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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Gayness...sorry to hear that man. I'll keep an eye out
  2. I get off work at @ midnight...will anyone be left there sober enough to talk to? :barf: :zoom:
  3. Gotta love the mustang with the tow hitch :thumbup:
  4. NWS http://www.newsfilter.org/videos/index.php?id=23990
  5. This is kinda crazy, it only worked for me for a few seconds but it did work. I promise this isnt one of those jump-out-scare-tactic thingys NWS for Ads http://www.shooshtime.com/clips/video.php?id=11544
  6. Damn...Always the wrong place at the wrong bank account balance Bump for ya!
  7. Hey a friend of mine needs an alternator for his fox body asap... i know someone on here probably has one layin around. Please let me know! Thanks!
  8. That is Classic but awesome nontheless
  9. NWS for ads http://www.shooshtime.com/clips/video.php?id=11434
  10. Just a simple flash game to waste time if your bored http://www.sp-studio.de/
  11. Heading home from work tonight I noticed a chopper with its spotlight on over in the vacinity of my apts. I went the back way down past bent tree blv. and the chopper was covering the Andersons store. I counted 5 police cruisers all parked in spots around the back side of the store too. They were empty w/ no flashing lights of any kind. Wonder whats goin on?
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