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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Get off CR at work, or I will have you fired....
  2. Good times, thanks for the invite
  3. Congratz, I remember you saying that you had wanted to get back to doing that last I talked to you.
  4. I highly doubt it, but PM me and I will get you his information if you have any interest.
  5. He has told me he has a desire to sell at this point so that everything can be taken care of....
  6. Any interest in the one I have in my possession? I can put you in touch with the owner.
  7. I suck at spelling, it's actually spelled Isalynn. Some second cousin I am . I actually spent the morning at childrens with her. Physically she is much better, they took her trac tube out last night. Her voice is still a little scratchy, but much much better. They actually ended up releasing her today, which obviously is awesome. My cousin Stacey won't have to keep drivinging between Children's and OSU. Isalynn has a good deal of mental trama from the event though. They are going to have her see someone to help her out with that when she gets home. Physically she is going to be fine though. They are going to try and pull Tim's trac tube out slowly today. They need to make sure his airway is going to remain open and not swell shut. Stacey said his upper respitory area is "leaking" which is good. I am not sure what that means, but if it's good we'll take it . I guess the upper resp tract is more difficult to heal than the lower, so it is good it looks to be doing well. Hopefully once they get his tube out, they can stop doping him, and he will be coherent. He has basically been fighting with the nurses trying to pull off all his monitors/tubes etc sothey have had to keep him under. I guess that is normal behavior... anyway My cousin thanks you all for your thoughts and prayers. When I have more I will update. Howard
  8. I would appriciate it if you would add my Cousin's Husband Tim, and their Daughter Isilan to your prayers. They were in a pretty bad car accident this morning. She was flown from Wheeling to Columbus' children's hosptial, and he is going to be being transfered to a burn unit her in Columbus sometime today. I don't have a whole lot of details, but she supposidly only has smoke inhilation.. but at 4 years old I would guess even that could be serious. Tim (I was told) has 2nd degree burns to his lungs. I don't normally do this, but it's a shitty thing to happen to good people, so I would appriciate it if you would add them to your prayer list. TIA, Howard
  9. Had to LOL at this one.
  10. http://www.volume.cz/include_images/c/cliffhanger/cliffhanger_2.jpg Sweeeeet
  11. So that means you are a bad driver?
  12. "correlative - expressing a reciprocal or complementary relation" I will sex crime you.
  13. I need to find their other article where it says women suck at the driving...
  14. I am at work, and I don't have time to dick with spell check. BTW, Joe, the main reason Ryan started this thread is that a few weeks ago I stated my opinion that women are worse drivers than men. Which then started her not so scientific quest to learn the truth
  15. Then you don't care about corrilative facts. Now get your ass back in the kitchen.
  16. I didn't say you're driving scared me. I just said you drive like an ass. I obviously trust your skill level, or I would never go out racing with you.
  17. Joe, You drive like an ass. At least in the Subaru. I have never driven with you in the RX7. Since Tank chimed in with some stories I will as well When I was driving my dad's car the battery was faulty. It also had an AEM in it that I was slowly tuning. The car stalled out on a busy side street connected to Sawmill. (Right by the Diamond Celler) I popped the hood, and put the flashers on while I waited for my friend to show up and jump me. TWICE I had women pull up behind me, on cell phones, and then just sit there. Pull right up on my ass. I had to get out and inform them that I was broken down,a nd that they should go around. The one time the woman caused about 5 cars to get backed up and caused a mini little traffic jam. I also agree that women have less spacial regognition that men. That has been proven in scientific studies. Men are more aggressive drivers, and due to them being the majority of drivers on the road... they statistically are worse.
  18. First off, to be a good driver.. you have to be a man. Women by definition cannot be good drivers.
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