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Everything posted by Shields1181

  1. Eeeehhhh...similar problem with my uncles freezer back in the day, he never got it fixed. You should just fill it with dirt and plant flowers in it
  2. At one time I "WANTED" blue light guages for my old stang
  3. I had a dentist appointment today in Weirton, WV. Thats where I used to go when I lived about 30mins away. NOW...living in Columbus, I really dont wanna have to drive 2 1/2 hours. Who do you guys goto? Who do you recommend?
  4. http://people.brandeis.edu/~bgrammer/album/second%20year/slides/wtf.jpg
  5. That video is 2 days older than dirt but still funny as hell
  6. http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=29249
  7. Got hooked up that shit didnt ya Hoblick?
  8. Thats still some pretty sweet numbers dude. Sweet!
  9. I dunno about crickets...but here in waynesburg, pa, there are some seriously abnormally large slugs crawlin around on the sidewalks n shit. I've been havin to watch my step to make sure my foot doesnt get eaten.
  10. That would be gay if that was true. I have made some seriously crazy combos of meats and sauces at that place. Emeirl would be jealous
  11. Wow, those are some hard questions. BTW dude, you dont wanna work at RadioShack! I've spent about 2 1/2 years of my life since I turned 18 working in and managing radioshack stores. The company will rob you of your soul and brainwash you until you bleed little red R's.
  12. Back in the day...I put a TYPE_S thick badge sticker on an old girlfriends car that I drove most of the time...I thought it looked cool. And YES.....it was a 98 Grand Am...not even a GT
  13. ^^^ My hats off to you man. Crazy. I kinda feel exploited working through Adecco at honda. No benefits and its basically half the pay twice the work. They only allow you a certain amount of call offs per year. I know its designed to weed out the dead beats from the ones who wanna work but its kinda rough. Its a 2 year assignment that when its over you have to take a month off, then if honda doesnt hire you, you have to go into another 2 year assignment and hope for the best. You win hands down though. That sounds like pure and utter bullshit.
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