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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    @B-Mac, we are heading down 277/550 to Marietta if we aren't in McConnelsville when you get here.
  2. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    ..and I will do it on the inside line, too.
  3. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Fine. I will lead. We can discuss your weaponized incompetence over McNuggets another day. I will be leading to Mc'ville. After that anyone else can take point. You're welcome to lead us to Marietta.
  4. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Just added Blitz to the roster. We will pick him up at the Marathon in New Concord at 10:15.
  5. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Keenster is meeting us in Bolivar.
  6. Passenger pegs deleted and rear hugger added. Yeah, they're vanity mods. So what?
  7. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    I believe Roamr is also meeting us in Bolivar.
  8. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    11am at the rest area across from the Marathon on 60. We will roll out of Bolivar no later than 9:15. See you Saturday. Should be a good day to ride.
  9. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    @Gpaw, oh.. almost forgot to say something. This is YOUR ride. I am not leading. You owe me a tow for dragging your ass all over the mountains last month. I don't want to hear any shit from you about it, either.
  10. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    My bike is brilliant in the rain. I need a ride. Let's do this. Which destination has the best commute from Cardington?
  11. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    We can pick up Kent in McConnelsville.
  12. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    I should be available for a ride on Saturday. Let me know when/where to meet you.
  13. Never mind. Re-read the post. I missed the bit about the guardrail. Glad he isn't dead.
  14. Sometimes rain happens and you're 700 miles from home and you can't wait it out. Weather happens.
  15. Naked bikes are great when it isn't raining, snowing, hailing or cold.
  16. I hate it when that happens.
  17. That's unfortunately true. Thanks @ReconRat. Now I want my Supersport back.
  18. I replaced the HF lift with something a little beefier...and then I parked my bike on it. Does that count?
  19. Glad you're healthy enough to enjoy this weather on your new bike. Glad you bought a new bike. Glad you like your new bike. Good for you. I agree with your opinion on the cylinder head. The left head on the Goldwing took all the punch from the van that struck us. If I had been on the Voyager I believe my leg would have been crushed on impact, possibly shoving my femur straight out my asshole. That's never a good look.
  20. I think you should use the new washers and apply the specific torque value listed in the OEM service manual, unless it has also been superseded.
  21. 100 miles from home. Stopped in Caldwell for fuel and a stretch. Front tire gave up the ghost on 58 yesterday heading toward Marion/16. One too many front end slides for my comfort level. I had to bail on twisties and slabbed to Princeton for the evening. Left the hotel around 8am and have been rolling 77N since then. The RS does not disappoint in the mountains or on sporty tours. Left the house on Sunday at 8am. Will be home by 2pm today, with almost 2500 miles of mountain fun in my wake. I look forward to another mountain weekend before the season ends.
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