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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Joe is gay for me, true story.....
  2. Did you bring me my suit of armor?
  3. Looked clear so I drove the black car today... Figured
  4. I didn't even see this till now. I couldn't make it to Adam's due to a wedding. I will PM you my phone #
  5. I don't think my car will be competitive, or pass tech.. so I will not be attending.
  6. Yes but you have roid rage....
  7. I had a good time. My pool skills were a bit rusty to say the least. Shawn, you don't even want a rematch if I can find out what I did with my real pool abilities
  8. Ok, that seemed to work. Video soon. Now we have a new problem.... We think she might be pregnent.... How do we tell if it's Ben's, Mine, the Midget's, or one of the Donkey's? Damn that bitch was freaky....
  9. Ok Ben and I tried the $50 and the 8-ball... it didnt work. Any other tips?
  10. Neighbor had one. Fuck all who replied, except Akula.
  11. Dont spend your money on crap Andy. You have an insta family to support now!
  12. Originality is not your friend...
  13. Two pretty large branches. 20+ feet long, and maybe.... 2-3 foot in diameter. I need to cut it up and stack it. Shouldnt take more than an hour I would guess.
  14. It's kind of like the Sun. It just is. Horny in Hilliard. H mutha fuckin willi
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