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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. What condition are the 5.0 engines in? Are they complete?
  2. Damn...can't believe I just read all that but I can honestly say I remember about 97% of everything there! Amazing and Yes, I miss it!
  3. on XBOX 360!!! I'm there http://xboxmovies.teamxbox.com/xbox-360/3575/Sonic-The-Hedgehog-Trailer/
  4. I wouldnt trust that damn thing at all
  5. Shields1181


    Domestic rice with name brand parts... :thumbdown
  6. Shields1181

    2003 Cobra

    Another BumP Hell of a nice car
  7. Honda Del Sol Estimated run times: 1/4 Mile ET: 17.900 1/4 Mile MPH: 74.756 These are stock figures of course
  8. Ooooouch...NOT a good choice of words
  9. Thats pretty crazy. Sounds like a pissed off Ebayer to me
  10. PGR3 is a very awesome game
  11. Just clickin around and found this site. Kinda interesting. http://www.mikeadams.org/ColumbusPast.html
  12. Did anyone else watch this tonight? I guess it was about 6 hours long. I caught the last hour and a half. It ended at 5am and was Live. Well, suppose to be Live anyway. Interesting stuff. I like the TAPS approach to paranormal investigation. They seem to refrain from blowing every little find out of whack.
  13. Same. I doubt they woulda went from apt door to apt door anyway.
  14. Apologize for the ignorance in advace. But what goes on at this event? Is it a cone course for single runs or is there racing? Wanted to know cause my 240 has a pretty tight suspension and I just got some new falkens a week or so ago. I'm curious what I could do.
  15. Airport Exxon BAD...Thanks for the heads up :thumbup:
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