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thompsonian last won the day on February 22 2019

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  1. Yup. They're a large. I have small musician hands.
  2. So...since I'm out of the riding game, and not sure if I'll get back on 2 wheels, I'm selling out my gear to fund a new addiction. Shoei Neotec with Sena 10u and handlebar remote. Size L$275 Alpinestars jacket. Dont remember the model. Size 4xl $50 Alpinestars WP Textile jacket. Size 4xl $75 Sidi rain boots. Size 45EU. $50 Alpinestars Valparaiso gloves. Size L $25 Olympia 1pc mesh/textile suit. Size 4XL $100 Everything is here at my home in the SEO If you wanna ride down and see it/pick it up you're more than welcome.
  3. Bugslide. Best thing I've ever used to detail a bike with.
  4. I've used it. Its not too bad. I've also used the original Rain-X on my visors before with no issues.
  5. Well...I'm finally jumping in on the bandwagon. after saying for so long that I need to lose weight..yadda yadda yadda. As of Jan 29th, I have been meeting with both a nutritionist and a personal trainer. Been going to the trainer 2x a week and still trying to go to the gym to lift weights when I can. Ive cut out all pop and even my beloved sweet tea in exchange for water. I didn't like seeing that scale over 300# and with my episode this past summer, I HAVE to do this. Next Tuesday is my 1st month follow since having the Body Composition tested and hoping for some good results.
  6. We shall see. With the new house, my budget is tight as a banjo string. And I'm still trying to figure out the cause of my dizzy spell last June. But I'm hopeful to be on the bike more this season.
  7. I'm drooling over the SuperDuke GT...but not sure I want to go back to chain..
  8. Sounds like the Great White North to me....
  9. Love that area. My family graveyard is 1 road before you get to the New River Gorge bridge.
  10. I've been feeling the same way since my little incident. My BP is all over the place and it makes me just a shade nervous to get back on the bike and gave it happen again. I get a little twitchy just driving the truck some days. I don't owe a whole lot on the FJR so I may just keep it and pay it off so I'll always have it. But lately the urge and drive just seem to have fallen off. And now that we're getting into the off season it just sets in a little more. Maybe a Scat Pack Challenger will find it's way into my new garage
  11. "FOOLS" said I " You do not know" I ride as fast as the wind blows I'll rev it higher than the eagles soar Going faster than I did before But the exhaust note went quiet as a church mouse fart Damn it won't start Listen to the sound of Triumph.
  12. I'll second everything that @Shoop says. Ice and movement in her friend. I know the pain is atrocious, but the better/more you work at it, the more beneficial it will be. I'll also echo at what @Tonik says as well. Pain meds do a number on your bowels and that isn't something you need to compound the problem. If they didn't give her a device, make sure she is doing her foot pumps as often as she can. That will help lower the risk of a clot. Also have her walk on it as much as she can. Take the PT as seriously as she can. My therapist told me the harder I worked there, the more I'd reap the benefits once I was done. Best of luck to you both!
  13. IP dealt with me on my 15. I was out the door for $12200 on one fresh out of the crate. And since I had to wait so long for assembly I got the 4 year YES for the price of the 2 year.
  14. Thanks man. Had a scare about 10 years ago or so. Some bloodwork came back off and did the MRI thing. Nothing then, and shouldnt be anything now. Just trying to cover all our bases.
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