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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Another position has opened up. Same deal.
  2. People on SF seem to be making decent power with them.
  3. IROC Rim http://playwithlinn.com/H/For%20Sale/DSC01314.JPG Free. Not sure if you can use it or not.
  4. Am I reading this correctly that Anthony didn't run a 10 with the car? Someone else did?
  5. I challenge you to a knife fight.
  6. Honestly, I knew this would be the result when the thread was first posted.
  7. Luckily I book marked it before you edited your post Good time last night btw. Your chick is very cool.
  8. Where is a good place to take aluminum to be recycled? I have a bunch of old gutters, and a porch roof I need to get rid of. Would be nice to make a couple of dollars off of it instead of just tossing it out.
  9. I found one of a RX-7, and then it blows the seals. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-136828317372802645
  10. Can I live in your new condo with you?
  11. Stop bringing it up, he's not going to eat it for you! Gosh, go take a cold shower or something.
  12. I think he is married.....perv
  13. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v483/diehard2/willow.jpg
  14. http://www.lepconnie.com/willow/pictures/pics/vid016.jpg
  15. So thats what happend. You dumped me for a guy with a Cavalier... I see how it is...
  16. The interviewer, and the interviewee are the same guy....
  17. Just spoke with management concerning this. The position IS still open, but the are only interviewing people with a current CCNA. Thanks, Howard
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