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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. BMW S1000RR all the way. Unless you have a fetish for supercharged motorcycles (which I do). The pain in the ass with the h2 is that they are all special order (no dealer inventory), they are $25K, and all 2015 orders are closed so any new orders are for 2016 models. It's worse than trying to buy a hellcat.
  2. I like the Suzuki cappuccino better. 1) it can be a coupe, a targa, or a roadster. 2) it was in the initial D series and the beat was no. 3) turbo 650cc engine > N/A 650cc engine.
  3. http://www.indianapolismotorspeedway.com/events/motogp Planning on riding out on the duc for the weekend. Anybody else riding out?
  4. buy here: http://www.japaneseclassicsllc.com/inventory.html
  5. Geeto67

    Windows 10

    So before I say anything else I want all you damn kids off my lawn... ..good....ahem. So what does windows 10 look like? One of the reasons I have held on to windows 7 is because it looks how I expect a windows running PC looks. It's comforting, it's something I know how to effortlessly work, and it doesn't frighten me with a huge learning curve like windows 8 did. I fear change when it comes to PCs because they are literally a tool and a appliance to me and if I want frills and fancy apps I'll just grab my tablet (or PS3 controller). from what I have seen it is kind of a bland looking version of how windows always looks but is that just a default or can I expect it to be how they all look. I have also seen some shots where they still managed to intergrate what I call "1950s times square" See the resemblance?: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2678/4367912193_9304eb4931_o.jpg http://az648995.vo.msecnd.net/win/2014/09/Tech-Preview_Start-menu.png so can that be turned off? also, what the fuck is going on here?: https://www.saturnvpn.com/windows-10-last-versions-microsoft-windows/ my lapity toppity box isn't a touch screen so...is it worth it?
  6. http://jalopnik.com/here-s-everything-you-need-to-know-about-shipping-a-car-1686580874 http://jalopnik.com/here-s-everything-you-need-to-know-about-shipping-a-car-1686580874 http://jalopnik.com/here-s-everything-you-need-to-know-about-shipping-a-car-1686580874
  7. I'm with Jewtoys, The Skyline is actually on a do not import list from canada for vehicles under 25years old. http://www.wired.com/2011/04/cars-uncle-sam-says-you-cant-have/ once it hits 25 years it's fine but I don't think you want to be importing an skyline in 2020.
  8. I don't think I'm right about everything, I'm just not stupid enough to weigh in on things I don't have at least some knowledge on.
  9. Do you have access to westlaw? It's kind of a moot point here, because even in states with a purely civil regime injunctive relief is still possible. Other than arguing with me about what's states adultery is criminally punishable I'm not sure what your point is.
  10. To paraphrase an old airplane adage: there is nothing more useless than the speed bump behind you. Aside from bens comment, I don't think anybody is objecting to the speed bumps, just that they aren't marked clearly and visibly to act as a deterrent without potentially causing harm. That speed bump you were just surprised by? Yeah if there isn't another one looming in the distance then it past done and mostly forgotten. The value isn the speed bump is as a visible threatening deterrent to cause people to slow down, if the don't see it and don't slow and hit it and nothing happens to their car then what did it do? I do have to side with Ben on this though. Growing up I had lots of friends hit by cars, some of them killed. The earliest one I can remember was a classmate in 4th grade. I've been hit by cars plenty of times on bicycles, walking, etc...and honestly I can't think of a single instance where a speed bump would have prevented the crash or even remotely helped the situation. But I grew up in NYC where traffic is a way of life and not a mild inconvenience to the homeowner. I did get winged by a 1986 full size Buick station wagon for sleeping with a friend's ex girlfriend in college. Maybe if they put speed bumps on the approach to her ass I wouldn't have been hit by that car....I just don't know logistically how you would do it. Is there a homeowners association for asses? How would I have gotten them involved?
  11. It's a "crime" in almost all states but 21 have punishments for it. The ones that don't have punishments still have it as grounds for divorce depending how the law is written. E.g. Interference of marriage is a law against the outside party with sometimes criminal but mostly civil penalties. The states that don't at all usually have their marriage laws written differently due to quirks in the state law.
  12. I am curious where this allegation comes from. Aside from the original article specifically calling it that and a prostitution service as if it was fact (nice journalistic integrity Gawker Media Empire) I haven't seen any other source for that. I'm not saying it isn't facilitating human trafficking, it may very well, I was just curious as to the source of that particular bit of information.
  13. Here is the thing I can't wrap my head around: In most states, infidelity is actually a crime. 21 states actually have fines and jail time assigned to it (how often it is enforced is another matter). In all states copyright infringement is also a crime (because it is a federal law http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap5.html#506). When the RIAA sued Napster under copyright, the argument they made was the file sharing site facilitated criminal activity (copyright infringement). Part of the case resolution was an injunction to keep Napster from operating. Ashley Madison has been sued plenty. Fake profiles, promoting prostitution, and yes facilitating illegal activity. And yet, no injunction shutting it down. it's odd. that's all.
  14. do they actually own it (as in it is a fully private road in a restricted access community)? if so is the city enforcing it's easement for access? Or is it still a public road where the HOA as taken over maintenance and enforcement rights. I don't think the city can force diverting traffic down a private road unless they have existing rights to access. HOA's are still bound by trespassing signage and enforcement and all basic duties of care regarding the identification of hazards. If the speed bumps are as aggressive as being claimed, then all it takes is one suit for property damage to someone's car (or worse injury to a person) for a shit storm to descend on them.
  15. They need to have a "plaid" option for the interior on cars equipped with Ludicrous speed option. http://i.stack.imgur.com/mNA4dm.jpg
  16. Again shocked I am agreeing with Mensan here, but just to add to it....it's not just women looking to cheat but there are women in this world who want to be a mistress or want a casual fling with a married man because it presents less "attachment" while assisting in funding a lifestyle. these aren't married women looking for different married men, but rather single women who wanted a good time Charlie that they could walk away from when the dinners and the drinks ran out. When I used to work in bars in hells kitchen a long time ago I used to see plenty of these types of arrangements. People tend to think "kept person"/sugar daddy relationship when they think of mistress, but really it is seldom the case. Sometimes it's the causal nature and the idea you are doing something "wrong" that is the draw itself. It's a little sexist that our society still thinks of most women as always wanting to be in a relationship and wanting to be married, and somehow that it is not a desirable thing to be on your own as a woman. That being said, I have no fucking clue what goes on on Ashley Madison's site other than it is a dating site for married people.
  17. The last time we talked about something like this it turned into a racist hate fest with a lot of NIMBY bullshit about urban groups invading the "nice" neighborhood. No. Thank. You.
  18. Here is an idea, never go anywhere ever except where you are supposed to go. Point A to B in the fastest route. Don't even look out your side windows at other's neighborhoods. ever. In fact, don't leave home, sell your car, work from home, and have your groceries delivered.
  19. If the intent is to reduce speed then it is is still more effective at night to have them marked than not having them marked. Under your example they would still be seeing them and slowing down twice rather than just running at speed and not slowing down at all. Also it opens up either the city or the HOA (and whomever put them up) to liability for damage and injury, where as having them marked wouldn't. Anytime you create a situation where someone can sue you it's not efficient.
  20. Have you looked at a Nissan Frontier? Available in manual trans 4x4 crew cabs and not hard to find. Nice trucks and you won't miss the extra room. Not as comfortable as a fully loaded brodozzer but how much truck do you really need?
  21. the issue isn't whether the speedbumps should or shouldn't be there - the issue is really were they visible and properly marked (which they were probably not). Having visible marked speed bumps makes them effective at serving their purpose as being a deterrent to speeding. People see it, they slow down so as not to damage anything, and everybody wins. Having unmarked "surprise" speed bumps decreases their efficiency, potentially causes damage to the property of a person who has a right to use the road, and generally helps no one. Plus it is most likely illegal There is no argument you can make that justifies an "invisible" speed bump at night. none. good day sir.
  22. you've pretty much described every wrangler ever.
  23. what size are the bleeders on the vibe? Go get a set of speed bleeders (bleed valves with a spring loaded check ball in them) and then bleed it yourself.
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