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Everything posted by Got-Boost?

  1. Sorry but I work late on Friday night this week. Just tell him to go to Wal-mart and by a Garmin GPS in the hunting section. They are only $99 and work great. Make sure you post pics of his 178-180mph (if that) reading.
  2. I have GPS and would be happy to pace him. Come to Dayton this weekend.
  3. I can't get it to play at work but if it's the one I have seen before, it's an F-16! The F-15 has two engines so it would take 2-birds to take it down.
  4. Parking on the sidewalk....YES! Tinted shield.....NO!
  5. You would be better off taking it to a real dyno with a sniffer to see what kind of a tune your bike has. Plus they will make 3 back-to-back pulls and it will give you a more accurate estimate of what your bike puts down. When they run the bike through the gears the numbers are higher than normal. If they do a standard pull in 4th gear like they should it will be better for you and your bike.
  6. Ya I saw it but they didn't show very much about him or the setup. They need to do a hole episode on just Dennis and his crazy bikes.
  7. The video is labeled wrong and totally false. The part that flies off is the plastic ram-air cover and it doesn't do anything to his hand/arm. It is Brock Davidson if you want to email him and ask him for yourself but he races at Kil-Kare all the time if you want to see him un-injured and still racing to this day in person.
  8. Sounds like Dennis...aka.....MOTORHEAD! I will be coming to see him shortly for a GHETTO kit!
  9. They will give HP and TQ readings on a dyno but they are really just a baseline for other mods. You can't really compare the readings to other dyno's because all dyno's are different and react differently to each bike on different days because of many things like wheel spin, meteorlogical conditions, heat, ram-air effects, etc.... As for the 1/4-mile estimated numbers they are only for fun. You will never be able to launch a bike at the track like you can on one of those dyno simulators. They are nice for dreaming though....
  10. Why am I a douche bag? Because I don't make ludicrous BS claims on an internet forum? Or the fact that I called him on his BS? Besides, I know where my bike stacks up and don't BS anyone about it's performance. How about you come out to Kil-Kare and race on 2-wheel tuesday and see where your at? Or are you not going to show because your a "typical" Columbus biker.....WTF? Give me a break dude!
  11. I don't think his runs at Norwalk are in question. It's when he posts that he has been 211mph on a ZX10 that things get cloudy. BS'n or not when he makes a claim like that, anything he says becomes questionable!
  12. Ya....esp since the ZX10R speedo won't read past 189mph TRE or not. Does this clown think he is the only one that has ridden a ZX10R????? Fu**ing SQUIDS!
  13. I just think it's funny that people try to pass that Bull Shit off. Even if it had 200RWHP it wouldn't go 200mph stock. Do the math with factory gearing people. 17/42 on a 1000cc bike isn't even 190-192mph if the conditions were perfect.
  14. LMFAO.......I'd say it's just a tad off with an 8.71!
  15. I wish it was that easy at the track to run those times!
  16. That is the biggest bunch of BULL SHIT I have ever heard! No 1000cc bike has a chance of running anywhere near that fast. You are going to need around 200 REAR WHEEL HP to go 200MPH on a liter bike because of the AERO. Even then you will have to gear it through the roof to get it to pull 200. NO gay .50$ resistor (TRE) is going to get any stock bike in the world to 200MPH PERIOD! Even then I want to see it on the GPS before I believe shit. These speedo indicated JOKERS can get lost, cause I know what it takes and I am not buying it.
  17. All the fairings, just pick the one you want. http://www.ronayers.com/plastics/categories.cfm?year=7&bike=12&make=3&color=17
  18. If you are talking about the 97 GSXR-750 in your sig, the stator is WET. I don't think there are many sport bikes these days that are dry. This part here:---> http://www.ronayers.com/fiche/300_0268/crankcase_cover_model_w_x/crankcase_cover_model_w_x.cfm?man=su&groupid=5740&parent=5600 Ya....it's WET! Only $46 bucks, what else do you need??? For more info on your bike see--> http://www.ronayers.com/fiche/frames.cfm?man=su&groupid=5740&parent=5600
  19. graemlins/grin2.gifgraemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/lol.gifgraemlins/grin2.gifgraemlins/slap.gif
  20. What is differnet about Columbus over any other city???? graemlins/wtf.gif
  21. Sounds like they still had the happy Harley computer settings turned on. graemlins/lol.gif
  22. To bad it doesn't win any road races! The average joe with little to no riding experience won't be able to tell a difference between them. Both will kill them just as quick, maybe a tad quicker on the ZX10 because of head shake. K5 has plenty of leg room. I'm 6'2" and have plenty of room. It's actually better than the K4 IMO.
  23. They are so close in performance it boils down to your riding ability. Both will kill you quicker than you can blink. It pretty much comes down to your personal preference or color choice. I would go with the K5 but that's just me. If you buy a ZX10, your first mod needs to be a steering dampner.
  24. I would look at the previously mentioned bikes before the RC51. It's more of a track bike and won't be nearly as comfy or well suited to you as something like the VFR800.
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