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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Totally not what your lookin for but I was in Meijer the other night and saw they had 19" LCD HD TV's for $400. Not sure what brand they were but they looked pretty cool. I was thinkin about puttin one in my bedroom. They are on sale for that price till Dec. 1st. Then they go back to $500
  2. :thumbup: http://donkeyts.com/img.php?image=281&color=25
  3. Gayness... WTF is this one about? http://i8.ebayimg.com/02/i/06/55/56/26_1_b.JPG
  4. Xbox Component Cable...not sure what they are new. $15 obo http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/9823/112106019me1.jpg Headunits out of a 99 Mustang GT. CD/Cass. $30 obo http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6412/112106018go3.jpg I'll be goin outta town once I leave work on Weds. If I dont meet up with ya before then you'll have to wait till Monday the 27th
  5. Once again Linn...nevermind...just wow dude. hahahaha!
  6. I wanna play one just to see what its like. I saw the commercial for Call of Duty 3. Looked pretty cool
  7. Damn...its gonna be a repeat of the Xbox360 price war of last year. No doubt they will be sold to the parents of a devil child who threatened to burn the christmas tree down if he didnt get one. $1900....damn
  8. You get into some trouble over Halloween?
  9. Mother of God........ :barf: Linn...u are one sick fucker! hahaha!
  10. If I ever find change laying around its usually always some silver. Nickel, Dime, or Quarter. I rarely see pennies laying around.
  11. "I dunno what happened...I guess I had too much MEADE and darted out in front of an ox cart..." "Well, you'll feel better after a good bleeding!" - name that SNL skit
  12. And yet another member falls victim of CR Winter v5.0
  13. I've always been a sucker for Italian food. Top two choices would be Carrabba's and Olive Garden.
  14. Shields1181

    Friday Nov. 10th

    I get off work at midnight. I'll make an appearance somewhere/sometime. I'll be rockin the 240 instead of the stang though
  15. Shields1181


    Hahaha! WTF! http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/4218/harbl7lg.gif
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