no other changes). Otherwise stock. When the outside ambient air temp is above 65 degrees and the car has been run up to operating temp it will not hot restart. Engine just cranks and cranks but no fire. Tested the original 20 year old Crank Position Sensor and was seeing thermal failure (pins B and C were showing continuity which they should not be doing). Replaced with duralast unit from autozone because no jeep dealer has this part in stock. cured the issue for about 3 weeks then started again.... Verified that the coil had no spark when hot with spark tester. Replaced factory coil Saturday (Thanks Clay for the loan of your 10mm box wrench and smaller hands). Original 20 year old mopar coil had many cracks, most not visible until the unit was removed. Replaced with a brand new Accel unit. Tested all day Sunday without issue. Drove the truck this morning to downtown and issue re-appeared. Was having vapor lock issues with the fuel rail, insulated the fuel rail with some aluminum high heat tape and high temp foam. Tested fuel line pressure and the line showed 40 psi cold and 45 psi hot (factory rating is 38-45psi for pump). Pump is priming when key is turned and rail is full of fuel indicating no bleed down. Jeep runs fine when running, no stumble, rock solid idle. has never stalled or died. Cap, wires, and rotor are kinda old but otherwise fine, no massive scoring or anything weird. The kid's daycare parking is in an underground garage that is typically 80+ degrees in summer and also on an incline. I will usually park for 15 minutes and when I return the car will just crank and crank and not fire. I didn't test it today but usually when I get this issue there is no spark coming from the coil. I waited 20 minutes and the the jeep restarted. I have noticed that sometimes after waiting for it to cool and restart the speedometer/odometer will not work and the CEL is on. Once the car is fully cooled down it will start normally as if nothing ever happened. Thoughts on what to check next? I know duralast parts aren't exactly known for quality but I find it odd that I would get the exact same behavior out of the new one as I did out of the old. I am kind of leaning toward it being the CPS again since they are known for thermal failure, but my multimeter has gone missing since VMD Mid-Ohio. I can check continuity but not voltage.
  25. Clay, Have you checked at the Pick-n-Pull? They are showing a 1995 318i in their inventory - that would be an M42 head. 2716 Groveport Road Columbus, OH 43207 US 614-497-9152
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