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The Pikey

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Everything posted by The Pikey

  1. Same here. Been on since 03; The Pikey of course:) Scott Peace
  2. Thanks for the explanation Joe. You have any idea how long this was in the works? It seems like very short notice for fans to even do anything about it, except force some people to subscribe at the last minute...which could have been the idea all along, give people a desperate choice.
  3. I'm sure some of you know the game will be on some gay ESPN channel only (the last time I checked) You have to subscribe to it. My question is: What will all the tailgaters do to watch the game? Not everyone has a pimp RV with a satellite dish. even though I understand business is business, I'm amazed that someone can monopolize the coverage like this. Maybe what I think I heard is not completely true, so if you can clarify better...thanks. Scott Peace
  4. The Pikey

    poor rich

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7434425091593816449&q=anderson+silva Scott peace
  5. 70s Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am 80s Ferrari F40 90s McLaren F1...MKIV and 993 TT a distant second.
  6. $3000 apiece for the Polaris'.
  7. The prices for the Polaris' are now $3300 apiece. Scott
  8. 6'4" Mom 5'9" Pop's 6'3" Scott Peace
  9. I was wondering if anyone wants or knows someone that wants to buy a used ATV(s)? I have 3 for sale: A 2002 Cannondale 440 Blaze (5spd). 2 Polaris Scramblers 500s. One is a high output, and the other is a liquid cooled version. Those 2 are automatics with reverse, and 2x4s. One is an 01 the other is an 02. I'm looking for $2500 for those ($4700 for both). $5000 for the Cannondale. It's much more of a serious (racing) ATV than the other two. All of them have around 15-20 hrs tops, if that. I don't have any online pics yet, but if anyone is in Powell, they are at my brother's house if you would like to see them in person. Thanks Scott Peace
  10. Since it's a 6spd, the guy is full of it. He may have put down some nice HP numbers, but his 1/4 mile claims are pure BS.
  11. There are NO Supras using twins of any kind running 8's. He may have had a single on his car before. I would like to see and talk to him, and see where his claims come from. Is he running a 6spd or auto? There are only 3 6spd (Supras) in the 8's. And 2 of those cars were driven by the same person, and they are not red. The 3rd is pretty much a race car only. He may have made similar HP numbers to people who have actually put down those ETs and mph, but I doubt his car has run any of those times, auto or 6 spd. Scott Peace
  12. Juan Pablo Montoya coming to NASCAR, is a bigger deal than her changing teams in a boring racing league. Scott Peace
  13. I actually enjoyed it, and learned how to be patient and appreciate the skill level involved, even when there were no goals scored. I'm also looking forward to Club play when it resumes. I can't wait for 2010. That being said; there were some things that bothered me: The flopping and diving is way too overdone, and takes away some credibility to me. I'm sure it's been a part of the game for a long time, but I'd be hard pressed to pretend to be hurt like that. If you get taken off on a stretcher, you should not be running back on the field 1 minute later. We've all played tackle football with no pads before...grass is not that hard. The yellow and red cards are handed out like candy, and the penalties are way too harsh for them. Missing a match on 2 yellow cards in two games is just nuts to me, especially when they're close judgment calls, or handed out because the other team's player flopped without even being touched. They actually broke the record for cards handed out before the quarter finals were even over. Some teams played way too careful. I'm sure all the cards handed out made some teams play safe. I also understand you can't get sloppy and let players get behind you, but the way Ghana played against Brazil, was the most exiting shut-out of the tournament. Granted, they had nothing to lose, but they did force the action. Even though I wrote more about what I didn't like, there was actually more of it I did enjoy. Just pointing out some things that the new viewer might get turned off by, very quickly. Scott Peace
  14. Note to self: make sure you take your moderator sticker off your car, or you will get laughed at all the way home. Thanks Me
  15. http://betapundit.blogspot.com/2006/07/amazing-iraq-sandstorm.html This looks crazy rolling in:eek: Fixed Scott peace
  16. I can't believe Linkin Park was not on his list. Just hearing their corny, emo, rap/dj crap makes me want to do violent things:mad:
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