Totally not what your lookin for but I was in Meijer the other night and saw they had 19" LCD HD TV's for $400. Not sure what brand they were but they looked pretty cool. I was thinkin about puttin one in my bedroom. They are on sale for that price till Dec. 1st. Then they go back to $500
Xbox Component Cable...not sure what they are new. $15 obo
Headunits out of a 99 Mustang GT. CD/Cass. $30 obo
I'll be goin outta town once I leave work on Weds. If I dont meet up with ya before then you'll have to wait till Monday the 27th
Damn...its gonna be a repeat of the Xbox360 price war of last year. No doubt they will be sold to the parents of a devil child who threatened to burn the christmas tree down if he didnt get one. $1900....damn
"I dunno what happened...I guess I had too much MEADE and darted out in front of an ox cart..."
"Well, you'll feel better after a good bleeding!" - name that SNL skit