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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=0AYtWzhu3aMmzjA
  2. Go with the Boss Hoss and get the whole Chebbie V8.
  3. Site doesn't say, figure it has to be better than the '78 SS 750 I take out once in a while...80 on it seems like an accomplishment. Waiting on email inquiry.
  4. http://powersports.honda.com/2013/cb1100.aspx?CID=LG_Motorcycle_Street+Reprise+Google+LG_CB1100_New+2013$CB$1100 liking the retro styling.....wife likes it too, but says I gotta sell something.... maybe Santie will ignore her!!!!???
  5. Yup-Sir....excellent stocking stuffers. AND a good read for yourself!
  6. HA! Luv it! Reference my Avatar....smiling toothlessly so.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA67lrJEVJ8&feature=related I think he left his card in Killbuck at Garver's gas station. Also has a plaster cast of a footprint from a field in Warsaw. So now we have other creatures to watch out for, besides vultures, crows, possum, racoon, weasel, deer...keeps it exciting on the roads here! Ride SR60!!
  8. Ride to work often...not always. PM ride in and warmish if you will. 5AM, and not so balmy at 30 -32* Generally layer up. If I am out and about (any sunny day that the roads aren't covered with grit-during winter) I recycle my old Nomex...think thermal long johns and one of them pastry concoctions that are also a covering for the head. long sleeve shirt over Nomex, then a fleece jacket and then a outer wear jacket...if 20's it'd be the dbl leather jacket over top....and one of them neckie things. No interstates, just these junky (or junkie) backroads....514, 520, 60, 62, 229, 308...maybe y'all have heard of a couple. No probs except for pickup trucks! There is a Hard Nipple Ride slated for January......
  9. Thanksgiving post up....hit the area roads on Thanksgiving day. See I wasn' t alone out there, but how come only Harley riders? Wife and I cruised about a hunnert miles and back in .... text from two others but we didn't find each other. Same area, but no findee! Nice day, coolish, but nice ride.
  10. Plus 1... down in the hills.
  11. Try #2...Dvd done....one disc burned with raw footage....50 minutes plus. Also made Dvd to tunes...11 minutes and the odd seconds run time on player. Not a NinjaDoc quick cut... but waddya do with 50 minutes of vid? later.....
  12. It is nice. Will be back on it again.
  13. Yep 750 - 1993.... we just make sure we stop before 90 miles! Thanks for tip...will check it out....I putted around on it - since no gas gauge and 92 miles it quit...on reserve...and I pushed it home (needed the exercise)...former owner got 100 miles out of tankful. In hindsight...it may merely be a capacity issue...small peanut tank on it! Prolee ain't much more than a gallon.
  14. Welcome...plenty of places down here in Amish Country. C'mon down. Can never get the Toledoians to make a trip down here....I think its because we have lotsa turns! Howdy and welcome!!
  15. Found a shadow cruiser for the wife. She loves it....I have taken it out...different ride...lose 45 mph in corners....rides a bit harsh for me....but still nice to cruise.....only complaint is the short range to tankfull. Only get 92 miles to tank and then its push it to gas station.....so pick your routes to include lots of gas stations. Saddle bags are nice too. Put my rain gear in it when I ride it to work....she....says...why you taking my bike you got your own. Noticed her touring scooter is faster and handles better than this Shadow. BUT...still like it! Yeah...its cold blooded...run awhile with choke out.
  16. Pics came out and vids too. Loaded into computer....Dvd next. Got a flash drive...will load pics on it....and when I find a real computer...will try and post then. Ha! That'll be good'
  17. Had the impromptu ride. Left Bob Evans in Coshocton.....just in now.....and sorry Kzzzme..Keith who we saw at Danville stop. We were still in Bob Evans when you rode in. Sorry we missed ya. Saw a coupla others buzz the parking lot but not stop. Ride today was out on 541 East to Kimbolton....there we picked up county roads....prolee Tusc. Co. and followed them south and into Guernsey Co. Very nice county roads and very very twisty. Stopped at Salt Fork lodge....which means we found and traveled on 22. Looked around at the Lodge...and noticed phone calls out to significant others....we hafta stay here kind of thing. Into Cambridge on 22 and picked up 209....leader missed 658....so we stayed on 209 to 83 and back into Coshocton...roughed it at McD's. Finished up for most by running 36 to 715 (Mohawk Dam) and back out onto 36 and onto 62 @ Millwood....62 into Danville and ice cream and gas. Still amazed that a cruiser bike only gets 90 miles to tankful. Which brings us to Keith(s)...2 of 'em...missed them both for day's ride. Hated that. Other Keith on cruiser just heading home. Wife and I finished up on 62 to wonderful urban Killbuck. Just as dark...and running deer arrived. Coshocton? What's with all the crows....they having a convention there? Never seen that many together! Nice ride. Great roads....found a wonderful horseshoe turn...coming off a hill and you could see it bending on down below you. Guess where the gravel was! Pretty much the only gravel seen today. I think it was Freedom Road(?)....I'll hafta dig out my county maps to see where we wuz.....
  18. Just back in...had to run to Mansfield...lil' phone is dead so won't be online...postings etc until find replacement...borrowing someone's laptop and at a WiFi hot spot. Thanks for putting ride together. Nice day...good to meet folks...had a good time. Charging camera battery...will see what I got if anything. Didn't get any pics of the OU girl though...sorry. Going out again tomorrow. Mtg. at Bob Evans in Coshocton at 11AM. No definite route...just out. Thanks again.
  19. Went out around here in Holmesiethe and Ko-Knocton.....had 2 layers...fleece jacket under leather jacket...neck tube and skull cap under helmet...winter gloves....absolutely toasty warm....even at plus 5!
  20. Somebody tell Parks...two Whit's frozen custard on this Route...good ole Kershocton....and one in Zanesville.
  21. Blitz...yer mailbox is full. I'll be out and about, see NEO same day posting. They are rolling into my area. Combine rides? Just a thought. Wife and I will be out on both days anyway.
  22. Uhmmm, I'll be out and about in the area...may try to see you folks. Saturday temps etc...already looking to ride.
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