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Everything posted by Pauly

  1. I am down if I am in town.
  2. I should have been more specific. I am looking for an OEM bracket.
  3. Any of you's guys know where I can source something like this?
  4. Fuckin' Meter Maids. What you gonna' do?
  5. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Not on the Honda. That's a BMW feature.
  6. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Keenster checked in.
  7. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Yeah, I am sorry a few of us missed out, but 3-5 is sort of the sweet spot for "group rides". It was great being on the bike in this colorful season. I remember seeing more foliage on this ride than usual. Pace was quick but not reckless, minus the hot lap on <random road here>. Damn that RS is fun at speed.
  8. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Home. 330 miles. No rain. No drops. Only one cop.. well, two really.
  9. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    @B-Mac, we are heading down 277/550 to Marietta if we aren't in McConnelsville when you get here.
  10. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    ..and I will do it on the inside line, too.
  11. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Fine. I will lead. We can discuss your weaponized incompetence over McNuggets another day. I will be leading to Mc'ville. After that anyone else can take point. You're welcome to lead us to Marietta.
  12. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Just added Blitz to the roster. We will pick him up at the Marathon in New Concord at 10:15.
  13. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    Keenster is meeting us in Bolivar.
  14. Passenger pegs deleted and rear hugger added. Yeah, they're vanity mods. So what?
  15. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    I believe Roamr is also meeting us in Bolivar.
  16. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    11am at the rest area across from the Marathon on 60. We will roll out of Bolivar no later than 9:15. See you Saturday. Should be a good day to ride.
  17. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    @Gpaw, oh.. almost forgot to say something. This is YOUR ride. I am not leading. You owe me a tow for dragging your ass all over the mountains last month. I don't want to hear any shit from you about it, either.
  18. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    My bike is brilliant in the rain. I need a ride. Let's do this. Which destination has the best commute from Cardington?
  19. Pauly

    Ride Saturday 11-5

    We can pick up Kent in McConnelsville.
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