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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. I'm checkin out a funky lookin duck chillin by the water
  2. He's gonna do that shit to the wrong person eventually
  3. Thats pretty cool. I thought it was gonna be one of those damn "jump out n scare you" thingys. Oh yeah, I watched it for 5 mins and didnt see shit. haha
  4. Might be goin tomorrow (sunday)...
  5. What color is your car? Were you in Polaris saturday night?
  6. It pisses me off when I forget to turn the goddamn dishwasher on before I goto work and have to come home to dirty dishes
  7. Drifting 101 huh...wow I dont know where...but I think I may have actually seen that 240 at one time!
  8. Hahaha! That bitch would probably do ANYTHING you wanted if she'd do that
  9. Shields1181


    I felt bad for that cat in the shower, it looked sad/scared as hell
  10. LMAO! I liked the "Fuck Salt" statement LoL @ push the tempo
  11. The girlfriend (Lady J) and myself are planning on going to the Mansfield Reformatory this Saturday night, Oct. 28th. Anybody else wanna go? I really dont have an EXACT time of departure but I figure we could meet up at QS&L in Polaris then shoot up 71N. Heres a link for info - http://www.mrps.org/ Goto - Events, and then click Halloween
  12. Made my ass jump. Wasnt expecting that one. +1 on Saw 3!
  13. Hahaha, never saw the re-mix. Doc, if you saw the full video of the Angry German Kid...you'd REALLY say he was insane!
  14. That was a textbook "Boooom!" Dumbass...
  15. There were a good bit of cops around for some reason. I passed the dude getting arrested on the sidewalk just before the Meijer on the right. Then as I was leaving Meijer there were two more Dublin PD's flyin down towards 270 with lights on. Cops EVERYWHERE!!!
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