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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I wonder if they will leave that bit in where Suge Knight kills some of the film crew: http://gawker.com/suge-knight-just-killed-a-guy-on-a-film-set-report-1682670439 as someone said in the comments section - Gas is $2 a gallon and Suge Knight killed somebody? the 90's are back!!!!
  2. all their lease deals are for automatics. bummer.
  3. Derek just hooked me up with tires for the wife's Audi - awesome deal and great tires. Can't say enough nice things about him and this service.
  4. your responses crack me up just because of this uber sense of "responsibility" and little to no understanding as to how big of a scam the police really run with these laws. There are certain laws which are protective of the populace and serve a legitimate need, and then there are laws which while they have a general "good for the community" interpretation are abused by Law enforcement for the purposes of filling their coffers rather than administering justice. As pointed out by LT1 Rick - It's a complete stop which is pretty subjective and within the officer's discretion. That's pretty loose considering that most courts give too much credence to officers testimony due to experience (it's kind of cyclical really - the more tickets written the more they are trusted even if none of those tickets lead to an actual conviction, what a garbage notion). Also officers have within their discretion to issue warnings. If the OP rolled the stop sign and almost caused an accident, then by all means the citation is probably just. but if it was a clear intersection, and no potential for accident what's the harm in a warning over an actual ticket? well the harm is to the state/county/city's checkbook not really anybody on the road. Remember, officers know exactly how much of an inconvenience a ticket is and they use that to their advantage. Take away that advantage by appearing and requesting resources for accommodation and it becomes easier to negotiate the issue. OP, I say fight it and when you appear please request a disability accommodation (if you sign, request a translator even if you can speak to the judge normally) and explain to whomever (depending on the court it will either be a prosecutor to negotiate or the judge) that the officer did not properly communicate with you and you don't understand the charge. chances are they won't feel this one is worth fighting for them and give you something. Remember, penny ante bullcrap like this is seldom about the law or justice - it's just a strategy game of who can inconvenience who and how much can be pulled out of your pocket. By the way, in case anyone wants to know where the 3 second stop rule comes from the generic national Driver's ed guides that schools use to teach you how to drive. It's pretty dated thinking in that they recommend 3 seconds is how long it will take you to assess the situation and then operate your vehicle properly as a new driver - from an era when manual brakes and manual steering were a common thing (and used cars might still have a manual timing advance).
  5. Sounds like he did his homework then. I would like see any dyno results.
  6. Let me ask a few questions: - is it a true equal length system? - what's the ID of the pipe? - has he dynoed it yet? I like the way it looks ok, not a fan of slash cut mufflers, and that merge collector seems a little dubious but if it is going to work like I think it is going to work he should see a bump in torque because of it, provided he didn't make the pipe too big. Since Ti is usually thin wall stuff that's what I am guessing he used and the pipes may be a little big for the application. Sporty owners usually like the look of big diameter pipes, and the stock pipes link big but on some models the pipe is pretty thick and sometimes even double walled, so the ID is only 1 5/8 inches. Most aftermarket exhausts for Sportsters are 2" or greater and most of them are great for stealing hp and turning it into noise. Exhaust design is all about exhaust gas velocity management and the larger and more unrestricted the pipe is the slower the gas charge, the collector design should put some restriction back and so would the muffler but I am interested in how the pipe performs.
  7. This is the special edition one year only model that they made 1500 of right? It's not a converted car is it?
  8. Anybody have a good recommendation for a local computer data recovery place? I had a hard drive fail a while back and it was my backup for all my photos and business files. Then my laptop got stolen and I lost the current files. I would like to try and recover the data and time is not a factor. Just looking for a place that will do a good job at a reasonable rate. signs point to it just being a motor failure in the drive but I am no expert. Drive has been sitting for just under 2 years because it happened right before I moved to Ohio.
  9. 911 fanboy-ism needs to die a fast but horribly torturous death. maybe this is the car to do it. Honestly I actually like every car (not SUV) that Porsche has made and they all make the kind of practical European sense given the market parameters, something that is sometimes lost on an American buying market. 356 purists hated the first 911s, the early long nose 911 purists hated the plastic bumper cars, the aircooled 911 purists hated the water-cooled cars, water cooled 911 purists hated the boxster, Boxster fans hated the cayman, 911 purists hated the cayman, cayman owners hated the depreciation, the turbo guys hate the non-turbo cars, the sportscar purists hated the automatic transmission ones (ok, they may be right in this instance), the RWD guys hated the AWD cars, 911 round light purists hate the runny egg 996s etc..... Honestly I can't think of another car make (except maybe corvettes) that has the market cornered on douchebaggery like Porsche "enthusiasts" do.
  10. Do you actually own an abarth? how is it?
  11. Not much room for a radiator, is there? How are you going to solve for that? Btw, I do love this project...just in case it comes off like I dont.
  12. I don't for certain but It had all the exterior hellcat specific pieces so it's a reasonable assumption. I'm a bit obsessed with the hellcat challenger at the moment and know the difference between that and a new challenger r/t with bolt ons.
  13. It's not hard to have a $150K car. I was at the bmw dealer this weekend and we figured out it was easy to get a new M5 to exceed that. There are only so many buyers for a 150K car so all of them are kinda rare and kinda expensive. It's rare and expensive sports cars in snow where they are so ill suited to be that really blow my mind. granted we are still talking about modern cars with stability control, but good on those people who treat them like cars. the hellcat blew my mind because I wasn't at a show, I wasn't expecting to see it, and it was kind of coming down at the moment it blew past me.
  14. no pics but it was a white hellcat challenger driving north on dublin road while I was going south at around 8:50 this am. Seems like an odd thing to be driving given the weather, but not the first time I have seen someone driving something rare and expensive in inclement weather along this road, the last two snowfalls I have seen a red Ferrari FF bread wagon and a black 599.
  15. I don't know if 6K miles counts as quite a few miles for a 2 year old car but let's just say it was. The owner was also the guy who literally wrote the book on first gen camaro restoration and had clearly bought the car as a collector item. The car was also in for a paint issue, so no driving was even necessary to fix the warranty issue. I think what made that one even more sour was that the dealer offered him a car that was a year older, didn't have any options he wanted, had been in a wreck, had 2 owners and 20K miles, and had been modified, and had less paperwork than the previous car. They then told him to take it or leave it and offered him a $4K good will discount to undo the modifications but that wouldn't put him back to square on his car. I get that it is a rare car but if you are dealer and your employee fucked your customer as badly as this one had, it's up to you to make it right not fuck the customer some more. There was some talk about the car owner's insurance and I thought I would throw my 2 cents in here as to why it is a bad idea to do the initial claim with your own insurance. 1) value. Almost all new cars are a Fair Market Value policy. Classic cars have an agreed value policy usually because they are not depreciating assets like a new car is. So unless you have special provisions in the policy, even if your car is 1 month old when the dealer wrecks it you are still going to eat some depreciation. This is even worse if you don't have something like gap insurance where you take a depreciation hit before you have time to build equity in the loan (ie you owe more than it is worth). 2) Subrogation. When you file a claim with your insurance two things happen, you are largely agreeing to how they want to handle it, and you turn over your rights to pursue legal action to the insurance company. Like it or not in these situations nobody gets a "free car" someone has to pay for it. Let's look at two examples: 1) if you file with your insurance company, your company will then call the dealer's insurance company and work out a deal where you get the fair market value of your car in check form which can then be used to purchase a new car, usually from the offending dealer because they are offering you an incentive to do so. The insurance company works it out on the back end with the dealer's ins company who pays a portion of that to the insurance company. If you go this way, you have given up the right to sue the dealer if they cannot find a replacement car because you already have money in your hand and the dealer is already off the hook because their ins company settled with yours. 2) You can sue the dealer directly which brings the dealer's insurance into play since the dealer probably won't file a claim with this action. You can ask in the court proceedings for "specific performance" which means they need to provide you with a comparable car (you probably won't get that but it can be asked for and settled for) or money to make you whole (including legal costs, which you probably won't get unless the dealer's behavior is really bad). what this new "media" approach of blasting the dealer tends to do is get the dealer to file a claim with their insurance company without having to file a lawsuit - which means there is value in blasting these dealers on the internet to the customer.
  16. This is still ending better than how things are working out for the guy whose zl1 was wrecked by the dealer.
  17. will you take payments? J/K i can't afford it, It's a nice truck for sure.
  18. my understanding is it was a service writer not a tech that was driving the car and that made the difference to the dealer's insurance
  19. Do civics have a clutch safety switch? If so is it hooked up and functioning properly?
  20. Not a "factory" option, it's a dealer installed wing. It is a GM part and available through the performance parts division. They used it on the 2010 ans 2011 SEMA show cars and then put it into production as a factory accessory. I've never heard of one being installed on the assembly line, dealers usually order the car spoiler delete and then install the wing when delivered. The bummer is it shares no mounting holes with any of the real factory spoilers so you can't just unbolt it and bolt in a lip spoiler. And yes I agree it is ugly.
  21. I think you are taking the wrong outlook on this. Your anger over the illegal activity is at odds with your concern for the welfare of the child. Put the welfare of the child first and find ways to be involved with the kid. The illegal activity is what it is, steer clear of it, it won't take long for someone to catch on or something else happen and they need you to watch out for the child. I don't think you need to give anyone an ultimatum, and in fact you yourself admit it will make the situation worse. Make the situation for the kid better, if your sister and her boyfriend is really heading for the graybar hotel let them get their on their own. You can set certain things on your terms, like if you babysit do it at your place only, to keep you clear of their nuttiness. Figure out your priorities - compassion or vengeance. you can't have both.
  22. I have to ask, what's the balance going to be like in the car? a US MK 1 Rabbit is between 1,795 and 2,145 (which I am assuming is the convertible automatic diesel cus that car's a brick). and you expect this car to be about 2000lbs. But from what small sources I can find weight distribution of the rabbit is somewhere in the neighborhood of 60/40 front/rear. so I guess my question is: are you taking a 1795 lb car and beefing it up to 2000 lbs and if so is all that extra 200 lbs going to be in the front making the weight distribution 70/30 or are you taking a 2150lbs car and making is 2000 lbs and pushing it closer to 50/50?
  23. I second this, even go so far as to suggest to your sister that you be listed as the child's emergency contact in certain cases (try to pitch it as a way of helping them out). If what you are saying is true then as pointed out it may be only a matter of time before they need to rely on that emergency contact to take the child so CPS doesn't have to foster home him when things go down.
  24. the article makes a good point about some of these: that cars like the honda civic just have sheer numbers on their side, there are more civics in the world than camaros and versas combined so there are likely to be more accidents.
  25. Ah the old Model A rural mail truck. Somewhere in the interent is an even better writeup than that ebay ad.
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