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Everything posted by thompsonian

  1. Also consider where you'll be riding. SEO is notorious for eating tires..
  2. Update: Had a phone conversation with the rep for Sena today. Getting a new unit drop shipped to me. Should have it tomorrow or Monday. Again, HUGE thanks to Mike @RidersDiscount for following up and basically being the attack dog on this. He's been up their ass about the shitshow and has been super professional and just all around kick ass!
  3. There are stories of pleasure, there's stories of pain. But the Gods torment me, with slabs of rain....
  4. @JustinNck1 ran them on his FJR and loved them. He got good mileage out of his set. Like them better than the T30. I gotta disagree on the change of feel. Mine have slowly left me feeling less confident in the front end. BUT...if you keep them nice and hot they're a beautiful thing.
  5. I've always like a Bridgestone tire, but I'm thinking of trying the Avon Storm 3DXM on the FJR next. Used to have a 15k warranty on them. And I've heard of guys getting close to 10k on them on an FJR.
  6. If you're wanting miles, I'd say go for the sport tour ones. They're still pretty grippy. But if you want all out glue, then go for the regular sport. Id say with the way you ride, you'd burn thru a set pretty quickly.
  7. You want Sport tires or Sport Tour tires? The T30Evo Bridgestone stuck like glue, but wore out extremely fast for me and @2talltim. And I know he pushes tires way harder than I do. Hearing great things about the Dunlop RoadSmart 3. For sporty tires, I used to like the Pilot Powers, but not a fan of the Pilot Roads.
  8. I'd love to get my hands on one of those R12RS. But that pricetag tho.....
  9. That is who I went to the first time. He told me to go thru Sena, as that is what they requested. And when I contacted Sena, they asked if I went thru the retailer I bought it from. Gave me a HUGE run around on the remote. And then when the headset started acting up, I contacted Mike and he got involved. I still had to go the Sena, but I know he barked pretty high up the tree with my level of dissatisfaction. Luckily I still have my SMH10 ...somewhere. Guess I'll just go back to it, although it was suggested that I tell them I want the 20s in return for the crappy 10U. And with my Neotec, that is the whole reason I went with the 10U in the first place.
  10. MAJOR kudos to Mike. DUde went way above and beyond what was necessary. But when you've got the right channels as he does...it helps
  11. thompsonian


    Kinda like herpes...
  12. Earlier this year, I bought a new Neotec and Sena 10U from @RidersDiscount. And let me just state for the record, that Mike has gone ABOVE AND BEYOND what any would expect from a company. Thanks for everything you've done good sir. It's not your fault these guys are asshats... ANYWHO...get the unit installed and charged and immediately out of the box, the remote doesn't work. Doesn't hold a charge, doesn't do jack squat. Contact Mike, he says to contact Sena as that's what they want. Takes a few days for them to respond, and do the usual drivel of reset it, do what the manual says, yadda yadda yadda. So I finally get the RMA to send the remote back in for replacement under warranty. I end up having to harrass them for when it will be sent back as this was right at the time @JustinNck1 and I were heading down to Maggie Valley. Eventually they managed to get the remote to me the day before we left. And thankfully, this one worked as it should. Now let me also add that during this time I've been using the 10U without the remote. I'd only been getting at the most 6 hours of time before the battery shuts down. Now I know that is crap since lots of others have been getting double that easily. It gets to the point that while on our trip we have to pull off, plug it into a battery pack to charge for a bit, then unplug it to resume use. It gets old really fast. So, when we get back, I make contact again with my displeasure of the terrible battery life stating how others are getting MUCH better results than I am. I get the run around of try a reset, maybe a wire is pinched, a real line of BS basically. Kept in contact with Mike, to where he made some phone calls himself and finally got it to where they will do another RMA for the entire unit. Again, this is not something that he had to do, but willingly did it of his own accord. He has my business for life now. Get an email on 28th of June FINALLY saying a replacement will be shipped but gave no tracking info or anything. I wait. Emailed them yesterday stating I was curious as to when this will ship out since there was no tracking info attached. Get told that the 10U is now on backorder and they have no idea when it will ship. I'm getting pretty pissed. You pay good money for a product, hoping that it will work great like all the others do. Get maybe a couple months of use out of it and it is a total turd. Company is a pain in the ass to deal with. So if anyone else has to do a return with Sena for any reason..be prepared.
  13. Just set that bitch at full stiff and ride like hell. Mach retard speed don't need no stinkin' suspension settings......
  14. If I had the cash I'd buy that old Viffer. Those gear driven cams sound delightful with the right exhaust..
  15. I considered one when I was looking for a new bike few years ago. Just feel a bit narrow to me. Could be because the red color. 12 was a blue and 13 was black, IIRC. Those are always better colors in my book. And people are picky like that..
  16. @2talltim I had a similar experience Sunday. Turning onto 7 off the 33 ramp outside of Pomeroy, I looked left/right 3x before pulling out into the intersection and out of nowhere I had a horn blowing at me and a dude in the car rolling his window down screaming at me to pullover so he could kick my ass. I graciously declined his offer and proceeded to get chased by said asshole. After he was still behind me at 80, I lit it up a bit higher to get away. My uncle who was behind me said guy wasn't paying attention and he wasn't going exactly the speed limit. Got lucky there. Glad to see nothing major came out of your incident.
  17. Hawks Nest/New River Gorge area are pretty nice. If you can squeeze in WV99, Bolt Mountain Road, do it. It's fantastic
  18. This is why I don't like to lead and why I tell anyone I ride with, new or old, " If I ride too fast for you, I'll meet you at the next turn. If I ride too slow, wait for me at the next turn." I ain't got nuthin to prove except that I can make it to the end of a ride to go back home in 1 piece.
  19. I think I see a little new left on the edges...
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