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The Pikey

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Everything posted by The Pikey

  1. My car sees 270 everyday. It's not running like it did in its glory days, but I do drive it. And if/when I do get it back to tip top form, (excuse me...bench racing time) I will give your hero a good race. And I won't complain that he has spent more money on his car if he wins. I'll shake his hand like a man, and say great race. If I had the resources, I'd build my car exactly like he has....it's perfect to me. Someone is always faster, and someone always has more money. I'm glad that they've busted their asses and earned it, so they can spend it how they see fit. And then there's people like you, who always have a built in excuse. Anyone that knows me, knows I made up the title King of 270 as a joke, and something to get friendly races, not because I thought no one could beat me. In the almost 3 years my car has had a mysterious issue, there have been a few cars that I would have loved to have raced, North and South of Columbus. But since it hasn't been tip top, I tend to keep quiet. You know what the sad/pathetic thing is? (depends on how you look at it) You have so many cars on this board covered with your mph, but you backed down so many times when someone got loud and seemed serious about racing you. Just like a typical bully, you act like a pussy when you are not sure you can win. And please do not ask me to show where you have backed down. You have back-peddled so much, you could win the Tour De France riding backwards. Even one of your Akron friends pointed it out in another thread...you complain about the $$$ people have spent on their cars, unless it's Ohioko4s4, then it's okay because you know him. If you are always going to fall back on that, just keep your mouth shut, and let people who don't care about money issues race. To anyone else that wants to come down and race, we are cool people. Don't let the way we treat the :gay: bumble bee deter you from coming down and having a good time. We wouldn't mind making a road trip either. Scott peace
  2. Okay idiots. This is bench racing, not bench dieting Carry on...:burn: Scott Peace
  3. Change your user text. No one fills in for the King.
  4. Let's try and keep all racing related issues in this thread. Scott The Only King of 270...and the People's Champion; 4 years and counting:cool: Peace
  5. http://www.redeyeradio.net/images/rebukethisthread.jpg Scott peace
  6. http://www.jjhuddle.com/playerfilm/Cancila_Kick___WMV.wmv (right click, save as) Scott peace
  7. Zima + Jolly Rancher >* Scott Peace
  8. I see no reason why this should get ugly...unless you're truly paranoid, and take this crackpot I have never even heard of half seriously. Half breeds > Purebreds:burn: Scott Peace
  9. http://gorillamask.net/sfmk.shtml Might be some NWS links on the site. Scott Peace
  10. http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-5889592.html Has anyone been affected by this yet? It's something called "peering" There are a few sites that I can't get on now; at least not with IE, but my crappy AOL browser can. Fucking politics. I hope I can get WOW in my condo:confused: Down with Road Runner:bs: Scott peace
  11. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/steveodrunk.html Steve O on the Adam Corrola show, seriously wasted. Possible not work safe. Scott Peace
  12. Before the peanut gallery comments...yes, I would hit it. I agree completely. They all have the same faces and body, but different names. Just look at the reality show: The Girls Next Door. It should be called: The Three Dumb Blondes That Look Alike. There are hotter women in Maxim, FHM....etc. Scott Peace
  13. Possibly not works safe. This video just creeped me the hell out:eek: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/bunny_tapdancer.html Scott peace
  14. The Sea and Cake- mix of songs Scott peace
  15. If you're looking at the second link provided in this thread, then you have not seen real ones, if you can't see how obviously fake those are.
  16. I don't know if the girl in the second link is her, but if you don't think those are fake breasts, then you have NEVER seen real ones. Scott peace
  17. The best slow jam singer of the 80s.....period. RIP Scott peace
  18. I saw one of those two cars on Sawmill last Saturday. Looked like a young guy driving it...spikey hair. I didn't look too long since I was driving the Supra, I was scared he might think we are on the same team graemlins/supergay2.gif Scott Peace
  19. I like how all form goes out the window when the fight starts graemlins/lol.gif http://x302.putfile.com/videos/b7-16600445046.wmv Right click save as Scott peace
  20. Hhahahah....she deserved every damn volt graemlins/lol.gif Scott Peace
  21. Fake. http://www.radpin.com/journal.aspx?storyid=135 Scott peace
  22. http://img228.echo.cx/img228/1899/nicolerichielindsaylohan27cv2r1.jpg http://images2.imagehigh.com/imagehigh/27052005102512_suckstobelohan.jpg Yeah...you can never be too thin graemlins/nonono.gif Scott peace
  23. This is nuts, but I'm sure there's some logical explanation.... Right click and save....it should stream http://wm-ondemand.abacast.com/prophet_yahweh/ABCnews1.wmv Scott peace
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