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Everything posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. LT1, That video is hundreds of years old. I think it was before the Pyramids.
  2. Congratz man, glad everything went well, and all are healthy
  3. Tilley makes 8.5 Million a year. He didnt want me to let anyone know, but since there is so much speculation, I figured I would just say it and put it to rest.
  4. Probably a long shot for here, but what the hell. Gorham Melon Bud 5pc Place Setting (8) $40/per Gorham Andante Tall Wine Glass (6) $15/per Gorham Andante Tall Goblet (6) $15/per Gorham Andante Tall Iced Beveage (6) $20/per Gorham Grand Gallery 5pc place setting (6) $60/per Gorham Grand Gallery Soup Bowl (6) $45/per Gorham Grand Gallery Oval Vegitable Bowl (2) $130/per Gorham Grand Gallery MD Platter (1) $175 All items new, and unused. Only unwrapped to take pictures. I am willing to split the items up, or sell as a complete set. $1600 for all of it. pictures at http://www.playwithlinn.com/H/For%20Sale/China/
  5. Should have left the cat in the bag, and thrown it into a lake.
  6. you going to throw your prosthetic p3nor at him?
  7. I bet if we all pitch in our milkmoney we could make this happen this summer!!!!!!!
  8. Don't make Mr. Tilley hire Mike after having him fired to kill you.
  9. Dont make Tilley buy wherever it is you work, and then fire you.
  10. Quick! Everyone! To John's Nuts!!! I get the left!
  11. About 7% here as well. I would look at total debt to income though personally. Not specifically car payment to income.
  12. I think he was confusing the religious freedoms allowing some Communists...
  13. You are my hero. Where can I get a T-shirt with your face on it?
  14. Heard the opposite. Assholes, and beat cars. No person experience though.
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