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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. BumP for my buddy Fowler He will NOT sell you a piece of shit! Buy with confidence! :thumbup:
  2. You know that your not going to get away with a short ass story like that! Need input! And Yes, your had is fucked up to say the least
  3. That would be the FNG Snail. Welcome to the site!
  4. "Its a perfect blend, like crossing Uma Thurman with a jar of honey." Haha!
  5. Its a Dae-Yang leather laptop carrying case. Pretty decent shape. $15 obo http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/4912/dsc02269io0.jpg http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/2145/dsc02271fu6.jpg
  6. Sent you a PM! Have cash in hand!
  7. Can this be done online? Or should I just call a police station and report it?
  8. Haha, thats creative. I think I'll be sticking with Girlfriend 7.0 :nod:
  9. Gearslamminstang --> :nutkick: <-- Kevin R.
  10. nevermind...http://www.oplates.com Feel free to close this thread Mods
  11. I somehow managed to lose the rear plate on my car. What is the best course of action to take care of this?
  12. 102k miles is pretty low for an 86. My .02cent...I would just hold off and get something newer as you were saying you would be driving it often. You could probably turn a small profit on the 86 but keep in mind is in the "less desirable year" category for most. When ppl look to buy fox bodys they are usually 87-93 models. Go Cobra! Speaking of Cobra...this is off topic and outta ur price range a little. CarMax on sawmill has/or maybe Had, a 97 triple black cobra vert. 42k miles, 5spd, verrrrry clean, and were asking 14,900. It was beautiful
  13. Moundsville huh, do you know/hang out with anybody from the St.C area?
  14. Fired same handgun, very accurate, sharp gun! Nice buy too. *bump*
  15. Am I allowed to Laugh at this one Kev? :asshole:
  16. Shields1181


    Thanks man...wait...does THIS post make me a post-whore?
  17. +1! Cant let it goto waste meow!
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