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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Anyone in or near Hilliard have a chainsaw I could borrow for a few hours. I have a body I need to remov.... I had a tree come down last night during the storm.
  2. I will come just cause you are going to be there.... *KISSES*
  3. Only 4 more hours of work, and then I can work on my house some more... *joy*
  4. Why do I feel like you are estalking me?
  5. WTF???? http://www.princeton.edu/pr/pwb/04/0223/m/1a.jpg
  6. Hey, this isnt the kind of threesome I am into...
  7. Hey, that was my next come back for you! Are you spying on me?
  8. I think you are just being like a woman.. HAVE to have the last word....
  9. Could you please ask your handler to give you your meds.
  10. Funny, I only ever see you walking around eating out of a big bag of M&Ms.... I suppose you are telling the M&Ms what to do, they ignore you, so you eat them to show them who's boss?
  11. Actually I was "speaking" slowly, so you would understand. :-D
  12. Make sure you wear you special helmet... I don't want you getting hurt again..
  13. That would be a matter of fact. Plus I was shooting you right handed....
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